Monday, August 19, 2024


     For whatever it's worth, the DNC is holding its national convention this week: where they will trot out their Deep State actors to warn us all about the dangers from the Deep State actors in the RNC. Why Americans continue to tolerate this nonsense is a sad commentary on the state to which our nation has sunk. The only real issues in this election whether to keep the Status Quo or change the management team---which will also keep the Status Quo but redistribute the favors somewhat. The Media makes a big spectacle out of all of this, keeping us all divided as if either one of these two organizations cared one way or the other about anything other than vested interests. Keyboard Warriors talk about Civil War 2.0, when American Revolution 2.0 is what we really need.

    That latter option, though, would involve things like taking risks, self-sacrifice, and a belief in the fundamental dignity of Man---all ideas largely foreign to the Postmodern American's way of thinking. As a culture, we have cultivated contempt for the past and have no sense of the future, thus our political situation focuses on the here and now and really amounts to little more than popularity contests punctuated by sensationalist celebrity-style gossip. 

    Like the RNC circus in July, the DNC will try to sell itself as the Party of us little people while the billionaire donors who've funded the whole spectacle smile approvingly in the background. Forbes magazine reported that since the Color Revolution began with the Scamdemic in March 2020 throughout the Biden/Harris Junta's term in 2024, the number of billionaires in the US has risen from 614 to 737 and their combined control over the national wealth has increased by 88%. They currently control about 5.5 trillion dollars in assets, or about 15% of our entire GDP. During the last four years, these same Plutocrats have extended their tentacles further into every aspect of American life, while this whole electoral farce has operated as a convenient distraction. 

    MSNBC, one of the Deep State's mouthpieces, reported last week that Kamala's team of economic advisors is headed by Deanne Millision, a lobbyist for the automotive industry, along with Brian Deese and Mike Pyle---both operatives of WEF Strategic Partner BlackRock. 

    In case any True Believers hope that a Red Wave will change matters, RINO Republican and WEF partner Michael Bloomberg's media oultet reported that Trump (or whoever is making his decisions) has narrowed down the two top picks for Treasury Secretary. One is John Paulsen, who made his fortune by insider-trading during the Bush Bank Bailouts and bankrupting retailers while escaping with a golden parachute. The other is Scott Bessant, the former CIO of Soros Fund Management

     The Oligarchs have set the next decade as the one where the Great Reset will be implemented fully, hence it is vitally important to them to keep the Uniparty in line. It's noteworthy that both the Republicans and Democrats have this year made certain to pass multiple pieces of legislation expanding domestic espionage, suppressing dissent, and purging disloyal elements from key positions. The ultimate goal of these actions, combined with the massive wealth-transfers, is the creation of a permanent underclass in the United States and an untouchable Techno-Fascist ruling Elite. 

     Whatever pandering to the people that the Democrats engage in this week, the interests of the Plutocracy will be protected at all costs. The Democrats might propose softening the blows somewhat with proposals like debt forgiveness and price controls, but none of it reaches the root of the problem. Despite all of the propaganda, the United States is currently a de facto Dictatorship, and we really have to focus on how we deal with that. 

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