Friday, April 8, 2022


   The US Supreme Court Hearings came to merciful conclusion yesterday; the Ameroboobs are gathering nationwide at the drug dispensaries and Hookah Lounges to celebrate another historic first: this time, the first Black woman to be on the Court. She certainly isn't the first unqualified and incompetent Black woman to get a federal job, but that's beside the point.  During the hearings, Ketanji Jackson and Senate grandstanders argued such gripping issues as what defines gender and when human life begins. The fact that two decades into the 21st Century people seriously believe that these are debatable issues ought to have been the real controversy, but it wasn't. 

   The whole process was a farce: we really haven't had anything but show-hearings for SCOTUS nominees since the 1980s. Jackson was going to be confirmed regardless of anything the Republicans did. Even if the GOP had succumbed to sudden and involuntary spasm of manhood and stood as a united front against Jackson, Kamala Harris would have had the tie-breaking vote. Not that the Republican Party was really opposed to her nomination anyway, but they needed a few 'no' votes to display before the Electorate just in case we have Elections this year.

     Instead of questioning Jackson---who's a Left-Wing Whacko with predictable answers---it would have been more profitable to start asking the Republican leadership about its own support for the Junta's nominee. Following our last Red Tsunami in 2010, President Obama nominated Jackson for the position of US District Court Judge. Republican House Speaker and former Vice-Presidential nominee Paul Ryan was key to getting the nomination secured. According to the Deep-State mouthpiece, The New York Times: "Jackson was introduced at her December 2012 confirmation hearing by Republican Paul Ryan, a relative through marriage, who said 'Our politics may differ, but my praise for Ketanji's intellect, for her character, for her integrity, it is unequivocal.'"

    Jackson went on to be nominated by unanimous consent of the GOP-controlled Senate, which was well aware then, as now, with her radically Leftist activist positions. Here's a list of all of the fake Conservatives who were in the Senate in 2013 and voted against Jackson yesterday:

Shelby (Alabama)

Boozman (Arkansas)

Rubio (Florida)

Crapo (Idaho)

Risch (Idaho)

Grassley (Iowa)

Moran (Kansas)

McConnell (Kentucky)

Paul (Kentucky)

Wicker (Mississippi)

Blunt (Missouri)

Fischer (Nebraska)

Burr (No. Carolina)

Hoeven (No. Dakota)

Portman (Ohio)

Inhofe (Oklahoma)

Toomey (Pennsylvania)

Graham (So. Carolina)

Scott (So. Carolina)

Thune (So. Dakota)

Cornyn (Texas)

Cruz (Texas)

Lee (Utah)

Johnson (Wisconsin)

Barrasso (Wyoming)

    Any of these characters who brag during their next campaign about 'opposing Biden's nominees' ought to be taken with a large dose of healthy skepticism. Elections, of course, are just about as phony as these Hearings are; but we ought to evaluate really what purpose the Supreme Court actually serves. The Founding Fathers set up the Judiciary Branch to determine the constitutionality of legislative and executive laws. The Supreme Court hasn't actually done this for decades. In fact, it's typically operated more as figurehead to give quasi-legal authority to whatever Congress, the President, or their Corporate bosses want them to do. President Trump tried to reform the Judicial System, but found most of his opposition there in spite of the fact that the GOP has dominated the Judicial Branch for well over 50 years. 

    Since the First Bush Administration, the 'Conservative' Supreme Court has upheld the 2020 Election Fraud, upheld requirements for the Loyalty Vaxx, blocked several of President Trump's attempts to secure our borders, upheld Obamacare, repealed the marriage laws of 36 states and forced recognition of homo 'equality,' vastly expanded the seizure of private property, upheld government surveillance, upheld government travel restrictions, gutted the Right to Privacy and Due Process,  ruled that reverse discrimination is legal, ruled against school choice, ruled against voluntary prayer in public schools, legalized wholesale Corporate bribery of elected officials, voted against organized labor, frequently voted against the Right of Conscience, and against voter transparency. What the Supreme Court noticeably hasn't done is overturning Roe v. Wade, strengthening the 2nd Amendment, curbing bureaucratic overreach, or enforcing anti-trust laws. As far as defending Conservative values go, the Supreme Court has managed to make itself even more useless than Congressional Republicans have. The Junta could have nominated Bozo the Clown for all the difference these Hearings actually make. 

    If anyone is still inclined to believe in the 'sanctity of our Courts' consider how corrupt the average lawyer and law school is, and realize that most judges come from that class of citizens. Our Legal System is as badly broken as our Educational System and in both cases Conservative apathy and hypocrisy has enabled both to moulder and degenerate to the point where they pose a positive threat to our Republic. How we get back from this point is what we should be discussing.




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