Tuesday, June 7, 2022


     Just in case anybody hasn't noticed, June---formerly the traditional month for weddings---has been replaced with so-called Pride Month. Actually, this began under Obama and a GOP-controlled Congress and subsequent Administration refused to do anything about it. Since the Junta seized power in January 2021 what looked like a Homo Juggernaut in 2014 has turned into a permanently-embedded New Normal. 

  To this sad state of affairs, the Conservative punditocracy has responded. To read the title Should We Normalize Sexual Deviance is alone enough to understand the whole article. It's more a commentary on the true state of the American Right than anything else. Here's the opening paragraph:

  "At the recent National Art Education Association convention, the presenters of a session dealing with “LGBTQ+ artists” began with the rather startling declaration that “we owe it to our kids to normalize these identities.” Not one of the more than 230 other registrants for the session questioned that assertion. I find it deeply troubling, however."

  Really? Yes, it is deeply troubling. But: it's been deeply troubling now for a long time. In fact, I recall questions and concerns about normalizing deviance being raised during the Clinton Administration. Contrary to what this pundit seems to imply, pushing the Homo Agenda on children didn't just start last year. 

  I've really become exasperated listening to this kind of rubbish coming from the so-called Conservatives. Less than a decade ago, these same hypocrites were looking the other way when Obama's thugs were locking up the (few) officials who resisted so-called 'marriage equality.' Many more were forced to resign, though that was rarely reported. Some of us haven't forgotten that.

  Polls have shown that a sizable plurality of Millennials and an even larger slice of Gen Z identify as 'non-binary.' How do we suppose this happened? Maybe staging so-called 'Pride Parades' for decades in every city street? Or flying rainbow flags from every public building? Not to mention the proliferation of the Homo Agenda in the schools, media and organizations like the Boy Scouts. Anybody under the age of 20 has had this deviance shoved in their faces since they were born. 

  Don't tell me any more that nobody knew. Everybody knew it. 'Conservative' parents were telling their kids to "go along to get along" and game the system like they were doing---laughing up their sleeves all the while at the 'chumps' who stood up and sacrificed for a principle---now these same people want to clutch their bowties and shriek that this isn't the result that they wanted. 

  It seems that the author dimly senses this fact, and so takes to waffling on the issue: another tendency of the Postmodern Right. She says:

 "The principle enunciated by Martin Luther King, Jr., with respect to race is also relevant here. Our focus should always be on the caliber of the character—and achievements—of the individual, not on group identity. That meritocratic principle has been at the core of American greatness. It is currently under assault by woke warriors, however, for allegedly promoting white supremacy.The LGBTQ issue highlighted here is but one expression of the present “woke” obsession with group identities that now pervades art education, as well as virtually every other arena of American life and Western society in general. To successfully oppose it, it is crucial to recognize that it is rooted in neo-Marxist ideology deliberately aimed at undermining democratic societies by sowing division."

   Is this kind of 'spin' actually fooling anybody? With a complete ignorance of both history and psychology, her basic argument boils down to a rationalization for the Right's complete failure in defense of our own culture. All that she's really saying here is that "our acceptance of deviance is based on principle; unlike the Left's, which is predicated on Identity Politics." In other words, it's only wrong when they do it. This kind of evasion explains how the Right actually sees (or pretends to see) a difference between Rachel Levine and Bruce Jenner. 

    I prefer following the principle elucidated by Cicero which is more relevant here: "The public welfare is the Supreme Law." The welfare of a Civilization depends upon the strength of its families, which in turn depends upon gender parity. Blurring the distinctions between genders is neither equality nor progress: it is a social regression back to the Jungle---back to the ape as the Evolutionists would say. A Conservative position is not only not to 'normalize' this behavior, but not to tolerate it either and certainly not to celebrate it. 

  In the comments section somebody wrote: "I think it’s possible for kids to be taught to be tolerant, respectful, kind, and to mind their own business, without normalizing sexual deviance. I think that’s what we should do." Fine, except that's exactly what the Left is doing. How do teach tolerance for sexual deviation without exposing children to it? The commenter's statement is another example of rationalizing. It's basically saying that parents who look the other way and teach their offspring to go with the flow are actually subliminally teaching tolerance and individualism. 

  All of this strain of evasion and rationalizing is as bad as those Churchians, who during the Scamdemic thought it expedient not to protest the wholesale embargo on religious assemblies and tried to justify their cowardice by claiming that they were taking the Moral High Ground but not wishing to offend believers who thought that the Pandemic was real. We could have done what our forefathers did during previous epidemics: left the Churches open and the ministers visited the homes of those whose fear of contagion caused them to self-quarantine. Somehow nobody thought of doing that. 

  The real reason that we're hearing this kind of thing from the Right is because---at least on a subconscious level---everybody realizes that the situation is out of control and nobody wants to confess their own guilt in allowing it to happen. That is also the reason that nobody is taking the Conservative movement of today seriously. Even at modern lowered levels of discernment, most people realize that Conservatives stand for nothing except saving their own egos. Until we understand that trying to beat the Left at their own game doesn't work and start standing upon the principles that we profess, we're going to keep losing.


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