Tuesday, August 13, 2024


      Elon Musk, CEO of X, Tesla, SpaceX, and the de facto CEO of the Republican Party, staged an interview last night with President-in-Exile Trump who is the figurehead candidate of the consortium of financial interests whom Musk also leads. As we might have expected, there was a lot of hype, but nothing of any actual substance beyond "the Democrats suck," and "trust us and we'll fix everything." Musk did float the idea of setting up a new bureaucracy (with himself as head) to oversee Government spending. 

   "Musk has called on Trump to set up a 'government efficiency commission' to ensure that taxpayer money is better spent, offering to help out with such a commission. Trump replied that Musk would be ideal for such a role." Certainly: what could go wrong with putting a government contractor in charge of policing spending? Just a suggestion, but maybe demanding that the federal agencies and congressional committees who already are supposed to be doing this actually start doing something might be a better solution.

   Trump also vaguely suggested closing down the Department of Education "and leaving it up to the States" whatever that means. The last Republican President who promised this gave us all the disastrous No Child Left Behind boondoggle and it seems somewhat doubtful that any further lack of oversight will stop criminal NGOs from plunging their tentacles even further into public education than they already do. Again, maybe demanding that the Department of Education do its job might be a better policy.

   The interview was delayed briefly by some sort of mysterious cyber-attack; both the Controlled Opposition and Mainstream Media seem uninterested in noting that the attack was launched simultaneously from NATO countries

   "XLab, one of the largest cyber-security companies in China, said that using its large-scale threat perception system promptly, it detected the recent attack targeting the X platform. Gong Yiming, head of the laboratory, said they observed that four Mirai botnet controllers were involved in this attack. Additionally, other attack groups also participated using reflection attacks, HTTP proxy attacks, and other methods. Monitoring data indicates that the four botnet controllers launched at least 34 waves of DDoS attacks. The four command servers were primarily located in the UK, Germany and Canada. The attack period coincides with the delay in the interview start time."

   Given the New Right's propensity for Publicity Stunts, I have my own suspicions about the origins of this incident; and it did seem to be corrected with remarkable speed considering all of the recent cost-cutting layoffs in Musk's far-flung financial empire. Despite all of this, the Punditocracy engaged in deep analysis of the interview and focused on the weighty issues of profound concern to all Americans with insightful well-reasoned discourse:

     In our last two articles, we've discussed how the 'New Right' in America---which is seemingly a loose confederation of disparate ideologies---is actually following an eclectic strain of Social Darwinism, Politico-Economic Determinism, Egoist Ethics, and New-Age Spiritual Gnosticism. The point where all of these ideologies connect is upon the central theme, which is expressed in the otherwise vacuousness of their central message. 

    This Central Message of the New Right turns on a variation of an age-old theme of an eternal struggle between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. In this New-Age version of the conflict, a debased version of Natural Law is substituted for the previously equally-perverted concept of a Divine Plan. Natural Law according to a Divine Plan is, of course, a real thing; but in the New Right's version, both are derivatives of the false philosophies alluded to above. The Children of Light in this scheme are the geniuses, the Alphas, the wealthy and powerful to whom either God or Nature (depending upon whether one is a Churchian or a Materialist adherent of the New Right) has given us all this outward stamp of approval. 

    That point of agreement is how so many groups who otherwise would be in opposition to each other are wholly involved in such a movement. We see Zionists working together with Racial Supremacists, and fundamentalist Christians aligned with Transhumanists, among many other examples. This is because the Utopia which they all seek is that of a Technocratic Elite built upon the supposed 'Natural Law' where personal worth is resolved into an exchange value. 

    By extension, the Children of Darkness is a mass of humanity---probably by far the majority of humanity---and are depicted as base, envious, treacherous, (as Vox Day terms them 'Gammas') and who are motivated solely by their greed for power and a desire to tear down the strong. Thus 'social justice' is seen as the Mark of the Beast, while ruthless exploitation and abject tyranny is seen as a Holy Mission. 

    It's hardly to be argued that the American Left really isn't made up of envious mediocrities who lust after things that producers acquire. The problem in our political discourse is that we've erected two---and only two---poles and declared that one must be on one side or the other. To use George Bush's infamous phrase, "you're with us or you're with the enemy." 

   In real life, however, the distance between God and Satan is infinite and human beings fall in varying degrees closer to one than the other; but the distance in our lifetimes measured against Eternity is quite narrow. If Salvation simply rested upon joining one faction or another then the whole idea of Redemption---which is expressed differently in all major religions---would make no sense. In the Christian tradition, the Pharisees and Sadducees of Christ's day had lost completely the concept of God's willingness and ability to save. The Pharisees' modern counterparts are the Churchians who believe themselves in possession of some special grace based on their personal merit; the Sadducees have their parallels in the Technocrats of the Dark Enlightenment who believe that religious ideals are ridiculous, but a useful tool nonetheless to keep the inferior masses under control. 

   If we wish to free ourselves today, we need to follow the example of the Founding Fathers, who were told by their contemporaries that one either had believe in the Divine Right of Kings or take the alternative of Atheistic Anarchy. Our Founders stopped and thought: maybe these guys are lying and there are other ways that we can free ourselves. We're being lied to again today: the Neo-Bolshevism of the Whacko Left and the Neo-Fascism of the New Right are not our only alternatives.  

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