Tuesday, January 2, 2024


  Here in the Prozac Nation, violent crime isn't all that uncommon although for both political and commercial purposes, its extent is typically exaggerated and has been for a long time. Narcotics, the lack of adequate mental treatment facilities; and the combined incompetence, unwillingness, or inability to enforce laws are contributory factors but rarely discussed. 

   Thus, on New Years Day in Rochester, New York a vehicle crashed into another vehicle, spun out of control and hit several pedestrians before catching fire. This happened outside of a concert venue and social media was all abuzz with certain elements of our new, evolved Right gleefully hoping that it was a terrorist attack. It's another way that the Right has copied the Left. In every other act of violence, the commentary is flooded with Left-Wing Whackos asserting that some Trump-supporter was responsible before all the facts are known; and it generally turns out that the suspect was exactly the opposite. 

   In an effort to control the narrative and own the Libtards, the Right recently has been doing the same thing. Arabs and immigrants---and sometimes even the Chinese---get blamed for the most dramatic of these incidents; and just like happens to the Whacko Left, the Right usually ends up eating crow afterwards

  "Although the motive behind the crime remains unknown, the conversations officials have had with Avery's family so far lead them to believe that Avery had been suffering from undiagnosed mental health issues. At this time, officials have not been able to identify that anyone else was involved or that this was part of a larger plot. There is also no evidence that this was politically or socially motivated. 'So far we've uncovered no evidence of an ideology and no nexus to terrorism, either international or domestic, so far in the investigation,' FBI Special Agent in Charge Jeremy Bell said."

  Unable to obtain any
political capital from the car crash, the Controlled Opposition has turned to the tried-and-true method of sensationalizing a titillating sex-scandal. Apparently, lurid details of Jefferey Epstein's visitors are about to be released: Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew are said to be perverts. Really, who knew? 

   Of course, both the Mainstream and Controlled Opposition Press will pass over in silence the railroading of Ghislaine Maxwell in a kangaroo-court show-trial; or the suspicious circumstances surrounding Epstein's death; or his activities as an 'asset' for the Deep States of the world; or his ties to funding WEF-Connected transhumanist and other projects; or the Media's intentional cover-ups of any of these things

   For those readers living outside of the English-speaking world, a short explanation may be necessary here. In the Anglosphere---the United States in particular---heterosexual behavior is considered a more serious and scandalous matter than Criminal Conspiracy, Blackmail, Extortion, Judicial Malfeasance, Government Corruption or any of the other non-sexually related things that Epstein and his associates were guilty of engaging in. This is why Ghislaine Maxwell---who really did little more than manage Epstein's seraglio---was locked away in the bowels of the Prison-Industrial Complex for 20 years while the real criminals skated away with few or no consequences. 

   That is essentially what any of these forthcoming shocking revelations will amount to. A lot of soft-core pornography will get thrown around as 'newsworthy;' a lot of finger-pointing in both wings of the Media; a lot of paedohysteria will be generated. All of it is a distraction: some people will get rich off the publicity; maybe another scapegoat here or there will be sacrificed; but in the end nothing will really change and nobody will be the wiser until the next manufactured crisis comes along.

   The really disgusting thing is that the Right---instead of calling for a deep investigation into what really went on with Epstein---is playing along with the deceptions and injustices. This is intentional, too. The so-called 2024 Election could possibly be between Trump (who's allegedly in the Epstein files and being witch-hunted by Left-Wing activists over sexual improprieties); and Biden (who's routinely accused of the same things in the Controlled Opposition Media). That would be an optimal situation for those managing American Elections: a pair of geriatric men arguing over who is the biggest pervert. The Corporate Oligarchs and the Deep State can laugh up their sleeves and go on with their projects while Ameroboobs fight among themselves over such nonsense.

   We have to be on our guard against these kinds of distractions. It's a standard operating procedure of propagandists working for authoritarian causes to substitute fake issues for real ones and demonize the 'opposition' along the way. The thing they fear the most is people actually thinking about whether or not they're being conned by official narratives and fake counter-narratives. This is why we get bombarded with these peripheral stories along with a steady supply of dope and mindless entertainment drivel---to prevent thinking as much as possible simply by crowding out time for it. 

   Unfortunately, the Media and Academia have well-cultivated into the American psyche a tendency to demand immediate action for its own sake and think about consequences later, if they think about it at all. Americans have also been conditioned to believe that whatever everyone else is talking about must be vitally important, while those who bring up real issues are on the fringes. In a culture like ours which has difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality, naturally acts of criminal violence sells. In a culture like ours where heterosexuality is repressed, naturally salacious sex scandals sell well too. Dramas of these sorts are a profitable commodity as being politically useful; and the Top 20% or so percent laugh all the way to the bank, every time. 




  1. OMG!!!

    I am sooo triggered right now, you sound like that horrid Evinde Bergwe fella who gave me sooooo much trouble!

    NE Ways! I am goin g back to watching my uncensored copy of Salo, toodles you meisogonerd!

    1. Don't worry, David. Watching 'Salo' will certainly bring fond hopes of the Fascist future that many leading Americans like yourself hopefully think about. I'm sure that already with a lot of the world's 'Elites' at the WEF and related organizations, what goes in Salo looks like an average weekend getaway, and you might even get invited if you work for them hard enough.

    2. All you misogynist Neckbeards are the same!!!

      I had to shut down my blog so that I wouldn't get caught in a sex scandal like my idol Hugo Schyzer! But just so you know, I now us my donations on transgenders not woman born women when I hire escorts! If you could be adaptable like me, you wouldn't be an incel! All hail male feminism, even helping lardasses like me how have passed the Matt Ferny barrier of untouchability getting laid! All you have to do is LIE, LIE, LIE and then put a flashing sarcasm button behind it for plausible deniability!!!!

  2. Well said.

    I am also getting fed up with all the sensationalizing and attempts to gain political capital. At this point, I'm thinking of just getting some hats made and putting this on it, "Really, who knew?"

    1. Just like this whole 'scandal' at Harvard---nobody knew that Academia was corrupt until last month. Just last night, there were several Republican pundits breaking the news that Bill Clinton was having extramarital affairs. The Middle East Crisis has some pundits suddenly discovering that our Military is weak.

      Not to worry, though: I'm sure that banning Tik-Tok and creating a defense force to fight Chinese weather balloons will solve everything.
