Thursday, February 27, 2025


       Earlier this month in the State of Texas, there was the sad story of 11 year-old Jocelynn Rojo Carranza, who committed suicide after being tormented and gaslighted in our exceptional Public School System over her family's immigration status. The Gainesville School District desperately has been trying to cover their own culpability in all of this; knowing public schools like I do, it wouldn't be at all surprising if the teachers and administrators not only encouraged but actively participated in whatever went on. The Controlled Opposition Media has had nothing to say about it either, though we can presume that if the races were reversed, the story would be catapulted to Headline News.

       The actions of the adults aside, however, we are talking about children of roughly 4th and 5th Grade ages. Ideas like they absorbed didn't simply emerge in a vacuum. The family and the bullies involved live in a State where the Governor---a man as crippled in soul as he is in body---has made a public spectacle of brutality towards immigrants. No doubt the children involved saw heroes being made of and Presidential Pardons given to thugs who've murdered immigrants in cold blood. They've seen their parents, teachers, and pastors pontificate on 'immigrant invasions' and 'subhumans,' and 'enemies within poisoning our blood.' They've heard these same authority-figures celebrating the genocide in Palestine, capped most recently by a video issued from the White House portraying the Gaza hecatomb as a future playground for perverted billionaires. In short, they've been taught the Value System of the Postmodern Right: Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings; Might Makes Right; Empathy is a Sin; etc.

     That isn't to say that the Neocons haven't been displaying some compassion lately. Elon Musk has been championing the cause of the late Coach Red Pill who died in a Ukrainian jail after trying to play both sides against the middle once too often; and the White House secured asylum for pimp and Red Pill hero Andrew Tate and his brother. That is the Moral Compass of the Postmodern Right: online hustlers are heroes and 11 year-old girls are Collateral Damage. That's the message that American children are learning from their elders.

     So, our question for American Conservative Christians is: Are you satisfied with your handiwork? Are you proud of the values that you've been instilling in children's minds for the past few years? They're growing up fast; do you find a future of such products of your ideology in control appealling? 

    Probably too many actually do. 



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