Saturday, January 13, 2024


      Gonzalo Lira, a.k.a 'Coach Red Pill' has allegedly died in a Ukrainian jail where he has been held since May. We say 'allegedly' because this character has faked his death three times before and a deportation another time for publicity stunts. Lira was one of a cadre of 'Red-Pilled' influencers including such stellar characters as Matt Forney, Paul Ramsey, Andrew Tate and others who started believing their own baloney and migrated to Eastern Europe where they imagined they would have more freedom to carry out their 'Alpha' lifestyles. In reality, not a few of them sought this 'freedom' because various law enforcement in the Anglosphere were getting a little too interested in their activities at home.

    Like Andrew Tate, Lira managed to get himself thrown in jail through his own stupidity in Ukraine. Lira set up his 'journalistic headquarters' where he produced pick-up artist advice and other shady video-streams on the border with the former Donbass Republics, which have since been annexed to Russia. Lira boasted incessantly about how much better life was in Ukraine---until the war broke out in 2022 and Russian troops briefly occupied his town. In typical Red Pill fashion, he immediately switched sides and started praising the Russians---even going to the point (for a price of course) of giving Russia sensitive information on Ukrainian sympathizers and paramilitary in the area. Lira actually bragged about being a 'Russian Intel Asset,' though the Russian Security Forces most likely regarded him like most police departments regard stool pigeons. The only reason that Lira wasn't in a Russian jail instead was because he was useful to the authorities. 

    After East Ukraine voted to join the Russian Federation, the Russian Army withdrew back to its new border. Lira was flabbergasted that an Alpha of his importance wasn't considered worthy of being taken back to Russia and treated like a hero. He was even more shocked when Zelensky's Secret Police visited his home to inform him that Kiev wasn't pleased with his style of journalism. 

    The truly troubling part about this whole incident has been the reaction of the so-called 'Conservative' Media. Just as they did with Andrew Tate and with Douglass Mackey, people like Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson actually jumped to this cretin's defense. Today the President-in-Exile's son issued a eulogy for Lira, blaming the Biden/Harris Junta for "allowing this grave injustice to happen."

    Lira---assuming that he's even really dead---is no martyr. I can understand Russian Intelligence using him as an informant and playing up his demise for wartime propaganda purposes; but for so-called Conservatives to turn people like these into George Floyd-level fake heroes to score cheap political points is appalling. Our side doesn't gain any credibility when it starts behaving like Left.

    The other troubling part of this story is that shows just how deeply this disgusting 'Red-Pilled' ideology has infiltrated the American Right. People like Lira, Tate, Mackey, etc. are nothing but cheap con-men and sleazy lounge-lizards yet they're being held up as principled activists and role-models for men. 

   There's nothing noble or manly about these types of characters. I've known plenty of characters just like them all my life: always working angles, always scheming, always showing off; acting like arrogant bullies when they were on top and like cringing cowards when their activities caught up with them. They usually ended up like these Red Pills do too: getting run out of their communities, winding up in jail, or ending up dead. American Conservatives who buy into what these frauds sell ought to ask themselves if they'd be proud to have sons who turn out like them.

   But stopping and thinking is fast becoming a lost art on the Right, just as it long ago disappeared on the Left. Our culture has been drifting further and further into the ethical level of the inner-city gangland gutter for some time. The fact that our leadership on the Right is holding people like Gonzalo Lira up as some sort of symbol of what we stand for ought to make us rethink our values.

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