Tuesday, December 19, 2023


     If Americans weren't too drugged-out and dumbed-down to appreciate it, most of the news coming from the now hopelessly out-of-touch remnant of the Conservative Movement would make excellent Satire. Celebrating the Advent Season over news that their candidates have abandoned their pro-Life positions and that the Vatican now embraces homo 'marriage'---along with praising the Chosen People for their ISIS-level atrocities---would be great material for late-night stand-up comedians. That is, except that most such comedians are just as brain-dead and say equally stupid things. 

   An example recently came from a column by Eric Lendrum, who addressed some problems with the Penatgon and concluded with a fantastic punchline. Apparently, some disgruntled among our brave xhes in uniform have taken to social media to complain about conditions in today's military. Lendrum rightly points out that our military today is a cesspool of Political Correctness, incompetence, and corruption, noting: "While the collapse in recruitment figures has often been attributed to disillusionment over the increasing politicization of the military...a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2019 found that over 22,000 active-duty troops were using food stamps. Meanwhile, a report by the American Security Project determined that over 60% of active duty service members are either overweight or obese." 

   So what is Lendrum's solution to these problems? "The use of TikTok to spread such sentiment is also further proof of the national security threats presented by the platform, which is owned by a company with direct ties to the Chinese government. There have been increasing efforts to ban TikTok in numerous states, ranging from its use on government devices only to outright bans of the platform."

  That's right: Chinese ownership of Tik-Tok is causing all of the problems in our military. This is another reason why we all need to unite behind a manly Alpha leader who'll have the guts to stand up to the Chinese and deplatform all of these defeatists who criticize our military: just like the Liberals deplatform people who question the Scamdemic or Electoral Fraud. The new 'woke' Right has no problem with deplatforming: it's only that it's being applied to the wrong people. 

  Along that same line of thinking, Bush Machine toady Texas Governor Greg Abbott is at it again. Frustrated by the Court ruling against his previous attempt to breach an international treaty, Abbott signed a Bill which is essentially a Nullification Act on Federal Immigration laws. This will be overturned too, and is really nothing more than another publicity stunt. Notwithstanding, the aforementioned Eric Lendrum snorted today in another piece that: "Such legislation is the latest effort by Governor Abbott to ramp up enforcement of border security by state authorities, as the federal government under Joe Biden has completely abandoned any efforts to secure the border. Federal immigration officials, such as ICE and Border Patrol, have been ordered to stand down and not arrest illegals, instead largely acting as escorts to help them enter the country." Sure, the Junta isn't being tough enough on the Border. Just like the talking-point that they are too accommodating to the Palestinians, we suppose. 

   If Texas really desires to free themselves from the Federal Government, there are legal means by which they can declare their independence and become a North American version of Ukraine or Israel. The problem with doing so however becomes apparent simply by looking at a list of the Top Five States receiving Federal tax dollars:

   Well, we all know the old saying, "Never get between a Conservative and his government handouts." It must be a bit disillusioning to discover that Bush Machine run States get more Federal tax dollars than every Blue State except California. We can see from these figures why these loudmouths in Austin and Tallahassee don't really want to assume the expense of running their own national governments. 

   This year, FEMA allocated $368 million to non-governmental entities providing shelter for migrants, Which State do we suppose got most of that money? If anyone guessed 'Texas' they'd be correct: because Texas got more than half of it. However, as we might expect in Bush-controlled territory, Texans are taxed fairly heavily to bolster the Security State

   At some point, one has to begin wondering if the contemporary Right isn't living in an insular echo-chamber just like the Left is. Given that the Right these days seem to copy everything that the Left does, it's probably true. 

  All of this political infighting going on the Media Circus is part of the Strategy of Tension and the Inverted Totalitarianism that the Corporate Oligarchs to keep everyone distracted from real issues and finding real solutions. Two minutes of serious thought would reveal that our weakened and incompetent military isn't going to be fixed by banning Tik-Tok nor is the Border problem going to be solved with publicity stunts. Conservatives are only proving to everyone that they're just as fake as the Liberals are; and they aren't going to solve anything until they stop treating the public like chumps and start standing up for some actual principles again. 


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