Tuesday, October 24, 2023


   The events of 2020 displayed for many of us what we'd long suspected: that the 'Left-Right', two-party paradigm in US politics is an illusion. Events in the Middle East during the past two weeks have proven it once again. It needs to be emphasized to Conservative (real ones), that the Republican Establishment is not our friend. They've tried to turn the 'narrative' on the Gaza Rebellion---which they almost all scrupulously follow down to the last detail---into a position even more extreme than the Democrats' Official Narrative, as if that were possible.

   It must be understood that the Narrative pouring forth from these Controlled Opposition websites is about selling a message. In reality, these people don't give two hoots about Israelis, or Ukrainians, or Taiwanese any more than they care about Americans. The Republican Narrative is only a marketing angle in the event that we have a national election in 2024. 

   The Narrative is very much along these lines: things were great in the US when the Bush Machine was running things. Then we tried populism with Obama and Trump, which failed. Things have gone downhill completely since 2021. The Conservative Movement is in disarray and we need a strongman. America's enemies (i.e. the enemies of Wall Street) see us as weak, and we won't survive another four years of the Democrats. 

  It's exactly the same Narrative we were sold 24 years ago. Things were great under Papa Bush. Then the Clinton Machine came in. We tried populism with Carter and Reagan, which failed. Things have gone downhill completely since 1993. The Conservative Movement is in disarray and we need a strongman. America's enemies (i.e. the enemies of Wall Street) see us as weak, and we won't survive another four years of the Democrats. 

  The fact that since the Reagan Administration, Republicans controlled Congress for 3/4 of the Clinton and Obama terms, and now nearly half of the Biden one; and that the Clintons, Obama, and Biden have done little more than expand upon precedents established by both Bush Administrations is discreetly swept under the rug. 


   This type of propaganda is especially revolting against the backdrop of a military conflict where civilian casualties are already mounting well into five figures; but if we recall the Bush years, such matters were shrugged off as collateral damage, and we should all be grateful that it's other people dying instead of us. Sure, we might have to sacrifice our liberties and endure crushing inflation and lower living standards to funnel wealth into the pockets of the Grandees in Supranational Commerce: but the sacrifice will be appreciated by our great-grandchildren when they grow up in the Pax Americana. 

   One of the Bush Machine shills who writes under the name of Carpe Diem penned a piece which is making the rounds among the Conservative Media. The title, Biden's Oval Office Speech was a Disgrace is the only truthful sentence in the whole article, and not even for the reasons that author goes on to state. 

   Carpe Diem predictably passes over in silence the truly disgraceful parts of Biden's speech. Biden's statements like "American leadership is what holds the world together," and "We need a new world order,"  sounded a bit too close to actual Bush Machine rhetoric for comfort. Knowing that many of his readers probably didn't listen to Biden's speech, Carpe Diem can take control of the 'narrative.' The only times that he even quotes Biden is foam some outrage over our Head-of-State's virtue-signalling and pretending to care about Palestinian civilians--- complaining that Biden isn't being ruthless enough and basically arguing that the Palestinians deserve to be exterminated anyway.

  Here's more of what this character had to say: "When you elect a weak, decrepit, senile man who should have 24 hour care in a nursing home somewhere near Rehoboth Beach, not 24 hour Secret Service protection at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue—it leads to the world becoming a dark, dangerous, and chaotic place." 

   Oh, really? You mean that sending armadas off the Palestinian Coast and into the Red Sea and priming the Treasury Secretary to tell Americans that we can afford another war---that's being weak? Illegally occupying Syrian oil fields and beefing up our military presence there is because we aren't being forceful enough?

   Let's hear what the Junta's Foreign Minister, Anthony Blinken had to say yesterday: "Iran is closely monitoring these events and, in some cases, actively facilitating these attacks and spurring on others who may want to exploit the conflict for their own good or for that of Iran." {a lie, which incidentally is parroted in the Conservative Media, but spun as though Liberals don't agree with it}. "We expect that there’s a likelihood of escalation, escalation by Iranian proxies directed against our forces, directed against our personnel. We are taking steps to make sure that we can effectively defend our people and respond decisively if we need to." 

  While I certainly don't endorse Biden's or Blinken's statements, it's beyond ridiculous to try and pretend, as these Neocon writers do, that Republicans and Democrats actually hold different positions on the Middle East. As if needed any further proof of this, consider that on Friday every GOP Senator lined up behind Chuck Schumer and voted to back the Junta's support for Israel. 

