Thursday, October 12, 2023


     When Pat Buchanan was running for US President as an Independent, he stated that he was doing so because there was no Party which represented actual Conservatism. He was proven right with the GOP coronation of George Bush Jr. that year, and made a similar statement before his recent retirement. The Neoliberalism of the Clintons; the Neoconservatism of the Bushmen; the fusion of Corporate America and Big Government firmly entrenched what we call the Deep State into power and erected a new concept referred to as Inverted Totalitarianism. Since the US Regime Change in 2020, the Deep State has been moving inexorably closer to the next phase of total subjugation of the global populace, The Great Reset, or, as it is its known to its supporters, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

    The leaders of the Great Reset employ many of the same tactics which were effective for them previously, such as Managed Democracy, or, as the Dead White Male who tried to warn us of these impending trends stated:

   "That the patriotic citizen unswervingly supports the military and its huge budget means that conservatives have succeeded in persuading the public that the military is distinct from government. Thus the most substantial element of state power is removed from public debate. Similarly in his new status as imperial citizen, the believer remains contemptuous of bureaucracy yet does not hesitate to obey the directives issued by the Department of Homeland Security, the largest and most intrusive governmental department in the history of the nation. Identification with militarism and patriotism, along with the images of American might projected by the media, serves to make the individual citizen feel stronger, thereby compensating for the feelings of weakness visited by the economy upon an overworked, exhausted, and insecure labor force. For its antipolitics, Inverted Totalitarianism requires believers, patriots, and nonunion 'guest workers.'”

   Those were the words of an actual scholar and intellectual: today we have poseurs posing as great geniuses when, in reality, they are a collection of Mental Midgets drawn from a badly compromised Academic Establishment. In a nation where ignorance and illiteracy are cultivated, it requires little effort to pose as one of the Intelligentsia, provided that one promotes the position required by one's moneyed patrons. 

   Both so-called Liberals and so-called Conservatives employ these types of people; while they debate about the details, they agree upon the overall agenda. On the current situation in the Middle East, for example, the so-called Liberals tell us that Trump's policies caused the problem, so they have to send Carrier Groups and weapons to shore up the Israeli Regime. So-called Conservatives tell us that it's all Biden's fault for not sending Carrier Groups and weapons before to prop up the Israeli Regime. Whether the Israeli Regime should be propped up or not, is a Third Rail Topic; and anyone asking that question is immediately labelled either a tin-foil hat Conspiracy Theorist, an extremist (Left- or Right-Wing depends upon who's accusing): it's simply a matter not open for discussion or debate. 

   Victor Davis Hanson, who likes posing as an Intellectual on the Right, is clutching his bow-tie again, this time because some of his fellow dorks on the Academic Left are expressing knee-jerk support for the Palestinians just like his Neocon side is reflexively supporting Israel. Hanson routinely gives the impression in his writings that out-of-touch Leftist ideologies in our schools is a phenomenon which just began in 2021. One would think that with all the time he's spent hanging around Stanford and Berkeley country-clubs over the last two decades, he might have noticed that this takeover happened a long time ago, but apparently not.

    We're not going to expend much effort attempting to unravel all of the incredibly disingenuous points Hanson asserts throughout his piece. After turning a blind eye to Israeli persecution of Christians, forced Vaxx policies, suppression of dissent, ethnic cleansing against the Arab population, and illegal military operations against Syria and Lebanon for the past three years---and now assisting the genocide in Gaza with a naval blockade---it is beyond ridiculous to pretend that somehow the Biden/Harris Junta, as Hanson claims "had announced overtly that it was rabidly anti-Israel, it would be hard to imagine anything it could have done differently from its present nihilist behavior."

    Hanson's utter depravity and mendacity can be seen from his concluding sentence alone: "
And our enemies dream of doing to us what we just saw in Israel." No, you moron: our enemies dream of doing to us what they have been doing in Israel. That is because our enemies---the enemies of freedom and humanity--- are the interests running their government and are the same ones running ours. 

    Israel just announced the formation of a One-Party State (true, they, like us, have had a de facto one for years, but now it's official). They've instituted a lockdown of the entire West Bank (i.e. declared Martial Law). Doesn't that sound a bit like what our Oligarchy has planned for our futures? Or just contemporary Israeli policies: cracking down on traditional faiths, imposing internal passports and censorship, expanded domestic espionage, engaging in ethnic cleansing and population control of 'undesirables,' promoting the Homo Agenda; expanding Executive powers at the expense of the Legislature and Judiciary; corporate/state homogenization---what do our real enemies want to do to us, Vic? 

