Saturday, June 24, 2017


     Male Supremacy is a central teaching of the Red Pill Cult. Like the Radical Feminists, they deny gender polarity---the fact that men and women are equal in the sense that they are complimentary to one another. To support these theories, the Red Pills extract various verses of Scripture to give plausible authority to their blasphemies. They reject any contrary opinions as heresy.

      Dalrock, one of the ringleaders of the cult, holds the extremist position that women are denied any authority in spiritual guidance to the point where counseling women in domestic violence situations is forbidden. In his most recent article, Dalrock ridicules some other pastors who've tried to solve a particular conundrum: how do a few bits of Scripture that argue against female spirituality balance against so much of the Bible that depicts very spiritual women---many of whom were teachers?

      The answer, as always, is context. There is no contradiction in Scripture; only in how it is interpreted. One of Dalrock's favorite verses is from St. Paul's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, which reads (in the original Greek): "In your assemblies, let the women be silent; for it is not allowed for them to speak, but to be in subjection as the {Mosaic} Law also says. But if they wish to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home, for it is a shame to let women speak in the assembly." (xiv:34-35)

      If we examine the passages immediately preceding and those following these verses, we see that St. Paul was discussing the spiritual Gift of Prophesy, and abuses of it going on in the Corinthian Church. He was asking that the women not interfere with the proceedings but to clarify their questions in private, so not as to disrupt the assembly. The entire text of the Epistle deals with a Church where authority has broken down, and the passage must be understood in that light.

     Dalrock's second favorite obsession is with a verse from the First Epistle to St. Timothy. Here St. Paul explains that women are not allowed to teach, but to be in subjection to male authority. The point that Dalrock misses is that St. Paul and St. Timothy were both bishops and that this passage had to do with the ecclesiastical hierarchy. Women were not allowed to hold positions of 'teaching'---that is, in this case, fulfilling the functions of priest, bishop, cardinal, pope, etc.

      An Anonymous writer expressed it beautifully this way: "The absolute difference between the genders is in the giving of Life. By natural law, only women can give physical life by serving as mothers. By supernatural law, only men can give spiritual life to the faithful by serving as priests...Mary displayed the fullest extent of maternal calling by becoming the Mother of Christ, who is God, while Christ displayed the highest extent of priestly calling by becoming our High Priest before the Father."

       What a contrast to the repulsive teachings of the Red Pills, who instead bend Scriptures to fit the 'Game' philosophy, wherein force and fraud rule over all. They reject any notions of Complimentarianism---although the Scriptures clearly teach that instead of their heathenish idolatry of the Alpha Uebermensch.

       The 2nd Epistle of St. John and various passages from the Acts of the Apostles make it clear that convents, and female teaching orders existed in Apostolic times---by the very men who learned from Christ Himself. When in 1st Timothy, St. Paul mentions that "women will be saved in childbearing" this includes things like teaching and nurturing children. Mother Teresa for example, 'bore children' not literally, but spiritually.

        So once again, Dalrock and his disciples make fools of themselves, because any of the stereotypical nuns with a twelve-inch ruler understand women's roles in the Church far better than any of the Gamers do.


  1. Amen! Dalrock is just appalling. When it comes to the bible, context is everything. There are also multiple layers to Paul's beautiful words that reveal themselves, precept by precept. He really is speaking of marriage and women in the church, but he is also speaking of the mystery of Christ, of our relationship and His church. We are all the bride, He is the Bridegroom.

    The artistry in Paul's words is really quite amazing. Husbands who would lay down their very lives for you, loving as Christ loves the church, teach us about the meaning of selfless love, which in turn makes submission and respect natural, and relationships between men and women very good. To this day, women need love, men need respect, which is exactly what Paul prescribed. It is also the witnessing of grace that brings out submission, just as it is Christ's grace that we all submit to.

    It's somewhat funny, I've met a lot of outspoken women, some who even wanted to be priests, but I've never met a single one that didn't instinctively look to the only guy in the room for leadership. Poor guy could be 16 yrs old, but when the lights go out, he's the one going down in the basement to flip the breaker....

    1. Thank you---yes, Dalrock is especially appalling about employing these kinds of rhetorical tricks. St. Paul and St. John are two writers whom one could study for a lifetime and still uncover spiritual truths. The Gospel of John used to be considered a literary masterpiece even by secular scholars because it contains so many levels of thought running simultaneously. That's what John meant when he said "the world couldn't contain all the books written about Christ."

      Speaking of St. John, the problem that these cultists always run into is explaining where Christianity went wrong in its doctrine and is in need of reform. The 2nd Epistle of John shows fairly clearly that there were women active in the Church from Apostolic times.

  2. The Red Pill bloggers don't even have a form of godliness. I've noticed very little mention of Jesus Christ on their blogs except when it suits their purposes. They have no clue as to the operation of the Spirit within the Church. They assume that DNA rules and look after the natural and not after the spiritual. I wonder what they do with women like Deborah the Judge, Miriam and Huldah the prophetesses and the 4 daughters of Phillip?
