Tuesday, February 25, 2025


       At the appropriately-named Gay-Lord National Convention Center, the 2025 CPAC concluded this weekend. This year's performance managed to outdo even last year's in its blatant appeals to Reactionary Extremism. Acting President Elon Musk appeared again in a black uniform waving around an oversized chainsaw---probably a prop borrowed from a Hollywood horror movie---in front of Argentine strongman and fellow WEF member, Javier Milei. Musk alluded to the chainsaw approach as a metaphor for his ongoing purges of the Executive Branch of Government. 

     Like incipient dictatorships typically do, Musk's first order of business was to purge and control security forces and eliminate any third-party oversight. He's currently working on purging the Military, ahead of a White House proposal to construct Concentration Camps at military bases. Jack Posobiec, a Deep-State spook who headlined last year's Convention and called then for the destruction of Democracy applauded the progress that Musk has made to that end, stating that “Donald Trump is the living embodiment of the American Constitution... Trump’s election victory is a mandate that the “American people put on his head. And as President Trump said just a few days ago, ‘A man who saves his nation violates no law.’”

    Meanwhile, Neo-Nazi podcaster Shane Trejo sported signs portraying Trump as Julius Caesar and is actively lobbying for a Third Term for Trump to act as Silicon Valley's sock-puppet. "Trump needs another term to fight against the forces of evil," Trejo proclaimed. "We believe that Trump is the Caesar figure that America has needed. Trump is the Napoleonic figure that’s emerged to lead our country out of perdition and into greatness." The aforementioned Javier Milei opined that: "We are at a turning point in history in which the spirit and the idea materialize in a person."

     Steve Bannon, too, added to the general consensus:

    Bannon went even further than the others with the Trump-as-Messiah Narrative, blasphemously asserting that Trump is "an instrument of Divine Providence" and that his opponents were "demonic enemies." Presumably, by extension, characters appointed by Trump such as Vance, Musk, Bessant, Lutnick, Patel, Burgum, etc. are also agents of Divine Providence, but the speechwriters discreetly left out that logical conclusion from the statement. 

     The Authoritarian overtones emanating from the New Right are dangerous enough. It's hard to believe that once upon a time, Thomas Jefferson declined a Presidential Parade on the grounds that it sent a bad message, imitating the Royal Processions of European Monarchs. Andrew Jackson once turned down a gift from Italy of a Roman sarcophagus, stating that it would set a bad example for an American President to identify with a Roman Caesar. This last week alone, Trump has embraced both images of King and Caesar.

    What is more troubling---as if anything more troubling was possible at this point---is the increasing tendency on the part of many to weave Divine Selection into this narrative. We've pointed out here before the dangerous sorts of cultists involved in high-level decision-making.  

    It's past time that some of what's left of American spiritual leadership started addressing some of this. It's an obvious threat to Civilization to have a major power under the influence of people who believe that the Leadership has a Divine Mandate and sees everyone else as demonic enemies. That so many have bought into this delusion is a sign of significant failure of our spiritual leadership by itself. 

   The idea of any earthly leader fulfilling messianic prophecy runs contrary to the foundational Christian belief that Jesus Christ alone is the Messiah, the fulfillment of all prophecy and the ultimate hope of humanity. To see a US President as a divinely-anointed savior figure conflates his role as a political leader with spiritual authority. Therefore, it is essentially a godless ideology no better, really, than Monarchism, Communism, or any other movement which deifies leader or party above other men to the level of God. God, being Absolute, is the Standard of the Ideal to which we all aspire. A man or a group of men who take that ideal and appropriate it to themselves by extension set their own arbitrary will as the standard. Thus, we must reject any attempt by human agencies to assume such powers unto themselves. Those who assume such powers are not Divine, but tyrants of the worst sort. 



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