Thursday, August 1, 2024


        Yesterday, a statement from the Trump Campaign (or whoever writes his speeches for him these days) caused a little minor controversy after the issue of Project 2025 resurfaced.

        Admittedly, there is much about Project 2025 that any sane candidate should disavow; and certainly we have no especial feelings for the shady Heritage Foundation or the Deep State shills running that organization responsible for its production. What was troubling about the RNC statement was the second paragraph with its not-so-veiled threats of consequences for those who violate the Conservativism Incorporated's "zero-tolerance policy on a focused and disciplined campaign strategy." Statements like these hearken back once again to the Bush Machine policy of treating everyone outside the Party orthodoxy as an enemy. 

     The Party Machine hypocritically slammed the Heritage Foundation for influence peddling: as though the Silicon Valley Tech Lords and the Bush Family bankers funding the RNC are wholly disinterested patriots coming together for the common good of the nation and that Trump doesn't change his policies to suit them in any way

    Such things might sound like typical Election Year posturing, but they take a more ominous aspect when pundits start promoting the idea that things won't end well for dissenters from the Party Line. Witness another piece written by an operative from another crooked NGO yesterday equating 'America's Enemies' with actual Americans who don't show sufficient loyalty to the New Order.

   After the obligatory half-dozen paragraphs of Historical Revisionism and snide innuendoes against the Democrats, the author states: "We must make as many public examples (nota beneof the Marxist, Islamist, and anarchist infiltrators of our government and our institutions as possible. Not simply for their beliefs, of course," he very discreetly adds, "but because they have declared us the enemy and have set about undermining everything that holds our nation together. They’ve brought along an alarming number of Americans (nota bene) into the anti-American and anti-West movement.

   "If we can uncover and prosecute America’s foes, we may be able to slow the cancer enough to excise it. So, while Donald Trump is not the perfect vessel for implementing conservative policy (nota bene), he must rise to the occasion in a second term and dedicate his entire administration to investigating and prosecuting (nota bene) those who would do our nation harm. It’s a huge task, and it will be divisive at first, but our nation cries out for it. We cannot go on like this, tolerating deliberate societal suicide. Eventually, conducting these investigations will have the effect of bringing about a renewed sense of patriotism and shared values (nota bene). We might consider it a new Cold War (nota bene). Defeat the enemies first. That’s our only current priority."

    Rise! Rise! The ghosts of George Bush and Dick Cheney! Because that is exactly what we're reading here: declaring another 'national emergency' requiring the sacrifice of more of our liberties for the 'national security' reasons of 'saving us' from some very ill-defined 'enemies.' The author throws out a few very fluid examples of such enemies: 'Marxists, Islamists, and Anarchists' but as we've seen those definitions seem to cover anybody opposed to the Reactionaries' new Victim Classes---i.e. Wall Street Robber Barons and the Zionist Lobby. 

    Regarding this latter class of victims, the President-in-Exile also made some remarks today fretting that Kamala is too much of a weenie defending Israeli interests; just as the news broke that those heroic allies in our shared Judeo-Christian Heritage are embroiled in a controversy over whether their brave xhes in uniform have license to commit rapes (of either gender, apparently)

     I suppose that this is to be expected from a Party holding up the likes of Steve Sailer, Andrew Tate, Vox Day, and Doug Wilson as masculine role models. However, we should be asking ourselves a pointed question: At what point do we become worse than the Left? How long are we going to look the other way at these kinds of things?

    So far, few want to answer those questions, let alone ask them. As things stand right now, I don't see that a Republican replacement for the Biden/Harris Junta would actually equate a positive change. Anyone looking at things objectively could even make the argument that we're being offered is actually worse. The Democrats at least are trying to keep up the pretenses that their drive to the Great Reset has to go through the processes of our system: the Reactionaries seem to be determined to take a shortcut, bypass all of these procedures and go on to the New World Order as quickly and as efficiently as possible. 

    If we recall the recent GOP Convention, not only was Social Converatism excluded, but so were concepts like balancing the budget, restraining the police state, draining the Swamp, protecting property rights, and safeguarding the Constitutional Rights of the public. When we see things like the Republicans in Congress gifting the Biden/Harris Junta with further censorship powers--- like they did again just this week---and a campaign stressing zero tolerance which is heavily run by representatives of the Dark Enlightenment, Log Cabin Republicans, Silicon Valley transhumanists, and Christian-Zionist fanatics; I think that questioning the direction that they might be taking us is a legitimate concern. It's time that we stopped looking the other way and started asking some of these questions. 

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