Monday, December 25, 2023


    It's Christmas Afternoon in the Prozac Nation; between the now 42 Corporate-sponsored College Bowl games and the obligatory visit to the Megachurch, many American Conservatives have the opportunity to check out the Excel Spreadsheets on their defense stocks since Wall Street will be open for business tomorrow. More and more Corporations are compelling their serfs employees to work on Christmas Day---that may be a good investment for stakeholders in our new, realistic brand of Conservatism too. As far as defense stocks go, the Israeli Government carried out its most ferocious bombing campaign to date on the Gaza Strip, killing almost 1,000 civilians. 

   The Netanyahu Regime, while taking cash and unwavering support from American Churchians seems to take an almost sadistic delight in committing high-profile crimes against Christians in response. Today, on the anniversary of Christ's birth, IDF thugs carried out a series of brutal raids in Bethlehem, smashing down doors and dragging residents off without charges to indefinite detention. Despite what Neocon propaganda tells us, only the Chosen People have rights to anything like Due Process in the Holy Land. 

   Biblical cities of Nablus and Jericho were also targeted. 

     I'm certain that the Churchian Right will find endless excuses and justifications for supporting these outrages---nothing else that the Zionists have done has swayed them so far. Persecuting Christians is only wrong when ISIS does it, I guess. The new breed of Christian Conservative has to flexible about such matters.

    The Civil War in Palestine has presented us with an interesting psychological problem. The mentality of Christian Conservatives who stand with Israel genuinely is difficult to fathom of explain. The Israelis are easier to comprehend. They live under a government controlled by homicidal maniacs who believe themselves a Master Race; and the Israeli people---despite their pretensions to superior intelligence---are just as susceptible to mob psychology as anybody else.

   The ego-investment that American Conservatives have defending Israel is more complicated. It reminds me in many ways of families of criminals whom I've encountered over the years. Invariably when talking to a suspect's family, one hears that there's no way that their precious little angel really shot a cashier five times while robbing a liquor store to pay off his drug dealers. Why does everyone keep picking on him, another asks: just like in High School when they tried to blame him for raping that girl at knife-point and setting her hair on fire! Why he never did anything violent in his whole life, etc. etc. We see stories like this in the news all the time: the serial killers whom the neighbors insist were gentle giants who taught Sunday School, voted regularly, and nobody had any idea what was going on in that soundproof shed in his backyard or why he was burying large plastic bags in the garden at midnight on a regular basis.

    I suspect that much of the same dynamic is going with many Western Christian Conservatives. In certain sects of Evangelical Protestantism especially, there is a strain of thought which looks backwards to the Old Testament instead of forward to the New, though the Fathers of the Church condemned such an outlook. Thus they've largely incorporated Judaism into their own theology. Add into the mix the influence of Neoconservatism---a movement largely begun by militant Zionists---which aggressively promotes the myth of America's Judeo-Christian Heritage, as if the Jews had even the slightest thing to do with founding the United States; and it becomes clear why so many on the contemporary Right are willing to excuse or disbelieve anything that Israel does in the name of the Jewish people.

    Unable to separate in their minds the Zionist Regime from the Jewish Faith, accusations against Israel are met with the same incredulous horror that family members of an accused criminal exhibit. They imagine that God's Chosen People could possibly do things like forcing its citizens to carry Vaxx Passports, or turning Christian holy sites into gay hotspots, or sanction raping women of inferior races. They couldn't possibly be engaged in ethnic cleansing, or fire-bombing hospitals, or letting children die from starvation and dehydration. Even when they admit such things themselves, they must have a good reason for doing them: such special people are naturally the targets of bigotry and envy. 

    Reality, for people in these states of mind, is simply too hard to face. No amount of evidence is going to convince them that those whom they've invested so much of their own pride and ego-identity are anything other than spotless saints and noble heroes victimized by others' malice. The dangerous thing is that there enough of such deluded people that they can influence political decisions and social attitudes. We have to be on our guard against them---especially since they come wrapped in the colors of Christians and Conservatives. 


  1. Christians may end up sadly disappointed when they discover that Israel may not be so inclined to protect the religious sites..that is after they turn them into National Parks and charge admission for a couple of sheckles.

    1. The Israelis have already turned many religious sites into 'gay hotspots.' I read that some homo organization ranks Israel the #7 most gay-friendly country in the world. To put that in perspective, the US ranks 23rd and the UK ranks 25th. BTW, Klaus Schwab has stated that Israel's COVID policies and their security state are models for other countries. Yuval Hariri, a WEF top advisor who favors depopulation and recently advocated AI rewrite the Bible, is also an advisor to Netanyahu, who's a WEF member himself.

  2. A lot of people care Nightwind, perhaps some for the wrong reasons as we see with several left leaning pro-palestinian rallies, but at least you are not alone with your concerns. People are protesting all over the country.

    I'm certainly with you on wanting conservative Christians to show much more regard and concern for human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law. This overblown tough guy, "deport them all and nuke them into the stone age" mentality is not winning over any hearts and minds, nor is it making people more likely to vote for them. That's not leadership, it's inhumanity.

    1. The Buchananite Wing of the Conservative Movement which used to stand for such things seems to have disappeared. You're right: the only people really speaking out for Palestine are on the Left---and you can't talk to one of them for two minutes before they start breaking into 'systemic racism' and other Neo-Marxist blather.

      You're right too that this uber-Alpha posturing isn't fooling anybody outside of their own echo-chambers.
