Wednesday, December 20, 2023


   So, the President-in-Exile has been disqualified (at least for now) from appearing on the Colorado State ballot. Everybody is abuzz over this in the newsfeeds and on social media. The GOP leadership and their paid pundits---who've been behaving for the last three years as though absolutely nothing had changed since 2020---are aghast. 

  We've said here since 2021 that the short-term goal of the Junta was to establish a One-Party State. The Deep State has said so themselves on several occasions. They've admitted that they stole the 2020 Election, and that it was for all intents and purposes a Color Revolution. They've admitted that they oppose self-government. Our nominal Head-of-State said so as recently as six weeks ago. Their operatives have been floating such ideals in public discourse recently. The response from our side is "OMG! The Deep State isn't playing fair!"

     Assuming that we even have Elections in the US next year, it really is of no consequence who the candidates or parties are. A million dollars can invalidate a million votes without too much difficulty. Until we change that dynamic, it's really makes no difference who the Federal officials are since they serve the same interests.

    The real issue with the Trump disqualification isn't so much political as it is a matter of Justice. What's being done to the President-in-Exile is an injustice, pure and simple. Since the Biden/Harris Junta seized power in 2020, we've seen a decided drifting away from the actual Rule-of-Law that pundits talk about so much. It's not enough that Wall Street money nullifies the will of the voters; increasingly legal action and political procedure is being employed to nullify candidates, dissent, and Constitutional procedure. 

   It's actually become so blatant that even the Chinese Media called out the Trump disqualification

   "While the Democrats have condemned Trump in the name of democracy, their own practices are actually also undemocratic in a way. They're making a self-aggrandizing claim about the existing politics of the US as being democratic, when it's not. The attitudes of both parties further reflect the rottenness of American politics, and that the law now seems to be exerted as a political weapon...At present, American politics is in a mess. As the election year approaches and the legal proceedings surrounding Trump unfold further, the division in American politics and society is expected to become even more pronounced, and next year's election is likely to be filled with more quirky possibilities we can't predict right now."

   If Americans still retained the capacity for feeling shame, the fact that China sees what ought to be obvious to everybody would cause us all to blush with mortification instead of listening to chowderheads pretending that the Colorado ruling had the slightest legal basis. American Media and Academia truly are a national disgrace when Communist media and analysts are more reliable than ours. It's difficult to argue though that the majority of Americans are going to care one way or the other about electoral integrity or weaponizing the Judiciary.

     Republicans too should be calling out these abuses of the Courts and procedures. The problem though is that they've used them so frequently themselves that nobody is going to pay attention to their complaints on the subject, because they are just as hypocritical and politically-motivated as the Democrats. When the Republicans have spent the entirety of 2023 engaging in impeachment hearings, censuring people and persecuting their critics it's obvious that their protests about Abuses of Power are going to fall on deaf ears. 

    In fact, the Trump disqualification is a problem really of the Republicans' own making. If they had stood up to the Color Revolution in the first place none of this would be happening. Anybody even remotely politically aware could have seen this coming. Instead, the Conservative politicians, pundits, and influencers have been carrying on for three years talking about candidates, polls, and controlling the narrative oblivious to the fact that nobody outside of their echo-chambers thinks that the Republicans are even relevant.

    2020 showed us that the Corporate Fascists and the US Deep State were ready and willing to burn America to the ground before they allowed Trump another term. What sort of delusion could anyone be living under to imagine that he'll be allowed to come back in 2024? Do these entrenched interests really care so much about the popular will that they'll simply step aside and let their Cabal be dismantled because a majority opposes them? 


    For those who've been taken in by the Conservative scam, it's not too late to begin informing yourselves and preparing for possible outcomes as the Chinese editorial suggested. "More quirky possibilities that we can't predict right now" indeed. In fact, this Holiday Season would be a good opportunity to begin networking with other like-minded people, because a strong network is going to be essential in the future for most of us.

1 comment:

  1. looks like degeneracy is a bipartisan effort in clown world!!!

    Do you think AOC would be A Okay with it happening on her desk, rumor is she sure loves her tranny parties. That is if she is even a she and not a Zhing, Here, Zhou, or It....
