Saturday, October 28, 2023


      As it is beginning to appear more and more likely that 2023's October Surprise is leading to some type of US-involved conflict in the Middle East, we've been having a lively debate on Citizen Tom's blog  about the nature of this involvement. Though we take polar-opposite positions on this issue, it's refreshing to listen to reasoned and civil discussion from the other side for a change. Readers can follow the link if they wish to consider our respective points. I mentioned one issue, though, which I feel needs to be fleshed-out for wider discussion. 

     The general consensus of many who support a Second War on Terror goes back to something that Bush raised after the 9/11 attacks. Bush stated that the perpetrators of that crime were ideological fanatics who "hate us because of our freedoms," and that they represented "a threat to our way of life." Bush won considerable support from many of us, because---in 2001---these statements basically were true. What Bush did afterwards: subverting our freedoms and sabotaging our way of life is another story. Obama continued his policies, Trump failed to scale any of them back, the Biden/Harris Junta has accelerated them infinitely; and the Junta's nominal political opposition wants an even greater acceleration. A lot of the same rhetoric from 2001 is coming back in 2023; but the situation has changed radically since then. 

   That brings up the heart of the question. What exactly of our 'freedoms' and 'way of life' do we have left to us that are worth defending? 

   Already in the United States, about 90% of the population is upholding another 10% who control about 90% of our economy and about 100% of our sociopolitical infrastructure. By 'defending our freedoms,' they mean defending their privileges and by 'protecting our way of life,' they mean their way of life. Make no mistake about it: they fully intend that we of the 90% are going to make all the sacrifices involved in this defense. Through the psyop Strategy of Tension they will keep the 90% disunified and through the policy of Managed Democracy pretend that they have a popular mandate. 

   Is this what we really want to fight for? The 'right' of Big Ag and Big Pharma to poison our society with unsafe food, water, and drugs? The 'right' of the Academic Mafia to turn our public schools into re-education camps? The 'right' of unelected Corporate and Financial bureaucrats to combine and impose social engineering schemes upon us? The 'right' of the Deep State to tax us with no accountability for how the money is spent? The 'right' of militarized police forces to invade our privacy, impose lockdowns, and soft Martial Law any time they feel like it? The 'right' of professional politicians to surfeit in wealth and luxury by taking legalized bribes to look the other way at issues that need addressing? The 'right' of the Tech Lords and Big Media to decide for us what is and isn't acceptable discourse? 

   Things like Faith, Family, and Property Rights were the foundations of earlier causes to defend our country. All three of these traditions are under deliberate and sustained attack---not by foreign governments or ideologies, but by the very people who are calling upon us to defend our way of life now. Why should we fight for them? 

   If we actually had a Christian Conservative Movement again, we would have put the brakes on these abuses and injustices long before we arrived at the brink of a Third World War. Citizen Tom brought up the very valid point that---in the present situation now at least---opposing our system means justifying the nations that our Oligarchs have designated as enemies. That's a fair point: and it's not a delightful thought to consider that the Communist Party of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran are part of the last line of defense between Civilization and Technofascist Barbarism; however the complete inaction of Americans to elicit any sort of pushback (and worse, actual cooperation with) the objectives of the Oligarchs and the Great Reset have made this situation what it is. 

   The brutality of the Israeli Government against Gaza is the logical extension of the kind of ruthlessness and police terrorism unleashed during the Scamdemic of 2020-2022. As bad as things were in the United States, others of our Western 'allies' were going to even greater extremes: forced vaccinations, travel permits, quarantine camps, brutal suppression of dissent; and the Trudeau Regime in Canada probably topped all of them to point where even the Governments of China and North Korea were calling out their repressive measures. 

   However, what we're witnessing in the Gaza Strip isn't the culmination of Great Reset savagery, like the Canadian example it is setting the precedent for how the Great Reset is intended to be implemented universally. The Globalist Oligarchs are not joking when they're talking about depopulation, a global surveillance state, and the necessity of Woke Corporatists to manage the world's economies and order our societies. At least the Chinese Communists and Islamic Republicans are not threatening us with that. 

   Citizen Tom points out---again correctly---that we don't live in a perfect world. I agree with that, and often our lives are faced with the choice of lesser of two evils. 80-plus years ago, the Roosevelt and Churchill Administrations certainly had many policies worthy of criticism, but these rather paled against the objectives of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Today the situation is reversed. Chinese Commissars and Iranian Ayatollahs may not be role models of ideally managed Governments, but they aren't talking about wiping out high percentages of the Earth's population, reducing the rest to slavery and establishing a new Master Race either. 

   The Conservative Christian approach, as I see it, would be for the United States to get out of the Middle East altogether. Humanitarian aid, yes; but not a drop of blood or money for the Oligarchs to extend their hegemony. Instead, we should raise our calls of unity and sacrifice to addressing our own multitudinous domestic problems. Sadly, though, there isn't the popular or political will for that, so it may come down to our so-called enemies' responses.


  1. I mostly agree with your observations, so I'm not the best one to answer for "conservative Christians," but I'll try to respond to your question, "What exactly of our 'freedoms' and 'way of life' do we have left to us that are worth defending?"

    Things are pretty bleak here on the home front but I still don't want to live in a Muslim country. For one, they usually don't even make a pretense about democracy. They are socially intolerant towards women, minorities, and Christians. Most of the general population lives in poverty. There is often political instability. Some have perverted and distorted Islam creating Hamas, Isis, and assorted other militant groups that tend to target civilians.

    I agree with your final paragraph and your conclusion about what a conservative Christian approach should be, including "addressing our own multitudinous domestic problems." Citizen Tom and I often argue about that very thing. I think conservatives need to focus on the well being of the average American, start to empathize with working class people, the addiction epidemic, the housing crisis, the lousy economy. Trump is a populist for that very reason, he captures the heart of many Americans because he seems to care about our well being. I can't name any other conservative who seems the least bit interested in the well being of people.

    1. TBH, I don't really believe there's much chance of a Moslem takeover of the US. Percentage-wise they aren't a huge demographic, (about 1.3% of the population), in spite of what the Media says. Their strongest military powers: Iran, Egypt, and Turkey combined aren't capable of invading us.

      There is the threat of terrorism to disrupt us; but I don't know why they should since the violent crime already here is accomplishing more destruction than terrorists could.

      I think that the leadership on the Right is using the issue as a distraction to divert attention from their own failures to solve---or even come up with a plan for solving---our domestic problems.

  2. Palestine never got going with a P.R. outfit and/or lobbyists until late in the game. There were no photographs or news worthy stories back in the '60's and'70's when Christians could become aware of what was going down. A generation was born in Palestine that didn't require a crystal ball to see how this was going to conclude. Always keep your eye on the ball
    The Middle East has been inflamed and warring for a thousand years. Who would think that this tribalism was going to end when Israel was planted into their midst?

    1. PR and lobbying really caused a problem. After WW1, the British and French set up the Arab League. Their objective was to create a united bloc in the Middle East when the international mandates expired; and this would keep out the influence of Germany and the Soviet Union. Zionist lobbying and money got the State of Israel; and we can see how well that worked.

  3. Excellent article/discussion. Thanks.
