Sunday, August 25, 2024


       This weekend presidential candidate Robert Kennedy suspended his campaign and rather naively decided to endorse the Republican Establishment. The collection of Dark Enlightenment Transhumanists and Bush-Machine billionaires hoping to capture the Government with the (probably temporary) figurehead Trump no doubt were laughing in their sleeves as Kennedy accused the Democrats of being “the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money,” as if the people he was endorsing were not. A strain of quixotic idealism seems to run in the Kennedy Family. 

      The very day of Kennedy's announcement, WEF Young Global Leader Elon Musk---who has been promised a top position in a Trump Administration---boasted on his media echo-chamber that he looked forward to implanting millions of people with AI brain chips. Did anybody stop to notice that giving Musk a position in the Federal Government might enable him to bring this idea to reality? Apparently not. The Controlled Opposition Media was occupied with more urgent news releases.

       Obtaining an AI brain implant is a voluntary procedure (for now); and Musk and other proponents claim that it will only have medicinal or technological applications. There is, of course, no talk about the potential dangers of such a technology, at least the European Union and China are taking some initiative to curb potential abuses, but we in Exceptional America prefer to act first and think later. The problem here though is that thinking later will have an algorithm programmed by Big Tech to reach our conclusions for us; and too we don't want to interfere with the free market and compromise stakeholder profit-margins.

     It's not a huge Leap of Logic to envision the 'necessity' of getting an implanted chip palmed off on the public as a national security issue. In fact, we might recall that such a plan has already been floated, and Bill Gates---who has a henchman in the Vance/Trump Campaign already lined up for a cabinet post---is already experimenting with a similar program in one of his African puppet-states.

    Musk's experiments with human subjects actually was rejected by the FDA in 2022; but in America, money talks and it was approved the following year. Ethics and safety matter little where Big Pharma and Big Tech are involved---just ask the people who took the safe and effective Loyalty Vaxx. 

      While we're on the subject of safe, legal procedures, Republican Presidential nominee Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance sat down with the Corporate Media to assure Ameroboobs that his Trump's Administration would veto any attempts to impose a nationwide abortion ban. Not that the chances of a McConnell/Johnson Congress proposing such a policy is all that realistic anyway; but again, it comes down to a cost/benefit argument. 

     "Donald Trump wants to end this culture war on this particular topic." Vance incredulously argued, "If California wants to have a different abortion policy than Ohio, then California has to respect Ohio, and Ohio has to respect California.”

     Or to put it more accurately: Just because Roe vs. Wade was overturned doesn't mean that we Christian Conservatives have to sacrifice stakeholder profits from fetal tissue trafficking and the abortion mills. We've already seen that, among the Republican leadership, social issues have become a marketable commodity.

    Vance, too, is backed by WEF Young Global Leader and Techno-Fascist Peter Thiel and is himself deeply imbued with Dark Enlightenment ideology. WEF Young Global Leaders Musk, Thiel, Tulsi Gabbard, and Vivek Ramaswamy are all going to have a lot more say in a Trump Administration than Kennedy will. It stands to reason that if Kennedy's anti-Deep State stance had any chance of success, he wouldn't be suspending his campaign. 

    None of this will matter to the True Believers, though. They think that Waheguru saved Trump from an assassin's bullet and that this is part of a Divine Plan according to the Prosperity Gospel; that holding our noses and voting for Neocons magically will bring back American jobs and values; that every boy will grow up to be like Andrew Tate and all of those evil brown and yellow people abroad will learn to fear America and walk softly before our leaders' Alpha Superiority. Conservative principles? How quaint: good for speeches and Sunday Schools, but this is the real world. The real world according to our Plutocratic overlords, that is. 


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