Saturday, March 30, 2024


   So yesterday, Tucker Carlson---who has been edging closer and closer to embracing Alt-Right thugs like Douglas Mackey, Andrew Tate, and Gonzalo Lira---has finally launched himself completely off the rails with a fawning review of Steve Sailer's new book Noticing. On the Elon Musk-owned site, X, Carlson wrote“If the meritocracy were real, Steve Sailer would be one of the most famous writers in the world. Someday historians will revere him. In the meantime, read this book.”

For those unfamiliar with Steve Sailer, he is a long-standing figure on the Alt-Right, particularly revered by the likes of Vox Day, homosexual male-supremacist Jack Donovan, and neo-Nazi Richard Spencer. Sailer promotes Evolutionary Psychology, White Supremacy, and Eugenics. Like Vox Day, he was an apologist for Anders Breveik. He is also a writer for the Moonie Cult-owned UPI, among other very shady organizations.

Yes: yet another outstanding specimen of humanity who are chosen by the New Right as a profound intellectual and role model for young men. Among Sailer's brilliant intellectual insights is that Legal Abortion is necessary to reduce crime. After the 2004 debacle of Hurricane Katrina, Sailer wrote that “What you won’t hear, except from me, is that ‘Let the good times roll’ is an especially risky message for African-Americans. The plain fact is that they tend to possess poorer native judgment than members of better-educated groups. Thus they need stricter moral guidance from society.”

   Jeremy Carl, an apparatchik at the Claremont Institute---an organization teeming with Neocons and so-called 'Christian Nationalists'---was also slobbering all over Sailer's works on Controlled Opposition Conservative websites. Throughout his entire article, Carl wove various Alt-Right propaganda themes with Neoconservative positions and tries hard to make them sound mainstream. For example, he says:

   "If you’ve heard phrases like magic dirt, elect a new people, affordable family formation, coalition of the fringes, invade the world invite the world, Human Biodiversity (HBD), World War T, the flight from white, or hate hoax, you’ve absorbed Sailerisms even if you weren’t aware of it:" all of which are a bunch of garbage-memes spread throughout the Internet by Alt-Right crackpots. Very discreetly, Carl doesn't delve into the deeper meanings of any of them. Most decent people would be shocked if they saw what these catch-phrases mean in their actual context. Most are just reactionary re-phrasings of concepts embodied in Neocon New World Order philosophy as well as the objectives of the Great Reset. 

   Like multitudes of others in the Alt-Right, Sailer claims credit for Trump's electoral victory in 2016: such assertions have been cannon-fodder for the Whacko Left, but Carl jumps on this as some great truth. "Trump won the Presidency in 2016 using what Sailer himself referred to as the Sailer Strategy," Carl pontificates, despite it being a complete lie, "which appears here in essay form and which Sailer had first written about more than fifteen years before. Looking carefully at where actual swing votes were rather than what pundits were saying, Sailer suggested that the GOP should focus on white working-class voters, heterodox economics, and strict immigration policies."

  As an example of where all of this is leading, Carl also praises as "a prominent dissident author," Mencius Moldbug, a Transhumanist Alt-Right loudmouth from Silicon Valley who ideas were idolized by Roissy at the now-defunct Chateau Heartiste blog. Moldbug, whose real name is Curtis Yarvin once stated that what Americans needs is “a national CEO [or] what’s called a dictator. If Americans want to change their government, they’re going to have to get over their dictator phobia." Yarvin is most notorious for having coined the Alt-Right terms 'Neoreactionary' and the 'Dark Enlightenment.' Yarvin has elsewhere referred to Chattel Slavery as “a natural human relationship akin to that of patron and client.”

    At a certain point, someone on the Right needs to start calling a Spade a Spade. What Tucker Carlson, Jeremy Carl, Steve Sailer, and Curtis Yarvin are promoting is not Conservatism: it is Techno-Fascism. It is the Great Reset re-packaged with an 'R' after its name. The Great Reset posits a New Aristocracy of billionaire Tech Lords---and in case nobody's noticed, plenty of old Royal Families also support it. What the Neocons and their Alt-Right hangers-on are doing is what they're best at: promoting cost-effectiveness as more efficient way to run the same tyranny.

    Thirty or so years ago, the kinds of people spouting this kind of rhetoric were on the fringes of the Right: people like David Duke, Lyndon LaRouche, Tom Metzger, etc. They were kooks then and they are kooks now. The difference is that back then we could laugh at them; today people of the same stripe are pundits, academics, pastors, and political leaders. Make no mistake about this: they are promoted by the same interests who promote the 'woke' Left. The Oligarchy fuels extremism because extremism prevents unified resistance. The Oligarchs are not ideologues; they back whatever faction keeps them in power. White Supremacist Christian Nationalists serve their purposes just as well as Rainbow-hued Democratic Socialists. 

   Like the Manosphere's Game/PUA Movement, the Alt-Right is the creation of people with backgrounds in salesmanship and marketing. Not surprisingly, Steve Sailer's educational background was in Marketing before he became an 'expert' on Race and Geopolitics. Sailer's endeavors are heavily financed by Unz Review, which was founded by billionaire Neoconservative Tech Lords and Hollywood tycoons. Unz' second-in-command is a CIA operative. Among other 'research fellows' at  Carl's Claremont Institute, is prominent Alt-Right figure, former Naval Intel Officer, and suspected Deep-State spook, Jack Posobiec. The Institute heavily promotes so-called 'Christian Nationalism.' In 2021, Claremont's Glenn Ellers wrote that “Most people living in the United States today — certainly more than half — are not Americans in any meaningful sense of the term, They do not believe in, live by, or even like the principles, traditions, and ideals that until recently defined America as a nation and as a people. It is not obvious what we should call these citizen-aliens, these non-American Americans; but they are something else.”

    How is this position materially different from the crackpots on the Left who were saying at the same time Truth and Reconciliation inquisitions for Trump supporters? The answer is that there is no difference. One group wants some of us frozen out of society while the other simply wants to freeze out somebody else. Anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with either agenda had better invest in thermal underwear because they're going into the freezer---and that could easily include anybody reading this article. 

    There are a few Americans still living today who faced the threat of Fascism from without; today we face it from within. The question is, what are we going to do about it? Hold our noses and vote them into power, or are we going to start calling a Spade a Spade and call these people out and expose them for what they are? 



  1. oh hai mr. nightsoils,

    so what do you think of mr. TRT, aka Andy Uberman and his spinning plates on 6 womyn? my male feminist charisma only got me 4 transtrenders. And, ugh the blog is on hiatus until the scandal blows over!!!! I gotta say that MR. Steve Sailer is insightful, I could eat tons of macdonald and never excursive but just think it is only those darkies who have poor impulse control because HBD!!!! tehehe

    And I knows Matt "Fat" Ferny thought the same ways! I often had too sit behind him in the line ad BK as he stunk the place up with farts. And if you think my diet is the publics business, well my body my choice you misogynist!!!!

    Toodles, I just had some diarrhea and my diaper doth overfloweth!!!!

    1. Thanks for the update: I wondered what Forney's been up to lately. Watch out for BK, but Arby's is worse: I've gotten food poisoning from that place twice. I'll have to check into Uberman, it's hard to keep up with all these whackos. It's like the old story of Hercules fighting the Hydra: every time he cut off one head, two grew back.
