Friday, February 21, 2020


   What we refer to here as the 'Red Pill' is a cultish movement which began infiltrating the Manosphere and Men's Rights Movement earlier in the decade. It grew out of the pseudoscience of Game and so-called 'Pick-up Artistry' (PUA). Essentially, it takes various aspects of feminine psychology and weaponizes them to control women through psychological manipulation. The males involved in this cult strive to be 'Alpha' supermen and dehumanize women and depreciate traits and values associated with femininity. They teach men that Chivalry is for losers; and that higher masculine traits like compassion, mercy, and empathy are signs of weaknesses. They're basically bullies who've latched onto a false philosophy which justifies their behavior.

    Under the cunning tutelage of Vox Day, Owen Benjamin---the now clearly insane leader of the Bear Cult---has grafted onto his already warped teachings these false philosophies and disseminating them among his thousands of followers. The danger here is that Owen is drifting deeper and deeper into outright Psychosis. 

    Aside from his usual whacked-out conspiracies, within the last few weeks alone, Owen has become convinced that the Jews have infected him with internal parasites and that drinking Pine-Sol not only kills them but suppresses homosexual urges and raises his IQ. Just this week, he claimed that people's Pineal Glands are being 'closed' by Fluoride and chemical sprays dropped at high altitude into water and crops by Israeli pilots. 

   So yesterday Owen spiraled badly. His wife Amy took their small children to a dinner with her family---to which Owen was not invited because he keeps flaking out and ruining the gathering. He retaliated like a true Alpha and---this is a new low even for him---confiscated his children's books and burned them on livestream. 

  This is being a bully with a vengeance. Apparently, his badly abused and chronically depressed wife, Amy, and he had a disagreement over reading books about dinosaurs to the kids. He waited until the wife and kids left and destroyed the children's books. What a rotten thing to do; but it's typical for Alpha bullies. 

  As for Amy, she appeared in public with a black eye, which occasioned a welfare check. She recently appeared again with a mysterious injury.  He's publicly threatened Amy in public on numerous occasions. It's rumored that she's taking antidepressants---and when a woman trapped in a cult reaches this stage, her family needs to intervene for her own safety.

  Women trapped in cults go through a progression that inevitably ends badly for them. They either become hopelessly depressed and disappear into the ether like the tragic case of Shelly Miscavige. Or else in the worst cases, they internalize the cult's brutality and end up like Lori Daybell or Suzan Carson. If Amy is so far gone that this last episode doesn't make her leave, she's in deep trouble and her family has to step in.

  The other Bear-bully in the news lately is Nathaniel Slattery Bear, a.k.a. Nasty Nate.

 Nasty Nate's wife Allison is known as Singalong Bear because she plays a ukulele and has a podcast of her music. She married Nasty Nate last Summer, and the story of their courtship and subsequent life together has been almost a textbook level case study of Dark Triad PUA on Nate's part. Slattery is a deeply repressed homosexual and openly discusses his violent fantasies. He recently admitted to "having marital problems," ---these PUA tactics never work long-term---and it's widely believed that Allison has managed to escape. Let's hope so; because Nasty Nate is a human time-bomb. 

  These are the kinds of scum that the Red Pill cultivates. I really feel sorry for the women lured into this spiral. Like vampires, cultists suck the life energy out of anybody near them---and eventually they consume themselves. 




  1. I got the feeling that down the line there is gonna be a manhunt and a state wide arrest warrant on all of these rep pill cult weirdos.

  2. I meant red pill not rep pill lol!

  3. I subscribe to the theory that it was a premeditated stunt by attention whore Benjamin. That doesn't make it any less horrifying, however.

    Benjamin is indeed under *at least* one investigation. Antics like this do not do the man any type of service. One truly cannot help feeling for these women and children.

  4. Drinking Pine Sol and burning the kid's books are major, major red flags, but what really concerned me was Amy's demeanor in the video where she's standing behind him, out of reach, and trying to placate his ego by describing how he is vastly superior to her when it comes to vaccuming. Whether she understands it or not, she is definitely being controlled and now walking on eggshells. I'll pray for her, pray that she and the kids can escape before this ticking time bomb goes off. I'll pray for her family too, that they be given the wisdom and the tools to intervene if possible. I'm also going to pray for good guys on the internet, and good guys on the ground in the community, to keep an eye on what is going on and to have the courage to intervene wisely, if the opportunity presents itself. Wisely.

    Also, requesting a welfare check is not "swatting," not when your concern for people's safety is genuine. Cops deal with major mental health problems and domestic violence all the time.
