Saturday, August 31, 2024


       So Thursday night, Kamala Harris was interviewed on CNN. The Controlled Opposition has been complaining ever since that the whole thing was an 'infomercial' staged by a sympathetic media outlet---apparently forgetting that Trump did exactly the same thing on Elon Musk's network just a little over two weeks ago. As usual, it's only bad when the Democrats do itThe interview itself wasn't especially noteworthy, mostly the usual platitudes without any explanation, although, unlike Musk, CNN interviewer Dana Bash did ask about some of Kamala's policy reversals since she campaigned in 2020. 

      Meanwhile, Trump was speaking in Johnstown, Pennsylvania; somewhat ironically a town known in US history as the site where the same types of Crony Capitalists now dominating the Republican Party once caused the deaths of over 2,000 people. Trump was denouncing the Corporate Media for its sympathy for Kamala when a fanatic in the crowd lost it and attempted to attack the Press Box. The Pennsylvania Police---already under criticism for their incompetence during the July assassination attempt on Trump---vented their frustrations upon this very based and Red-Pilled acolyte and administered a well-deserved beating before dragging him from the arena. 

      Trump fans---who are these days behaving more like soccer hooligans than political activists---cheered the man as he was dragged away. 
"Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?" Trump said during the melee, "That’s okay. No, he’s on our side. We get a little, uh, itchy, don’t we? Huh, okay. No, no. He’s on our side."

      Despite the President's remarks and the crowd's reaction, the Controlled Opposition immediately spun the narrative to try and portray the attacker as a Kamala supporter who tried to attack Trump. The police have not released a motive for the attack or even the suspect's name: but in this age when the Truth is Relative, this hardly matters. 

    Shortly after the incident, Trump travelled to Florida where he claimed that Florida's already-weak abortion law as too restrictive, vowed to mandate that the Insurance Cartels fund In-Vitro Fertilization, and gave his support for a State Initiative legalizing Marijuana

   Peccadilloes like these don't influence the True Believers in the slightest; it's noteworthy that their trolls and supporters have been especially active this week pouncing upon any article even mildly critical of the direction that the so-called Party of Principle is taking. 'The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good,' they snort, as if Conservatives actually expecting their representatives. pundits, and activists not to talk and behave like the Whacko Left is some sort of unreasonable demand. 

   Like those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome on the Left, the True Believers on the so-called 'Right' are so consumed with their hatred for the Democrats that the Republican Establishment knows that it can get away with literally saying or doing anything because no one will call them out. This is precisely what happened during the eight years of Bush/Cheney when the Neocons controlled all three branches of the Federal Government and the Conservative movement essentially imploded. 

    However, the Bush/Cheney Era is going to look mild compared what the intended Bush 3.0 under the aging figurehead Trump will look like. Consider that the New Right holds up world leaders like Argentine President Javier Milei, Zionist butcher Benjamin Netanyahu, Ukrainian dictator Voldomar Zelensky, and WEF Young Global Leader Emmanuel Macron as role models of the sort of Manly Alpha Leader that the United States needs. The praise heaped upon psychopathic State governors like Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis and ruthless Plutocrats like Elon Musk---as well as the canonization of people like Doug Wilson, Dennis Prager, Steve Sailer, Vox Day, and Andrew Tate as archetypes of the American social conscience leaves us no doubt that the New Right fully intends to finish the job so succinctly outlined by George Bush Sr on the 11th of September, 1990

       No political or social movement founded upon 'ideals' like hatred and Supremacy is going to produce anything of any value to Humanity, and the New Right is no exception---despite however desperately the True Believers fantasize that it will. What is even more inexcusable in the New Right is that they have had three decades to observe what the New Left did to American Liberalism: turning the Democrats into an authoritarian movement. Yet, instead of countering the New Left, the New Right copied it and today we're faced with a 'choice' between varying degrees of tyranny and fanaticism. 

      In these difficult times, we must focus upon holding fast to our values and networking with others of like mind, if we're to defend ourselves from the machinations of rapacious Plutocrats and wily fanatics who won't rest content until everyone is goose-stepping to their drumbeat. Always keep in mind that the Great Reset, the Dark Enlightenment, the New World Order, or whatever label they choose for their fantasies is contrary to Nature, History, and God and ultimately will fail. 





  1. My dear Nightwind, are you suggesting we somehow oppose the Uniparty?

    1. I think at this point 'resist' might be a better term than 'oppose.' Conservatives don't have the organization or the resources to take the Uniparty on. However, I have been hearing some hopeful rumblings that some disaffected Conservatives are beginning to do so behind the scenes.