   This isn't all going to change magically by voting in the Controlled Opposition (as if this were even a possibility). The RNC is just as much on the hook to vested Corporate interests as the DNC or the Israeli 'Likud' Party is. At the bottom of all of this, of course, is that our Deep State covets Middle Eastern oil reserves, and Iran is the scapegoat for everything they object to, because the Islamic Republic rejects all of this New World Order tyranny and won't bow to the smug supermen in supranational global commerce.

  The establishment of an Islamic State in Israel may not be a world model for Democracy, but it would be an improvement over what they have: that is a fact whether it is Politically Correct to say so or not. Scapegoating Iran for our national problems is a sick joke---even more ridiculous than the continual finger-pointing at Russia and China since we haven't even had diplomatic or trade relations with Iran in 44 years. 

   Iran isn't flooding the US with fentanyl and causing six-figure casualties each year. Iran isn't responsible for declining life expectancy and fertility rates. Iran isn't causing runaway inflation, mass poverty, and unemployment by imposing fake crises on the American people and engineering mass wealth-transfers. Iran doesn't dominate our depraved Media culture, they aren't imposing the homo agenda on our children; they aren't dumbing-down our schools; the tent-cities and violent crimes in our cities aren't being carried out by Iranian operatives. Our infrastructure isn't collapsing because Iranian terrorists are coming over here destroying it. In fact, Iran has few or none of the problems listed above in their own country: which should give all of the idolaters of the Pax Americana like Hanson some pause for thought.

   They ought also to reflect that for three decades now, the Beltway Establishment has been exporting its exceptionalism into the Middle East. What have been the results? Israel---the country most under our influence---has gone full-tilt into NWO Fascism. In Iraq, the violent crime and addiction rates have gone up while fertility and literacy rates have dropped since Junior invaded in 2003. Twenty years in Afghanistan made no significant improvements in the country and the Afghans were all-too-willing to see us leave. Somalia and Libya turned into complete anarchistic chaos. Saudi Arabia became so exasperated with US arrogance and cultural imperialism that they abandoned the Petrodollar and joined the BRICS. US-trained and equipped armies actually were defeated in Syria and Yemen. Mali and Niger ejected US military advisors and kicked out our NGOs. Turkey, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar are trying to get out from under the American thumb as fast as they reasonably can. This has only been happening since 2021? 

   Pundits like these are simply distracting us from the real issue: that the Postmodern Managed Democracy has failed; both in our own country and everywhere else it's imposed or adopted. It's failing in Israel, and the Regime there is proving to everyone---like the Canadians did in 2022---that it can only be sustained at the point of a bayonet. Even in the apathetic, drugged-out US, the specter of the Surveillance State and a quasi-legal Cancel Culture looms in the background of the degenerate superficiality of our way of life. 

   Unfortunately, with the stranglehold that wealthy business interests have over the RNC; and the Neocons' immersion in the Deep State and control over the official counter-narrative, no one is going to bring their abject failures to public attention. The Republican Party---and the Conservative Movement in general---has no future until it repudiates Neoconservatism and pledges to revoke and repeal many of the very policies they once endorsed. Unless that happens, Israel's present will resemble our immediate future---though not in the way Hanson and his ilk mean it. Martial law, lockdowns, a One-Party Police State, ethnic cleansing, and sociopolitical Apartheid will be the New Normal no matter which faction the Oligarchy chooses to govern. 


  1. I wish I had some insights to offer you Nightwind, but I just got nothing.

    Israel has always been scary in terms of being a militeristic, police state. I can understand their reasoning and perhaps even the moral justification behind it, I just happen to be really allergic to authoritarian, police states. I haven't forgotten their strong arm tactics during the vaxx scandal.

    As usual, most contemporary world problems we face are not cut and dry but rather involve many shades of grey. There aren't "two sides to every story," there are multiple versions and many interests all heavily invested in their own narratives. Tragically, it's usually innocent civilians who suffer the consequences.

    1. There are really are no easy solutions, this has been going since the end of WW2, and there are factions on both sides which are opposed to compromise, as well as foreign special interests involved.

      The thing that really makes me sick is how American Christians and Conservatives are exploiting this whole thing for cheap political publicity---and generally they talk as though Israel's militaristic police state would be a great model for us to adopt.
