Wednesday, August 21, 2024


      Like every Democrat Convention that I can remember, the Corporate Media is absolutely slavish in its fawning celebrity-worship over whatever soundbites anybody reads from the script. Outside the Convention is where all the action is, the Whacko Left Wing carrying on week-long Bacchanalia, engaging in some of the most abominable spectacles. Really about the only story which was deserving of any attention were the protests by pro-Palestinian activists demanding accountability for the Biden/Harris Junta's complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza and Christian persecution the West Bank. The Chicago Police, however, who can't control the city's atrocious violent crime rate, were out in force to make sure that the plutocrats, politicians, and media stooges inside the venue weren't disturbed. In other words, so far it's only Liberals being themselves. 

    Critiquing the Democrat Convention isn't as easy as one would assume simply because they haven't said much of anything of any substance. They share with their 'opposition' a lack of any credibility or solutions to the problems facing America, other than to throw out a few advertising slogans. Kamala's own website doesn't mention any of her policies or to link to any; but donations---the only important factor in this 'election' to either side, are prominently solicited. Like everything else in our Postmodern Wonderland, if you can't afford it, you don't count. 

      Also like their Controlled Opposition counterparts, the DNC Platform discreetly dropped a few points typically espoused by the Liberal base, most notably no mention of support for the Palestinians, ending aid to Israel, or anything against the Military-Industrial Complex in general. Defense Contractor and WEF Strategic Partner, Palantir, CEO Alex Karp not coincidentally has come out backing Kamala this week even though he's also a hero to the Woke Right. Like WEF Young Global Leader Elon Musk, who's spent his lifetime supporting Democrats and pushing for woke policies, the Right has no problem with Karp as long as he has the money. 

     Karp co-founded Palantir with another WEF Young Global Leader, Peter Thiel, who basically hand-picked J.D. Vance as the de facto GOP Presidential candidate, so Wall Street has its bases covered in the defense sector, and apparently other sectors as well. It's rather interesting as a side note that neither Musk nor Thiel nor Karp were actually born in the US---but somehow their names never come up when discussing deporting troublesome immigrants or foreigners meddling in US politics, but we digress. 

     Palantir released a position paper coinciding with the Democrat Convention, suggesting that the US Deep State must be prepared to fight a Third World War. With Republican collusion, the Biden/Harris Junta awarded Palantir a half-billion dollar contract in May, and---also with Republican support---is about to sign mandatory draft registration (for both men and women, and xhes, of course; though certain dual-citizens will be exempt). The Deep State organ The New York Times also released a report this week that the Biden/Harris Junta quietly had approved six months ago an expansion of the US nuclear arsenal. It's noteworthy that the DNC Convention featured speakers: Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton, who all supported interventionist military policies and highlighted Tim Walz who is said to have a military background. 

    The announcements from Palantir and the Times drew criticism from China, which has been the official scapegoat in all of these wealth-transfer schemes. Mao Ning, spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said:

    "The US has called China a nuclear threat and used it as a convenient pretext for the US to shirk its obligation of nuclear disarmament, expand its own nuclear arsenal and seek absolute strategic predominance. The size of China's nuclear arsenal is not on the same level with the US. China follows a policy of 'no first use' of nuclear weapons and always keeps its nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required by national security. We have no intention to engage in any form of arms race with others.

  "In contrast, the US sits on the largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world. Even so, it clings to a first-use nuclear deterrence policy, and has invested heavily to upgrade its nuclear triad and blatantly devised nuclear deterrence strategies against others. It is the US who is the primary source of nuclear threat and strategic risks in the world." 

      Has anybody else ever wondered why every other country except the US has spokeswomen who actually look female? They all sound more intelligent too. It's also a shame to us that the state-run Chinese Media seems to be the only ones pointing out the blatant collusion between the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Tech, High Finance, and our Uniparty. Even the Controlled Opposition Media laughably keeps trying to perpetuate the hoax that the Biden/Harris/Walz Junta is in league with the Chinese Communist Party. 

     Given the pathetic state of the US Military, some may wonder why the Deep State is gearing up for war when it's obvious that we're no condition to fight anybody. The answer, I believe, is that it is a smokescreen. What the Deep State really wants is the existential threat---to keep Americans and their colonial outposts in Europe and Asia in a state of fear justifying militarization. The Great Reset's agenda naturally requires intensive 'security measures' and an international military which can be deployed in case the great unwashed start demanding their Rights. It's widely suspected that this happened already in Canada, has been happening in Europe, and has without doubt happening in Ukraine, Palestine, and Syria. 

     Unfortunately, all of this likely will be swept under the rug and no questions asked all the way to November. Meanwhile, the trolling, finger-pointing, and marketing slogans will dominate the 'news' cycles eagerly consumed along with drugs and cholesterol by the effete American public who will run with whatever the Madison Avenue-manufactured publicity campaigns say they should.  




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