Sunday, December 11, 2022


    Well it finally happened. After about 15 years on Facebook, His Royal Highness Prince Zuckerberg finally became displeased enough to banish me from his domain. The backstory behind the controversy leading to this was described in the article before the last one. The very non-judgemental and tolerant proponents of our County allowing an all-ages drag event apparently disliked being confronted with the facts.

     The questions which I raised should have been easier to refute, since we have such a scientific consensus that such events should not only be tolerated, but celebrated as a normal and healthy way of life. I expressed a real interest in seeing the studies which prove that promoting gender dysphoria among children leads to them becoming more stable, well-adjusted adults. In fact, since we've normalized such behavior a decade ago, gender dysphoria, depression, and suicides have skyrocketed among both children and teens. For that matter, among legal adults---despite social acceptance---why the so-called 'LGBTQ Community' still has among the highest rates of addictions, depression, violent crimes, registered sex offenders, suicides, and an average life expectancy somewhere around 45?

   Another question is: How is accusing such events of homosexual grooming intolerant and judgemental when the organizers of these events freely admit that is their exact purpose? Or, since gender preference is supposedly not a matter of choice, how does it happen that there are literally thousands of case studies in psychoanalytic literature detailing successful cures? 

   But the question that probably was the nail in the coffin was asking pointedly: "Do you really believe that the world will be a better place in another decade by promoting these events?" That's too close to the unnamed; the unconscious truth that all of these types of virtue-signallers share. That truth is that Reality will not be not be cheated and that Nature will take its course. It isn't that they don't know the truth; they know it and they are afraid to face it. That's why they are obsessed with denying, cancelling, or otherwise burying the facts because on a subconscious level the reality of what they're doing has them terrified. 

   What's an even worse indicator of their degenerate mental state is the constant refrain from supporters of these so-called pride events to the effect that "only God can judge." It's reminiscent of the words of one the Hebrew prophets, Isaiah, who said "Cursed are they who lead people with lies and empty promises, into lives that are sinful. They say, "Let God hurry and quickly do His judgement so that we may see what He has in mind." On the spiritual level of things, I don't believe it's a wise  policy to promote sin and then basically dare God to judge you for it. Jesus doesn't exactly come across as especially tolerant of those who intentionally damage children's bodies, psyches, and souls.

   That is the real shame and disgrace here: that innocent children are being used as pawns and unwitting dupes in these rotten schemes: and to imagine that the generation born since the homo agenda was 'normalized' a decade ago are not going to grow into dysfunctional adults is an even greater denial of reality. Recall how the breakdown of the traditional family impacted our generation negatively and try to imagine what the breakdown of gender roles and preferences is going to have when the under-12's grow up. Recall too how we were told by the 'experts' back then that feminism, unlimited access to divorce and abortion, single-parent homes, and the so-called 'gender wars' were positive developments.

   That is the reality of the situation, and ignoring it isn't going to make it go away. It's also a delusion to believe, as many on the Right seem to, that we've hit the nadir and that it can't possibly get worse. Unfortunately it can; and is trending in that very direction. The mid-20th Century saw the denial of gender roles; the 21st Century is seeing a complete denial of gender. What's planned for the future is a denial of humanity. As I've said all along, postmodernism and ideologies like the Great Reset are not progressing into the future; they are concepts designed to push humanity back into the darker ages of Prehistory. The Great Reset intends to reset us, alright---all the way back to the level of the ape. 

   Sadly, trying to explain any of this to the average Ameroboob is an exercise in futility, though. But disseminating facts has a different purpose in this day and age. The majority don't want to be convinced; but a sizable group do sense that we're going in the wrong direction and don't know why. Knowing that the Official Narrative is a tissue of lies, and why it is so helps build resistance to it. For that reason, the Tech Lords and other Oligarchs resort to blacklisting and Cancel-Culture when confronted with it. They don't fear exposure per se---in fact, recently they seem to take a special pride in confessing to their motives and deeds because they know that they'll get away with it. They aren't really that afraid of religious arguments because they believe that religion is for fools and they themselves have dethroned God and taken His place. What they do fear are the minds of those whom they don't control being armed with knowledge. 

   The Oligarch's historical predecessors during the Middle Ages were of the same mindset. The Royals and Lords of that era didn't worry much about the peasants complaining about them: but a literate man who began opening a Bible and showing how far removed the Clergy was from Christian ideals and who opened various forbidden books demonstrating that men had inalienable Rights was also prone to start thinking that he could govern himself far better than the entitled parasites could. Today, we likewise are moving into another era of Ignorance and Fanaticism. Then as now though, those who embraced the truth were those best able to resist those trends and keep Civilization alive for the future.



  1. The majority doesn't usually govern. Factions govern. Factions that work as organized political constituencies govern. That is one of the reasons the framers of the Constitution set up a republic. The checks and balances in our system of government are designed to prevent factions from gathering enough power to dominate the government.

    The framers set up a government that they intended to do relatively little. Look at the list in Article 1, Section 8. Then consider what the Federal Government is actually doing. Because factional politics is now the norm, unchecked by public morality and the Constitution, we now have every reason to fear majoritarian tyranny, leading to just plain tyrannical rule. That is the major reason these insane LGBTQ government policies exist. Organized political constituencies have figured out how to exert power their numbers would never justify.

    What is the problem when government operates this way? It leads to chaos. If our elites don't get their heads together and recognize the threat, I suspect many of them will end up dead. They are waking up a dragon, one they have no way of controlling.

    As Hitler and Stalin and so many others have shown, it is the one who controls the weapons who rules, not the guy who has the money. Rule is about political power. The guy with the guns can take the money whenever he wants it.

  2. That anonymous comment, Anonymous December 11, 2022 at 7:23 PM, is mine. Forgot to log on.

  3. Ha! You're in good company! I had to let FB go when I finally realized I was just consenting to be in an abusive relationship with a psychotic narcissist. I started watching what I said, who I talked to, and tried to walk on eggshells to keep the peace.

    You make a good point here, "The mid-20th Century saw the denial of gender roles; the 21st Century is seeing a complete denial of gender. What's planned for the future is a denial of humanity."

