Saturday, December 14, 2019


    Things haven't been going too well for the Corporate Media these days. The reality is finally seeping into their thick skulls that three years of incessant Trump-bashing leading even to Impeachment Hearings is coming to nothing; and as 2020 draws nearer, Trump is looking stronger than he did in 2016. However much the Elites try to spin things, Trump currently has at least around 45% of likely voters supporting him, even by the pollsters' biased standards. In contrast, those who have a strong confidence in the Media amount to a humiliating 13%. 

    This evident failure naturally has been causing considerable stress among these pseudo-Elites who, for many years, imagined that us little people looked up to them as earthly gods; humbly and dutifully trusting in their supposedly superior intellects. This tension apparently struck CNN's Don Lemon---a millionaire and homosexual---especially hard last Wednesday Night. 

    The President had just returned from a highly successful rally and posted a meme of himself as a Marvel Comics character, Thanos, on Twitter. This act of insubordination to the Media Elites sent Lemon over the edge. 

    For almost 15 minutes of his hour-long show, Lemon unwound on the President and his supporters. "What are we in Junior High School?" he huffed. "What is this?!? Oh!Oh! I'm so ashamed even to have report this!  This is literally craziness! Are you people insane?!?" Lemon looked throughout the whole ordeal as if he were about to burst into tears at any moment. 

   Oooo, that awful man! That big brute! 

   Poor Donnie. Oh well, with his $720,000 annual salary, he can afford an excellent psychotherapist. The whole disgraceful performance, however, is exactly why public confidence in the Media is so low. Even IMDB shows that CNN Tonight with Don Lemon has a viewer-rating of 3.3 stars out of a possible 10. To put that in some perspective, consider that re-runs of Gilligan's Island have an average rating of 7.3 stars. 

   The reason why nobody takes clowns like Don Lemon seriously ought to be obvious. Just compare him with journalists of the past. Someone like Mike Royko, for example. Royko actually mixed with the people and heard their concerns; and backed up his words with action. Royko once wrote an expose of Mayor Richard Daley. He got beaten up and thrown into an icy river by Daley's thugs. The next day, he was at his desk writing a column about the attack. 

   Journalists are---or were---community or national leaders. That's also why journalism was traditionally a male-dominated occupation. Who would people naturally follow? A Mike Royko who was willing to stand up to a political czar on your behalf, or a sissy-boy like Don Lemon who gets triggered by memes and does repulsive photo-ops with his boyfriend?

   And by the same token, the natural respect that mankind feels for a real leader is the reason that men like Trump are popular while guys like Lemon are laughing-stocks. 

    But it's doubtful that many, in the toxic miasma permeating the Corporate Media today, have enough self-awareness even to see themselves for what they've become. They function within a system which rewards Narcissism and Sensationalism, and is centered on personality cults---totally alienated from the average American, whom they despise as their inferiors. But whether they like it or not, Reality is re-asserting itself and the MSM's influence continues to sink. 



  1. For a minute there, I thught the headline read, "Lemon Suffers an On-Air Heart Attack!" No such luck - only a TDS attack (which, of course, is bad enough!). You've got the enemedia pretty well nailed, Night Wind. As a group, they have become increasingly uninteresting and even boring!

    1. Thanks---I don't cover the MSM as much as other bloggers because of what you said: they're just uninteresting. The only time when they're not boring is when they do something stupid like Don Lemon did and can be laughed at.

      I wonder what Jim Acosta's been up to lately? His antics were always hilarious. The time he spazzed out in front of the President of Kazakhstan was the butt of jokes all over Central Asia for weeks afterwards!
