Thursday, August 8, 2024


       The main news this week is, of course, that Biden's hand-picked successor leading the transition to the Great Reset has chosen (or had chosen for her) a running-mate. The Controlled Opposition Media was right on top of things: christening the new duo as Cackling Kamala and Tampon Tim. It's so gratifying to see that the Conservative Movement is following in the footsteps of William F. Buckley and winning in Marketplace of Ideas with elevated discourse and well-reasoned positions. 

    As a side note, Tim Walz actually does have a few minor issues in his past; e.g. being a thuggish tyrant throughout the whole Scamdemic, instigating the BLM riots, rigging the Kangaroo Court that framed Derrick Chauvin and three other policemen as scapegoats for George Floyd's death, and pushing an abortion law that is by definition infanticide. However, the Republicans discreetly are choosing not to bring up these peccadilloes and many other crimes that Walz is guilty of committing---since that would put them in the awkward position of having to defend their own Party's complicity in all of them. 

     President Trump seems to be slowly coming to the realization that he's really only a figurehead and he seems to be running out of steam judging by his recent social media posts; but this week, Trump really hit the bottom of the barrel, doing an interview on Adin Ross' podcast. For those unfamiliar with Adin Ross, he is a Manosphere vlogger and probably the most abject sycophant of Andrew Tate.  Depressingly, Trump claimed that the younger men in his family were fans of Tate and Ross. 😔

    The above video clip can't help but convey the state of the Trump Campaign; we'll leave the readers to their own impressions on that. What's far more troubling is that these types of punks are growing increasingly influential on the New Right. In 2016, under the neologism of the Alternative Right, a loose collection of Manosphere activists and other unsavory characters tried (unsuccessfully) to shoehorn themselves into the MAGA Movement. A little-known fact is that this group did win several converts among Silicon Valley Technofascists and Megachurch fanatics whom since 2020 have pumped money into Public Relations and political donations to beef up their presence and polish their image. J.D. Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Elon Musk are three high-level examples of the foothold they've gained.

    The ideology promoted by Tate and Ross---and really they are the celebrity 'influencers' of a deeper philosophical strain---is an admixture of 19th Century Social Darwinism, 20th Century Evolutionary Psychology, and a revival of Ancient Gnosticism camouflaged with 21st Century Techno-Utopianism. It is characterized by contempt for democracy, contempt for women, and complete amorality in the pursuit of personal power. Power is what disciples of these theories hold to be the highest good of the individual man, although only a select few are destined to obtain it.

   To believe this theory one would have to believe that millions of years of Evolution---from lemurs to apes to Mankind---reaches its final state of perfection in Andrew Tate, or Vox Day, or Rollo Tomassi. It likewise requires one to believe that Elon Musk, or Peter Theil, or Vivek Ramaswamy---by virtue of their fat bank accounts--- are the final culminations of virtue and wisdom from the Ancient Greeks to the present day. Finally, through various secret revelations known only to initiates who've taken the Red Pill, a select few of now-alienated young men can rise to the status of such characters and be part of the New Order. Anyone outside of this chosen people are written off as envious losers, 'gammas' and really only fit, at best, to be used as chattel for the Supermen. The old Masters of Mankind once pretended to derive their authority from the Gods, the New Breed is content to derive it from monkeys. 

   Now there is no shortage of wits in the Punditocracy who believe that monkey-men are exactly what we need. Make no mistake about this: anybody who has read any of the scholarly studies of the last century on the social and sexual organization of primate communities can see at a glance that all of this nonsense promoted by the likes of Andrew Tate is based on no higher civilized level than that of the ape. We can also see at a glance that this becomes a positive danger to Civilization when it translates into social policy.

   What is the appeal of the New Right? True, a number of Americans today are alienated from a system that no longer functions for the benefit of any but the few. However, it would seem paradoxical that an ideology proposing the rule of the few should gain any credence with so many. Part of the problem lies in that much of what the New Right advocates or opposes has enough of a grain of truth to give it plausibility. The Whacko Left has marginalized ideals like faith, family, liberty, and traditions so that the superficial appeal posing as an alternative draws people into the New Right's web of lies. However, when one digs very far below the surface, what we see is all of the negative stereotypes and caricatures of Conservatives elevated into a Standard of Value. 

   The examples of this are numerous. Feminists portray traditional families as evil patriarchies dominated by brutal unaccountable fathers---the New Right holds this up as an ideal household arrangement. Socialists portray all businessmen as greedy exploitative swine---the New Right tells us that is an attitude that successful men must emulate. If the Left tells us that masculinity is toxic and abusive towards women, then men must embrace such tactics and employ them enthusiastically. The Left lampoons Conservatives as moral hypocrites, so the New Right tells us that being a hypocrite is only being a smart operator who knows how to game the system. So on and so forth. The worst part of it is that criticizing any of these positions gets one accused of 'siding with the Left,' as if these were the only two alternatives.

   The 'New Right;' the 'Alt-Right;' the 'Dark Enlightenment;' the RedPills; Christian Nationalists---whatever these people call themselves, they are not Conservatives. They are the Reactionary Left in reality, and we need to repudiate them as foes of free men, not embrace them as allies. 






  1. Interesting post. Well said!

    Not much has changed in the past four years or rather, the right side of the aisle seems bound and determined to make the precise same mistakes that so often cost them elections.

    In the simplest terms it really just amounts to, "don't be a jerk." You are actually doing public relations or engaging in civic diplomacy. I'm genuinely confused as to why this is so hard.

    1. I think that it's largely because the leadership listens to their own flatterers and most of their supporters congregate in online echo-chambers. They really believe that the majority of Americans think like their admirers do and naturally gravitate towards the strong, aloof Alpha/Sigma Supermen. Whatever other faults they may have, Americans generally don't like bullies especially not swaggering arrogant ones who despise them as inferiors.

      On that subject, it appears that Vox Day has a new echo-chamber over on Substack. He's apparently updated his old 'Alpha Game Plan' site with new terminologies and artwork to make it look all hip, edgy, and cool:

      I thought it was funny that all of the guys in that graphic look like J.D. Vance lol
