Wednesday, March 1, 2017


    Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) has opened a Congressional Inquiry into long-standing allegations that Federal bureaucrats have been wasting time and tax dollars viewing pornography at work. So far, his investigations are revealing more of the character of The Swamp that President Trump has vowed to drain. And bear in mind that this is what the Left-Wing Whackos and their RINO confederates hope to protect.

    "This behavior is being exposed in almost every agency." Meadows told NBC-4 Washington, "The Environmental Protection Agency and the Justice Department appear to be the worst offenders."

    No surprises, here really. What better place for a sexual predator to hide than the Justice Department? We all know what crooked cops do: it's no different here. NBC-4 cited the case of a Dallas DOJ Official caught viewing pornography 4-6 hours per day "including some of which may been child pornography." An FBI agent in Virginia pled guilty to receiving child pornography on a government computer.

     "There were over 100 egregious cases revealed over the last five years." NBC-4 reported, "that federal employees watched porn for hours a day and required an internal investigation into their porn habits at work. The most notorious case was an employee in the Office of Air and Radiation who, while earning a $120,000 salary with bonuses, watched porn between 2 and 6 hours every day."

     This same employee was actually banned from the EPA after being caught performing lewd acts, but was placed on paid administrative leave as punishment. That's a specimen of the personality type who's been responsible for policies like these. It's also the kind of federal employees who get hired during three decades of Liberal/Neocon Administrations.

     What people do in the privacy of their own homes is their own business: but people who spend multiple hours at work doing this are psychologically questionable by any reasonable standard. And Trump was correct, too, in banning such people from drifting into lobbying after they're caught doing things like this.

     How serious is the problem? Apparently, more serious than we realize. NBC-4 only covered the cases that were discovered and investigated internally. It's certainly time for draining of this kind of swamp.

1 comment:

  1. I think I am starting to enjoy this swamp draining thing. This is quite encouraging news.

    Since President Trump has come into office, every issue I care about has been addressed and heard in some way. Drugs, pedophiles, and crooked officials. He's hit a triple run there.
