Thursday, October 19, 2023


    So our nominal Head-of-State managed to do some photo-ops in the Middle East and Virtue-Signalled by pledging to transfer some more American wealth into the hands of his favorite NGOs under the guise of humanitarian aid for Gaza. The old hypocrite had hoped for an international summit, but the Egyptian and Palestinian Presidents, along with the Saudi and Jordanian monarchs, called his bluff and cancelled the meeting. 

   I was discussing the situation in the Middle East online with a Russian fellow who reminded me of something I'd forgotten about, though a decade ago it was one of the major backstories behind Obama and Hillary's skulduggery in the region. 

  In 2000, a major undersea oil field was discovered by British engineers on the East Mediterranean Coast, extending down from Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the Gaza Strip and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. Russia later concluded a series of treaties with those nations to begin development of the oil fields, completing the Gaza Marine I and Marine II derricks during the Obama years.

  Just coincidentally, about the same time, a series of color revolutions broke out in Egypt, Syria, Libya, and Lebanon. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert just coincidentally, was implicated in a scandal and forced to resign. The color revolutions in Egypt and Syria failed; but the last Israel-Gaza Conflict broke out in 2014, just coincidentally under a previous Netanyahu term, 

   Frustrated after being thwarted in Syria, Obama sent the Pentagon to seize and occupy the oil fields in Eastern Syria, where they illegally remain to this day. President Trump ordered them to leave, but the Pentagon disregarded his order, and the Biden/Harris Junta recently even took the astonishing step of ordering naval personnel to serve on tankers transporting the stolen oil. The expropriated oil is worked in Syria by forced labor impressed by US troops, where it goes isn't exactly clear.

  With Saudi Arabia's recent moves to leave the Western orbit and align itself with the BRICS nations, suddenly these oil reserves off the Gaza Coast become important again. It's just such an astounding coincidence that Gaza suddenly became a world hotspot again, just as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt became BRICS members. What an amazing coincidence too, that the Israeli Prime Minister just happens to be deeply connected with the Boston Consulting Group, and its interests in the World Economic Forum (where companies such as BP, Exxon/Mobil, and Royal Dutch Shell are proud members). 

  It is quite odd---that with all of this supposed anti-Israel bias in the Corporate Media---that nobody seems to have noticed that control of a major oil field is in play along with who controls Gaza. It's a silence eerily reminiscent of the Kosovo Conflict, the post 9/11 War on Terror, or the Syrian Civil War: somehow discussion of which Corporate Interests might benefit from our Government's totally disinterested and humanitarian motives in intervening in these conflicts seemed never to be raised in polite discourse. 

  It's truly an amazing coincidence that all of these States of Emergency always seem to involve geopolitical areas with vast undeveloped resources. It's also quite amazing that we citizens of the West are always called upon to sacrifice our own resources and civil liberties, but somehow the profit-margins and political influence of these Supranational Conglomerates and Banks all seem to fatten substantially during and after these crises. Our political leadership, too, which can't come to a consensus on how address things like mass poverty and failing infrastructure puts aside its differences and sings the same tune, albeit in different tempos.


     Janet Yellen, the Junta's Finance Minister---who made millions advising WEF Top 100 Strategic Partners CitiBank, Goldman-Sachs, Google, UBS, Barclays, Credit Suisse, and Salesforce---says that we all need to work harder and sacrifice more, to defend our freedoms, of course: not to transfer more wealth into the hands of Wall Street like these conspiracy kooks might imagine. What passes for a political opposition in the United States only disagrees with the Junta to the extent that it considers them to be too moderate. In Britain, what passes for an opposition there is calling upon bonny King Chuck and his puppet Prime Minister to follow Israel's example and establish a one-party state. France and Germany have already banned pro-Palestinian protests. 

    Again: one has to wonder exactly what the compelling national interest for such extraordinary measures and statements would be over a country the size of New Jersey 6,000 miles away fighting over a territory smaller than many US counties? True, during the Cold War, Israel served a strategic purpose for the United States, and even today seems to be quite capable of defending itself. Outside of North Korea, Israel is probably one of the most heavily militarized and fortified countries in the world. So what exactly is our interest there?

    The answer is that we, that is, the American People have no interests there. Supranational Corporations and the Deep States they control have considerable interest there, however. Like nearly every intervention and manufactured 'crisis' we've endured since the first Bush Administration, wealth transfers, seizure of foreign resources, and consolidating political powers are the only actually motives, no matter how the Official Narratives and Official Counter-Narratives are played by the compliant Media and hired 'experts.' 



  1. Interesting!

    Recently I watched a biography of George Orwell (who wrote 1984.) So right out of school in England he becomes an imperial policeman assigned to Burma and his job is to guard the opium fields and to ensure the slave labor behaves because it is a matter of national security that England is able to keep supplying China with plenty of drugs.

    When you wrote about, "which Corporate Interests might benefit from our Government's totally disinterested and humanitarian motives," it kind reminded me of the difference between British imperialism versus American imperialism. In America we really have been so brainwashed we seem to believe everything our own government does is totally out of benevolence and humanitarian concerns. To even suggest otherwise gets you labeled a conspiracy theorist, at best.

    1. In another recent media-downplayed story, the US is meddling in a border dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Just coincidentally this all happened just as Russia and Iran made a deal with Azerbaijan to build an oil pipeline through the country: suddenly we're very concerned Armenian and the Junta signed a huge foreign aid package including military advisors. One of the side-deals of that foreign aid package was that Armenia agreed to promote American Media in the country, with a substantial percentage especially earmarked to promote homo propaganda.
