Thursday, August 15, 2024


       After three weeks of mudslinging and media hero-worship of Elon Musk failed to reverse the woke Republican Party's sinking electoral fortunes, the RNC bosses have shifted strategy to playing the Race Card again. This morning, the punditocracy was gloating with delight after forcing the resignation of another university president. The president of Columbia University stepped down after a long harassment campaign for not showing sufficient loyalty to the Zionist cause. Shadow presidential nominee J.D. Vance took to social media to screech that he "categorically stood against anti-Semitism," while the figurehead Republican leader recently accused Kamala Harris of the same, despite the rather paradoxical fact that she is married to a lawyer for the Zionist Lobby. This new approach doesn't seem to be gaining any traction either, even the official news organ of the Netanyahu Regime didn't seem especially impressed

      These events follow a week which saw Party operatives---who don't believe in Cancel Culture---intimidating the Heritage Foundation, as well as social media influencers Kyle Rittenhouse and Joe Rogan. On Tuesday, the RNC called on Party Loyalists in Minnesota to vote in the Congressional Open Primary as Democrats in a bid to unseat racist anti-Semite Congresswoman Ilhan Omar---another sleazy tactic which is only bad when Democrats do it. Omar won anyway; apparently alienating the Party's base isn't an effective way of generating activism of any kind.

      AIPAC, the Israeli Government's extension in the United States, poured money and propaganda into a campaign to defeat Omar. The GOP Punditocracy---which never tires of making claims that China (and now apparently Iran) are usurping our Democracy---doesn't say a peep about Israeli interference in US Elections despite the last attempt being made against Republican Congressman Thomas Massie. Incumbent Democrats Jamaal Bowman and Corey Bush weren't so fortunate. AIPAC has been caught twice overtly bribing candidates in the Michigan Senate Race and even American citizens have been threatened by Foreign Agents on Musk's social media site.

      As if this wasn't hypocrisy enough, one only has to note the number of dual US-Israeli citizens among the Top Ten Percent funding the Republican Campaign and balance that against the Campaign Propaganda accusing the Democrats of encouraging illegal immigration to inflate their vote totals. Whatever one thinks of Immigration Policy, it can't be argued that these Double Standards are doing much to help the 'Conservative' cause; and smearing anyone who points this out as an anti-Semite (or otherwise playing the Race Card) isn't helping either. 

    The Republican Party Leadership is once again falling victim to its own arrogance and hubris. Surrounded by hired flatterers and reinforced by sycophants in their media echo-chambers, they seriously imagine that the average American admires their Alpha posturing and cunning ability to game the system. Most Americans see them for what they really are: a lot of bullies and cheats who really represent everything that is wrong with American leadership. It's not that Americans believe that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz necessarily are better qualified: it's that the Democrats don't openly come across as despising them as inferiors. The entitled frat-boys we knew in college; the cynical corporate CEO; the pompous and self-righteous Megachurch pastor: these are the images which come to mind when one thinks of Republican leadership. 

   There is such a sad difference between the Trump Campaign of 2016 and 2024. In 2016, Trump won because he listened to the people, heard their concerns and tried to take action. That same crowd, though, failed him in 2020, so in many ways, the return to Bush-Era hubris is a product of our own making. After the inevitable defeat in November, American Conservatives are going to have to engage in some serious soul-searching about where our values actually lie. 


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