Friday, October 25, 2024


       This week, Early Voting started; and so, barring any 'incidents' (accidental or otherwise), the die has really been cast for this year's Election. By some accounts, Americans are on the verge of mass-hysteria (again) over this most important election of our lifetimes; an election which ultimately will decide whether we transition smoothly into the Great Reset by staying with the Democrats or plunge into the New World Order headlong with the Republicans. 

      According to Forbes Magazine, 129 billionaire Corporate Oligarchs have made up for most of the campaign spending. 79 of these support the DNC, 50 support the RNC; but when the dust settles, they'll shake hands and go back to running the country again. More than a few of these moneyed interest groups have operatives in both parties, though that little detail isn't widely reported. If it were reported, people might start getting the right idea about the kind of political system that we actually have in the United States

      The Strategy of Tension, which we've discussed here before as well, blatantly also has been on full display. The venom and vulgarity displayed by both parties and their respective media machines has equalled Scamdemic-level paranoia and demonization. 

      Whichever side 'wins,' the campaigns have given us a fairly good indication of how the victorious Party intends to govern the Nation. Despite all of the Media yapping about Civil War 2.0, a far more likely threat is the sheer number of Brownshirts that either side can mobilize to enforce its will on the rest of us. The events of 2020 showed us all just how easily a large percentage of the population can be fanned into turning against each other. Don't imagine that in the intervening four years since that the Deep State hasn't been busily working with their think-tanks and research facilities on doing and improving on the same kinds of things.

     No sooner had the National Panic Attack initiated in 2020 subsided than the Elites began the build-up to 2024. Scarcely a day has gone by during this entire time when one hasn't been bombarded with Enemy Images, often punctuated by the most egregious and abominable lies---many such falsehoods unquestioned by gullible partisans and credulous ignoramuses. Nobody has stopped to think that the Corporate Overlords removing a candidate who'd already won all of the Primaries and coronating another; or the other Party bringing in WEF operatives to manage its policies might mean that we're all being lied to for ulterior motives. 

    Both sides too have freely engaged in overt acts and statements of hypocrisy; accusing each other of doing what they do. This is done deliberately. It's a form of negative advertising principles. An advertiser seeks to find one's deepest desires and sell a product to improve their lives; this type of propaganda seeks to find one's deepest fears and to project them upon the opposition. This type of propaganda also is designed to unify a base of people who don't let moral scruples get in the way of achieving an objective. Sadly, there's no shortage of such people exactly like that in the United States today. 

    Both Parties say that the Enemy is within; which is partly true although not in the way that they mean it. The Enemy Within is ourselves and much of this Election has been a quixotic quest for many to find a leadership who'll save them from themselves and tangentially save themselves and profit at others' expense. Like 2020, we've seen Trash Culture again on full display and we need to start taking stock as a nation as to what our national character really amounts to, and what we need to do as a nation to change that. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


      Shortly before President Trump's photo-op at a Pennsylvania McDonald's drive-in, the President attended a posh dinner at the New York Hilton Midtown Hotel hosted by the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation. The event is an annual one, named in honor of Franklin Roosevelt's predecessor both as Governor of New York and Democrat Presidential nominee. The Foundation is currently headed by Smith's great-grandson, a former Wall Street stockbroker who retired from Bear-Stearns with a Golden Parachute shortly before the Bush/Obama bailouts when the firm sold to WEF Strategic Partner, JP Morgan. It cost $5,000 just to get a ticket to get into this year's event while prime seats at the event tagged $250,000.  

    The Foundation supports many Catholic causes, and another manufactured controversy has been surrounding this year's dinner. Kamala Harris did not attend, although President Trump did: and, in a day and age where the personal is political, the Controlled Opposition Press has made another soap-opera out of Kamala's absence. Catholic League President Bill Donahue went on the Murdoch Family-owned news outlet, Fox News, to opine that: "Harris’ snub of the Al Smith dinner sent an unmistakable message to Catholics” and that her absence was "just the latest in a career full of swipes at the faithful."

   Donahue's remarks fairly well echo much of what the paid punditocracy working in Republican interests have been saying. While there's much truth in what Donahue says about Kamala and the Democrats, I think it a much greater snub to Catholics to have thrown the decades of work involved in repealing Roe vs. Wade under the bus; as well as giving unequivocal support to the Jewish Supremacists ethnically-cleansing Christians in the Middle East, but we digress.

