Monday, December 11, 2023


   Considering that the Postmodern Right and their flying monkeys among the Churchians have abandoned their pro-life positions, embraced Corporate Cancel Culture, and renounced a commitment to Civil Liberties in general, it shouldn't be surprising that race-based hiring quotas and minority set-asides are now seen as a positive policy within their ranks. 

   Over at Elon Musk's Media Domain, Neocon Ben Shapiro was chortling with glee over Palantir Technologies' decision to impose racial hiring quotas for Jews. An official statement from Palantir released on Thursday reads: "We at Palantir have been committed to defending the principles that make democratic rule possible since our founding two decades ago. Our software embodies our values and commitments. These include high performance, efficiency, transparency, fairness, and a rejection of narrow thinking, including fear and skepticism of the other and outright bigotry. We believe that these values must be backed up by actions on the battlefield, intellectual and otherwise, given the egregious levels of antisemitism in our society, especially at our most elite educational institutions. Some of these organizations seem structurally incapable of taking any steps to reform themselves.

    "Students on campuses are terrified and have been instructed by administrators to hide their Judaism. We are launching an initiative for students who because of antisemitism fear for their safety on campus and need to seek refuge outside traditional establishments of higher education. They are welcome to join Palantir, and we are setting aside 180 positions for them immediately. More details to follow shortly."


   Here we have another specimen of our side's new 'woke' approach: it's only wrong when the Left does it. Shapiro has already made himself conspicuous by playing the Race Card when it comes to supporting the Israeli Deep State and evidently is willing to get on board with Affirmative Action. 

    Shapiro is a regular writer for the once-respected National Review and the Moonie-connected media outlet, Newsweek, but is best known for his role as head of the Daily Wire. The Daily Wire is a subsidiary of Bentkey Holdings of which Shapiro is a top shareholder. The company is about a quarter-billion dollar enterprise. The other holders include Farris Wilks---the billionaire head of a Megachurch which teaches that "the true religion is Jewish (not a Gentile religion) and its members celebrate the Old Testament holidays rather than those related to the New Testament. The congregation considers the Old Testament historically and scientifically accurate." We'll let the readers draw their own conclusions over the theology in that position. 

   The two other Bentkey bigwigs are Jeremy Boreing and Caleb Robinson. Like Owen Benjamin and Michael Medved, Boreing was a product of Hollywood who turned to Conservative Media after mediocre receptions in Tinseltown and found that posing as part of the counter-culture was more lucrative and headline-grabbing. Robinson is a member of Wilks' Megachurch who worked at Prager U, headed by arch-Neocon Dennis Prager. Wilks is one of Prager's main funding sources too. 

   Essentially what we have with Ben Shapiro (and Dennis Prager) are pair of paid mouthpieces---token Jews---acting as front-men for the Christian Zionist fringe group. Fanatics have never been known to have friendly opinions towards Constitutional Republics, thus they take concepts like race-based quotas and shoehorn them into their 'faith.' 

     Palantir, the 'woke' Corporation upon whom Shapiro lavishes his effusive praise, is a WEF Top 100 Strategic Partner; which by now should come as no surprise to anyone. Palantir is a software company and major contractor to US, British, and Israeli Deep States. It was founded by fake Conservative Peter Thiel along with an especially despicable WEF apparatchik named Alex Karp.  Karp, at one his numerous WEF Press Conferences said of Palantir, "fear of the Far Right is what propels this company," and on other occasions bragged about his company's role in defeating populist movements in Europe. David O. Sacks, another part of Thiel's Silicon Valley Neocon Coalition was also involved in bankrolling Palantir, and he's one of the top contributor to Neocon Ron DeSantis' campaign

    Palantir was heavily involved in the Scamdemic, especially with plans to set up contact-tracing and vaccine passports. In this respect, they were heavily tied with the efforts of WEF Young Global Leader and GOP Presidential Candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy who made a considerable fortune himself pushing the Scamdemic and various other breaches of our Privacy Rights

    It's interesting that when one starts tracing all of these various political and economic ratlines the road always seems to lead back to one place, isn't it?

     Sadly, it's doubtful that any of this will sway the Postmodern Right or give them pause to think about what they're being sold by their Neocon and Megachurchian overlords. It's safer to think that the real threat to our Republic is a group of Arab militiamen than to face the fact that a consortium of Fascist Oligarchs has effective control of our institutions. It's easier to hold your nose and vote Republican than it is to stand up for our Rights as freemen. As long as our side continues in its apathy and inertia, the Great Reset will become a reality. We need to start looking at these politicians and influencers and start asking ourselves if we really want to live in a Ben Shapiro kind of world.



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