Sunday, August 11, 2024


     In our last article, we discussed how the 'New Right' is a re-packaged version of the New Left, premised largely on the mythos that what Americans really want are authoritarian leaders who favor degenerate interest groups while virtue-signalling behind Hollywood and Madison Avenue caricatures of our shared values. The results speak for themselves: the Republican wing of the Uniparty has been sinking in the polls since Kamala's coronation. In reality, what people in Western Cultures really want are governments that defend our shared values while leaving the populace in peace and freedom---as our Declaration of Independence says that Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are inalienable Rights. In Europe---where the Right really are Conservatives, they win support and accomplish positive things, unlike their American counterparts who say one thing and do another

    As we also pointed out---despite the various labels that supporters of the New Right apply to themselves---an underlying philosophy directs the whole movement. This is evident from the recent experiences of Kyle Rittenhouse and Joe Rogan who discovered in short order that thinking for oneself has consequences. Some of us have observed too a growing phenomenon of troll armies and brigading going on whenever anyone questions the Official Counter-Narrative. 

    The fundamental philosophy behind the New Right is exemplified by the public faces operating as its spokespersons. We've mentioned people like Andrew Tate, Steve Sailer, Vox Day and others like them who sell their message to many Americans who have been alienated and marginalized by the extremism and fanaticism of the Left. What they actually offer, though, is the same thing that the Left does---the only difference being that they promise to alienate and marginalize other groups while wielding unaccountable power themselves. They make an especial fetish out of the idealization of success (as they superficially define it) and above all, the glorification of power. 

    Not surprisingly, a philosophy like this elevates Narcissism and unrestrained selfishness into part of their Moral Code. One of the New Right's slogans is Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings; the implication here being that the Alpha Leader is one who makes tough, reality-based decisions because it is the right thing to do. The idea has gained a lot of support because---like much of their philosophy---it contains a grain of truth. The Left over the last few decades has made a fetish of their own about Virtue-Signalling and phony 'compassion' as well as engaging in hypersensitive, almost infantile, social policing over anything and everything anyone might conceive of as offensive. 

   However, the New Right has quite a loaded definition of what 'facts' and 'feelings' actually are. Facts, as they define them, are rooted in ideals of Social Darwinism and Evolutionary Psychology; i.e. that the will of the strongest is what constitutes Reality. Their definition of feelings encompasses actual virtues with emotional components like love, empathy, compassion, mercy, proportional justice, fair play and many other things that have actual moral justification. The Alpha archetype that their converts are taught to become isn't such a glorious figure which it reaches its final fruition: but that is carefully kept out of sight.

     Disillusioned and alienated men see the ostentatious lifestyles of these influencers, the personality cults around 'based' politicians, and the fat bank accounts of Corporate Robber Barons and think, "I'd like to be like that." Being rich, popular, and having a large female fan-base is certainly not a bad thing on its own and a lot of us wish we had those things and it's perfectly normal to desire them. It's a well-established fact that part of Masculine Psychology is a striving for significance and the respect of his fellow-men. However, the New Right uses this tendency in men as a weaponized form of propaganda---much in the same way that advertisers sell brands of cologne, cars, etc. 

    The component of Masculine Psychology that one abandons by taking the Red Pill, however, are the positive coefficients of the tendencies listed above. Nature has implanted in men a striving for significance not for the purpose of self-aggrandizement, but for the purpose of being better providers for a family and being defenders of the community. In other words, the principle implies strength through service. In the Old Testament story of the Garden of Eden the first commandment given to Adam was to "maintain the Garden and defend it." The Churchian acceptance of the New Right's perversions of masculinity are derived from neo-Gnostic philosophies rooted in Mediaeval superstitions just as the secular component comes from neo-Scientism

   Where the targeted audience of these propagandists err is confounding their natural desire to be like the Alphas without understanding that the system is rigged so that one actually has to be what these Alphas really are. The higher one rises in their status-driven hierarchies is in inverse proportion to the deterioration of their characters---which is logical when one's ethical code boils down to the hypocrisy of professing virtue while practicing vice. The resulting personal instability which characterizes nearly everyone who---both currently and historically---put this theory into practice exhibits is a exemplary lesson of where these ideals lead. The rapacity of their own lust for status which knows no accountability to God or Man invariably drives such people on to the most amoral ruthlessness. Historically, the Third Reich with its 'Fuehrer Principle' was the reductio ad absurdum of this philosophy in policy. The 'Alpha Leaders' were driven to commit the most hideous crimes against humanity to please the whims ultimately embedded in the twisted mind of a single madman. It's hardly surprising that so many Neo-Nazis are drawn into the New Right.

       On a more interpersonal level, consider that to be like a character like Andrew Tate means having the ethics of a pimp in relation to women, the ethics of a slave-master in relation to those considered 'inferior' and a willingness to exploit and fleece innocent men seeking status in the world for personal gain. That's the price that Tate and people like him pay for being an 'Alpha.' In the broader political sense, to be an actual power-player in the economic or political hierarchy one has to be willing to firebomb school buildings or drive women and children into rivers to drown or to bankrupt entire communities to have all of these fat bank accounts and high poll numbers. It seems like a high price to pay for being based and Red-Pilled.

     This is why it is essential for the propagandists of the New Right to focus on the superficial elements and power while keeping the seamier side of the Alpha Lifestyle prudently out of sight. This dovetails into the whole strategy of the Republican Campaign this year: focus on the extremism of the Left without explaining exactly what they intend to do once they achieve power. That's what we need to be thinking about if we really intend to Make America Great Again. 




1 comment:

  1. Well done! You've captured the nature of the problem very well.

    I once looked after man at the end of his life who had achieved all the things that red pill culture claims will make you successful, wealth, fame, power, lots of women. It was just heartbreaking, he had no connections, no relationship, no intimacy, no soul, and he was devastated when he realized he had missed out on something really important, basically wasted his life chasing after things that don't matter. It's hard to describe even today, but it was hellish.

    It's really hard to tell men don't chase after these things because the whole Western world is practically built around a cult of consumerism and celebrity. Sadly, that's how we measure worth and value, social status and favor.
