So a week has passed since Roe vs. Wade was toppled. About a dozen states have taken action and banned abortion altogether; a few RINO-run jurisdictions are looking for loopholes; and the Whacko Left has gone on a counter-offensive. Needless to say, the Globalist Oligarchy is not pleased with this decision. Half-hearted and long-overdue as it was, the decision was a major setback for their population control schemes. Legal Abortion was never about a woman's right to choose, but about a child's right to life.
Now in neo-Fascist Police States like our cheery neighbors to the North in Canada---a country that's running ahead of schedule in implementing the Great Reset---action is more easily taken. Since the downfall of Roe, the Ottawa Regime has crowned all of its crimes by announcing an outright persecution of Pro-Life organizations. The Junta and its Republican enablers here envision doing the same thing.
The Corporate Oligarchy---since it is the actual government here---is already circumventing the State laws. In conjunction with the Insurance Cartels, a growing number of Wall Street Robber Barons and NWO fanatics are putting up cash to female employees willing to fly first-class out of Right-to-Life jurisdictions and supply China with their children's fetal tissues. Dick's Sporting Goods CEO Lauren Hobart declared to MSN that "Dick’s $4,000 death benefit will also cover the travel of one support person for employees who live in states with abortion restrictions, so they can choose what is best for them." Hobart, incidentally, formerly was an executive with J.P. Morgan, PepsiCo, and Wells Fargo---all World Economic Forum 'partners.' WEF-affiliated banks and trusts control about 1/3 of Dick's Sporting Goods stocks.
“Starbucks, Tesla, Yelp, Airbnb, Microsoft, Netflix, Patagonia, DoorDash, JPMorgan Chase, Levi Strauss, PayPal, Amazon…Reddit…Walt Disney Company, Meta…and Condé Nast,” are among the others so far offering such corporate 'perks' for infanticide, according to the New York Times. Such is the price we're paying for allowing Corporations to become more powerful than the Government.
The con-job that the Neocons sold us around the Turn of the Century was that economic regulation was 'socialism' and 'interfered with the Free Market.' Some of us warned that power in the hands of a Government accountable to the People was preferable to power in the hands of unelected and unaccountable financial and economic combines, but personal greed carried the day over the national interest.
Today. the Republican leadership---which has hidden behind Roe as an excuse for inaction for nearly 50 years--- finds itself in a delicate spot. They can't continue to pose as Pro-Life without at least making a token effort to ban the procedure but they're also conspicuously not making any effort to push for a nationwide ban, or legally challenge pro-abortion States, or rein in these Corporate thugs thumbing their noses at laws protecting life.
Unfortunately, too, there seems to be little will among rank-and-file 'Conservatives' who, frankly speaking, for the most part could care less about babies conceived in so-called 'Blue States.' There are plenty of comments on Conservative websites such as the following:
"I'm pro life, but I have to admit there are some people whose mothers should have chosen the alternative!!! Can imagine the welfare and crime problem we'd have if abortion had not been legal!!! Not to mention some of the worthless human beings that have infested our nation's politics the past 50 to 100 years???"
"Federal welfare should go the same way as Roe v. Wade. If we abolish welfare, then that would go along way to stopping illegitimate births. Males in the big, Democrat-run cities commit crimes because they have no connection with the community they live in. The women don't want them either as husbands or breadwinners. They are sperm and drug donors whose purpose in life is to provide women with babies to qualify for welfare and subsidized housing. When they are rejected by their own community and they have no job skills, they prey on that community that has rejected them."
"The Dobbs ruling is beneficial because it follows the principle of moving government away from a center so that it becomes diffuse. This increases liberty. If Plato's understanding of justice is true, those states that outlaw abortion should experience more harmony among their citizens. And those states that keep abortion legal should experience more civil disintegration to some noticeable degree. I therefore, agree with Dennis Prager: that the increased justice brought about by the Dobbs ruling will directly affect individuals, especially women, in a healthy manner."
All of these observations betray the fact that many on the so-called Right have bought into the same Cultural Marxist mythology that Abortion is about a woman's right to choose---as opposed to a human being's right to life. The second comment in particular doesn't materially differ from policies like those in Canada where dissenters essentially are frozen out of society and left to rot on the margins. In fact, it's even more inhumane because it punishes children who have no say in the matter.
Dennis Prager, a thrice-divorced Neocon poltroon who fancies himself an authority on traditional families and relationships in general, was referenced in the third comment because of an article he recently penned blaming the abortion problem on men, It illustrates too that Right has also swallowed much of the same Feminist philosophy on human sexuality even though the article's premise is allegedly anti-Feminist.
"Have men ever called for a sex strike" Prager snorts, "even on college campuses, where a hookup gone wrong can result in a sexual assault allegation and punishment without due process? The idea is preposterous." Actually a lot of men have: the most extreme version being the MGTOW movement. But that aside, his whole premise that "the feminist insistence that, except for physical differences, men and women are basically the same. This includes the central feminist belief about men’s and women’s sexual natures" is responsible for the abortion problem is absurd. Both Feminism and Abortion are not premised on radical sexual egalitarianism: they based in Misandry. The hookup culture that Prager decries is practiced by people of both genders who see the opposite sex as mere sexual objects and abortion is only an incidental outcome of an already-corrupted mindset.
Again, our problems as a culture are neither Left or Right: they are essentially a spiritual problem. If we actually believed in the spiritual principle enunciated in our Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, then none of this would even be a debatable issue. But we've relegated such writers to Dead White Males, and the lives of the innocent unborn are still treated as expendable commodities.
Good points. Reading comments from some alleged prolifers and conservatives lately has been absolutely brutal. I've often said that we are all at heart murders, inheriting Cain's traits. When we aren't outright murdering one another, we're busy trying to virtually murder souls. So given the right conditions, we can all find a way to justify our assorted eugenics. Poverty, welfare, race, cleft palates, autism,.. criminals, liberals, whatever, human reason can lead you to justify the eradication of just about anyone, all for the common good of course.
ReplyDeleteprager is another preposterous out of touch cuckservative who is misandric to the extreme and probably simps on women covertly. He is not to be trusted or given any credibility. Another reason why the right cannot get it right.