   "Biden tried and failed miserably to reassure the American people that he is even remotely capable of cleaning up this mess the world now finds itself in—due to his incompetence, diminished mental acuity—and the continuation of his historically disastrous foreign policy decisions." Carpe further fumes. I'd like to ask him a simple question, though: whose Administration imposed itself on the Middle East to begin with and set this disaster in motion?

     As we all know, though, both interventions in Iraq were all about protecting Americans and had absolutely nothing to do with securing Middle Eastern oil reserves for Global Oil Cartels. As spokesmen for these Cartels assure us all, the hyperinflated oil prices in the US right now is because we don't have enough of a military presence in the region and it's our 'enemies' who are somehow cheating us. Trump did have us on a trajectory to become energy-independent by 2025, but the Republicans threw him under the bus and now he's a President-in-Exile. 

   The real problem that the Republican Establishment had with Trump is that Trump actually tried to solve problems. The Political Class maintains its power largely through a Strategy of Tension, i.e. creating problems and sowing divisions. Energy Independence would lead to a productive populace, and the Oligarchy doesn't want that. They want wars, because wars enable them to rule by fear of external threats, as well as considerable profiteering on the side.

   Carpe Diem exposes this as the real Republican Party objective: "No one who listened to that 13-minute meandering, incoherent jargon should be reassured of anything, except for our enemies—who no longer fear us and no doubt will be emboldened to continue to set the world on fire, as long as Biden is in the White House." 

   It's the Bush Machine mantra all over again. You're either with us, or you're the enemy. Rule by fear, but accuse others of being terrorists. Diplomacy is weakness. People only respond to power and intimidation. War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity only concern "useful idiots like the U.N." His whole article reads like the ravings of a sociopath, liberally salted with Paranoia. 

   The Republican Establishment can't seem to grasp that Reagan and Trump won votes because they appealed to people's better natures. Reagan said that it was "Morning in America again," Trump said, "Make America Great Again." The Bush-Neocon position, in contrast, is to pander to the worst elements in human nature and project those morbid tendencies upon those who oppose them. Thus it is that writers like Carpe Diem can reconcile Israeli Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza by saying, "Well gee, if the 'innocent Palestinians' only want to live in peace, then surely they shouldn’t have any issue with the Israelis destroying Hamas once and for all—and liberating them from bloodthirsty savages." Or, for that matter, after calling for war with Iran, saying that Biden "applauded himself for being the first American president to enter both Israel and Ukraine during a war—two wars that never would have started to begin with if we had a strong leader who was respected—and he said Israel should not 'be blinded by rage.'"

   What a hypocrite. Again, I certainly don't endorse Biden's policies, but if this is the caliber of 'Opposition' we might as well support Iran because at least they really do oppose the Oligarchy's objectives. Ask yourselves how many tent cities, flash-mobs looting stores, open-air drug-dealing, and 'pride' parades one sees in Tehran and compare that to what the Republicans are doing to address any of these problems in America. Ask again if Iran is suffering runaway inflation, schools that fail to educate anyone, collapsing internal infrastructure, and declining fertility and overall health rates, and ask how the Republicans have corrected any of these problems here. Somehow, the GOP 'narrative' that we need "to defend our way of life" against theirs doesn't come across as a fair exchange. 

   If that sounds extreme, consider Carpe Diem's complaint about the Junta's evacuation of Afghanistan. He seems to forget that 20 years of 'American Exceptionalism' exasperated the Afghani people to the point where they wanted the Taliban back. Even the Saudis can't stand us any more and want us to leave. It ought to be clear by now that neither can even run the United States, so it's absurd to talk about imposing 'our will' on anybody else. 

   Ultimately, it is not even a matter of what is or is not in the interests of the American people. The Middle East conflict is simply another political and media circus; being marketed and sold for public consumption. At the higher levels, it is an ongoing conspiracy to seize more wealth and power for certain vested interests, and we need to reject all of their propaganda to the contrary. 



  1. I'm afraid you have hit upon the truth here when you said, "The Republican Narrative is only a marketing angle in the event that we have a national election in 2024." Tragically that is often true of politics, it is far more about marketing ploys than any genuine concern for the well being of people. The people of the swamp are all on the same team. Also, money talks and rules the day, so we have the military industrial complex driving the narrative just as we have often had the homeless industrial complex and Big Pharma running things here at home.

    1. Exactly. Unfortunately, it's getting even worse. I said in 2022, that the Party has no leadership, no plan of action, and they can't point to Democrat policies because they've been complicit in nearly all of them. The only thing they can do is take a harder line and accuse the Democrats of not being authoritarian enough.
