Thursday, January 18, 2024


    Just we thought that things couldn't sink much lower here in the Exceptional United States, news came from Seattle yesterday that some homeless bums high on who-knows-what drugs started a fire in an alleyway which ended up burning the Davidson Art Gallery. The extent of the damage is unknown, but priceless paintings by Rembrandt and Picasso were destroyed. The verminous Seattle Media naturally showed more sympathy for the dope-heads than they did for the irreplaceable cultural losses sustained. Picasso and Rembrandt are only Dead White Males anyway; and the City needs to move on to more pressing things like banning lawn mowers to fight Climate Change.

   In an actually sane society, drug addicts wouldn't be running wild on City Streets and starting fires to begin with. Unfortunately, we're long past that point in the US. Homeless Advocacy is a flourishing business on the Left. The Right wants to get such people off the streets---as long as that doesn't involve actually paying for the facilities needed to do it. With one side profiting off the problem and the other unwilling to do anything about it, tragedies like this will keep happening and likely with greater frequency.

   Midway through January, I don't think many of us are going to argue that 2024 has gotten off to a great start. In fact, it's been like this since the start of this decade, if not the whole of the 21st Century in our corner of the world. Americans seem to have gone through a collective Nervous Breakdown at some point. Four years ago in the same city of Seattle, a gang of Anarchist thugs took over a whole neighborhood, proclaimed it an independent country, and carried out a Reign of Terror for nearly two months. This year, Right-Wing anarchists have gone even further, taking over an entire State. The head of the Pentagon ended up in the hospital without even notifying his own superiors; meanwhile the mighty American military has been humbled by such world-class powers as the Yemeni Army, Hamas, and the Iraqi Resistance Militia. As if to underscore the situation here, the Junta's Foreign Minister Antony Blinken gave a speech to his bosses at the World Economic Forum today claiming that the world wants more US interference. Blinken left the conference two hours later only to find that his Boeing 737 had broken down on the runway

   The American public response to all of this is reminiscent of a Nervous Breakdown: a general apathy at one disaster after another on the one hand, and outraged hostility at anyone who disrupts the illusion of tranquility and security by pointing out the facts. 

    Recently, I came across an article written during the Scamdemic where a writer suggested that repeated national traumas that we have been exposed to during the last 40-50 years have resulted in what sociologists term Anomia. Anomia, in a clinical sense, is a condition experienced by those who have broken under stressful losses or disruptions: 

   "Anomia exhibits self-centeredness, reduction in altruism and compassion, distrust of others, apathy or hyperactivity or a vacillation between both, and can develop alienation and anger.  Another characteristic is a shortened time depth.  The past is irrelevant as a guide in rapidly changing circumstances where rules are too few or too many and may be in conflict. The future is unpredictable. However, a romanticized nostalgia can develop along with a desire to recreate an idealized by-gone state. The norms attributed to that idealized state represent a comforting order.  They establish true north no matter what the compass indicates. Living in an anomic world, it is each one for one’s self.  Not surprising, one doesn’t have much time or emotional energy for others. Lack of compassion has become a lamented trait in contemporary American society."  

   That description certainly does seem to have become a New Normal in American society. Anomia is deliberately encouraged under our system of Inverted Totalitarianism through the Strategy of Tension. The problem, though, with the Trauma Theory advocated by the author of the cited article is that it overlooks that the 18th, 19th, and early 20th Centuries were also periods of collective stresses and social changes. Some of these were even greater than we face today. Yet Anomia wasn't an American characteristic then---far from it. The earlier periods were characterized by American ability to come together and solve problems and devise new and bold means to do it. 

   Alfred Adler, now another Dead White Male but once a leading social psychologist, pointed out that stress alone could not account for the differences in reactions to it. For example, a girl who grows up in a sexually abusive home may become a hater of all men and turn to prostitution, lesbianism, or radical Feminism. Yet there many others who go the opposite way and become very devoted mothers, model wives, and productive members of society. The common denominator in both situations is that the trauma existed, but the reactions reflect two different drives to cope with it. Adler believed that humans possess an innate awareness of their own inferiority and that human development is a striving to overcome that. His beliefs are paralleled in many religious teachings about human consciousness of sin and the desire to reconcile with God.

   Anomia, on both the personal and sociological levels is induced less by stress and trauma than by what is popularly known as Learned Helplessness. Traumatic events can cause Learned Helplessness, but generally it is almost invariably the product of intentional manipulation. In such a condition, the victim suppresses his innate will to work toward achievement and resigns himself to his fate. In the broader sociopolitical application, Learned Helplessness is the complimentary antipode of the Strategy of Tension. The state of powerlessness is intolerable for a person and is bound to release itself in anger and rage. The manufactured fear and crises encouraged by the Elites provides a managed outlet for that rage. Thus it happens that the majority of Seattle residents and Americans generally can look up the cultural loss of the Davidson Art Gallery with an indifferent shrug, while others take to fighting among themselves while never addressing the situation that give rise to the disaster in the first place. 

   Before the Rent-a-Skeptic crowd chimes in with their eye-rolls and sneers, consider that this dynamic as a deliberate social policy is nothing new. Most of our forefathers lived under exactly such a system. The Royal degenerates of Mediaeval times used to decorate themselves with crowns, expensive clothes and jewels, and live in walled castles high above the common man and travel with elaborate carriage-trains. They hired educated sophists to overawe the population with learned sophistication: all of this was intentionally designed to emphasize that resistance to such superior and powerful beings was futile. 

   The founders of modern self-governing republics liberated themselves and their countries by exposing the illusion of powerlessness and the fraud behind the contrived fears. That is precisely what our generation needs to do; reject these charlatans and understand that we don't need them or their fake solutions.

  This realization is exactly what the Oligarchy most fears, and to that end, their top leaders at this year's World Economic Forum Meeting has declared that restoring faith in institutions is the top agenda item for 2024. Coming on the heels of last year's theme of combating disinformation, one can see that the Elites are growing a little concerned that too many of us are starting to see through their smokescreens and reflecting upon the fates of previous autocratic leaders may be causing them a few sleepless nights. 

   There's no doubt that the Oligarchs are going to react in some form, but what's more important is how we react. Disengage, disunite, disjoin from their programs as much as possible. Reject the Narratives and don't enable them by participating in their farces. If they force you, obey; but never volunteer. Take initiative to deal with problems without them whenever possible. Enough people who take this approach will grind their Great Reset to a halt and encourage others to resist. 

   A good example on an international scale occurred this week when Turkey announced a boycott of the WEF Annual Meeting. In response to a nationwide movement, the Turkish Government also recently cancelled federal contracts with WEF-connected firms like Nestle and Coca-Cola. There are several similar movements throughout the world with online lists of companies to avoid circulating along with encouragement to buy local. We need such a spirit here, too; and if we really hope to make America great again, this is the approach that we must take. 





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