Saturday, August 17, 2024


      With 2024's aggressively Woke Republican Party spending the week hypocritically attacking Cackling Kamala and Tampon Tim for their Rainbow Agendas, the Massachusetts GOP unanimously passed a new Bill radically defining the definition of what legally constitutes parentage. The Controlled Opposition Media did run a story on the Bill---which was written by homo activists and promoted by the Lesbian Governor---although they prudently left out the part about Republican complicity in its passage. 

     Not content with joining hands with the Whacko Left to turn childbirth into a market-driven commodity, the State GOP crowned all of their crimes by co-sponsoring this legislation which, among other things, employs gender-neutral language, obliterates any legal standing of biological fatherhood, and allows for more than two people to be considered 'parents.' Republican Senator Bruce Tarr, who co-sponsored the Bill, boasted that it would “ensure that families formed through adoption and surrogacy have legal mothers and fathers,” although after this year's Politically-Correct Republican Convention, it's doubtful that Tarr was referring to traditional families. 


      I suppose that we should expect this from a Party whose presidential nominee hosts homo fund-raisers and 'marriages' at his home; and one whose vice-president was hand-picked by a WEF Young Global Leader and Log Cabin Republican. We've yet to hear anyone explain how this makes our side any better than the Democrats; except that "Oh, we'll leave social issues up to the States."

    Sure: we see how well that worked in Massachusetts. In reality, the Republican leadership is simply shifting responsibility for standing for social issues onto the States exactly like they did with the Supreme Court for decades. When faced with criticism for their shameful inactivity on social issues, Conservatism, Inc. would shrug it off and say that it was a matter for the Courts. Now that the Courts are finally taking action, the same fake Conservatives shrug it off and say that it's up to State Legislatures. Meanwhile, our culture continues to rot from within while the Political Class can pose as defenders of traditional values. 

    In countries better governed than ours, national lawmakers understand that the family is the foundation of civilization and take prudent steps to protect it in the national interests. Throughout the rest of the civilized world, legislators are taking responsibility in defiance of the Homo Lobby's massive financial resources and political clout. The notion of homo 'equality' is based wholly on Pseudoscience and has long been known to be destructive of every culture where it was accepted as normative.

    We had the same kinds of laws in our country once. Realizing that their lifestyle and ideology stood upon no scientific basis whatsoever, the activists promoting the 'New Normal' reflexively framed the public discourse into a moral or theological debate. Bribed academics have employed Cancel Culture and aggressive purging of the medical and psychological associations not only to stifle any serious debate on the issue, but to bury systematically decades of research contradicting their agendas. The recent suppression of pro-Palestinian protesters and purges of university presidents ought to show us all how wholly owned by billionaire donors and Corporate Deep State actors Academia really is, and how little we can trust their expert opinions on much of anything. 

   Likewise with our so-called 'political parties.' 2024, with the candidates' blatantly chasing billionaire donors and celebrity endorsements, has made the reality of a Uniparty slavishly dependent upon the arbitrary wills of a handful of Corporate Overlords too transparent to be ignored any longer. Both 'parties' have thrown their Base under the bus and are obviously merely dancing to the tune of where the money---not the votes---comes from.

   During the French Revolution, the perverted mind of the Marquis de Sade envisioned a future world where the tyranny of the majority and the ruthless enthronement of Mammon as the national deity would lead to the most intimate relations---sexuality and childbirth---reduced to the level of market-based commodities and, as a consequence, sexual anarchy would prevail. The Dark Enlightenment---which is really only the Red-Pilled variation of the Great Reset---strongly promotes transhumanism, AI-virtual sex, artificial wombs, etc. (Elon Musk's children, incidentally were conceived in a laboratory). Like the ideologues behind the Great Reset, the New Right despises normal women and envisions a utopia where the Alphas indulge---like they do among apes---in unrestrained indulgence of their sexual appetites.

      It shouldn't be surprising that both factions are admirers of the Middle Ages and think that Feudalism was the perfect system. Anyone who's read the Decameron Nights or the Divine Comedy, or much other period literature can't help but see that the Elites of that day were the most disgusting degenerates. The Third Reich---another Techno-fascist social experiment---also counted numerous perverts among its manly Alpha Leadership. It's no accident nor prudish morality that all major religions conceive of demons as sexless or purveyors of unnatural affections. Unaccountable power that knows no responsibility to God or Man has no limits to the degree it exploits others for personal self-gratification. 

    As the recent events in Massachusetts show, standing on State Sovereignty is not a panacea replacing a national program. In our own history, that experiment failed with the slavery issue. A nation can't exist realistically when localities can opt out of the culture with impunity. Unfortunately, the powerful Elite is moving in an anti-cultural direction as a new national policy---and unless we start taking a stand for our national values we will descend into that kind of primitive barbarism. 

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