      Trump had RINO House Speaker Mike Johnson and Deep State operative Mike Pompeo in tow; while the emcee, Hollywood hack Jim Gaffigan, told jokes about an upcoming Civil War. Trump laughed off the remarks, boasting that "
he had been coming to the dinner for decades with his father, and that his first check to a politician was to Senator Schumer" accompanied by a friendly pat on the back. Trump also praised New York Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul, who just promoted one of the nation's most radical abortion laws, saying: “Good job. It’s not an easy one, is it? But you are doing all right,” as well as expressing sympathy over NYC Mayor Eric Adams' legal problems: “Good luck with everything, they went after you. They went after you, mayor...what you're facing is peanuts compared to my legal woes. But I think you're gonna win and you're going to be OK."

     Among other attendees were WEF members Michael Bloomberg and Stephen Schwarzmann (one supports Kamala, the other Trump); woke NFL Commissar Roger Goodell, a couple other NFL team-owners, and billionaire Ken Langone. The event was sponsored by WEF Strategic Partners and financial octopuses Bank of America, Goldman-Sachs, and Deloitte. Trump acknowledged his debt to the Corporate Overlords promising in his concluding remarks: “I will work with the governor, I will work with the mayor, with Democrats. I will work with them, whoever I have to, and we will even work very hard to bring back the S.A.L.T. tax deduction. We are going to bring it back,” which elicited a round of cheers from the Oligarchs and their Uniparty operatives. 

     Unsurprisingly, the Controlled Opposition Media paid little attention to any of this; instead of jeering Kamala for skipping the event they should be asking what the Republican Leadership was doing there. But asking those kinds of questions wouldn't suit the purposes of the Conservative-Industrial Complex, which has to keep up the narrative that they are working in the interests of mainstream working-class Americans. These days, unfortunately, controlling the narrative is all that really matters and wishful thinking takes a back-seat to Reality.

Sunday, October 20, 2024


      As we've seen throughout the year, the new and woke Republican Party is on top of every major issue of deep concern to the present and future of the United States. Apparently, Kamala Harris said something about working a service job somewhere and the Controlled Opposition immediately pounced on that statement to dispute it and treat it like it would be the defining issue of the 'election.' So, the smart boys at the RNC---the same geniuses who forget to send candidates' statements for voters' guides---decided to send President Trump out to a McDonald's franchise for a photo-op. This event took place in Pennsylvania, where the GOP is floundering, largely because of running another truly loathsome specimen for the Senate

    Besides shoring up flagging support, the purpose of this exercise seemed to be to show that the current GOP leadership isn't just a collection of out-of-touch globalist billionaires, but really concerned about us, the little people. Shortly before this event was announced, however, the GOP also arranged for (another) six-figure-a-plate fundraiser in New York next Saturday. 

        Currently, financial octopuses Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, and JP Morgan Chase own about 25% of McDonald's, with about another 10% owned by other globalist financial cartels. The company is heavily tied in with Big Ag, especially WEF Strategic Partners Coca-Cola and Pepsico. Like the Republican Party of today, McDonald's is heavily into Political Correctness, and maintains a rather tyrannical work environment. We're certain, though, that all of these bigwigs can afford nearly a million dollars for a decent meal and a chance to buy influence, which is what an Ultra MAGA Experience really amounts to.

       Predictably, though, the True Believers are all excited because they seriously believe that just getting rid of the Democrats will bring back the days of 15-cent hamburgers which are all American-grown beef, even though a Bill Gates crony is currently slated to head the USDA should the Red Wave sweep into power.

      The Wall Street billionaires dining with Trump next Sunday will be laughing in their sleeves at all of this; but it ought to cause a few to stop and reflect. It should cause a few people to ask why the Republicans aren't talking about Big Ag's stranglehold on American food production, the low quality of American produce, the obscenely high prices for the 'privilege' of eating, the dismal working conditions and low pay that the American workforce has been reduced to: we won't hear any of that. McDonald's employees aren't the ones stuffing the RNC coffers with cash, so they simply don't count. 


Thursday, October 17, 2024


     With the 2024 'Election' winding down, the RNC chieftains are desperately trying to whip up their donor-base to grab as much cash as possible before the inevitable disaster happens in November. While both wings of the Corporate Media have been focusing on the Presidential Race and pretending that it's too close to call to keep the clickbait and ad revenue going until the last possible moment, the underlying story is that the Republicans have alienated so many of their own Conservative Base that the only thing keeping the numbers close is that many undecided voters aren't happy with Kamala. These people, though, will hold their noses and vote for her anyway; because in the so-called 'Swing States' the Democrats are trouncing Republicans in key races. Let's look at a few numbers:

   The Senate races look like this, as of today:

    Virginia: Democrats +13

    New Mexico: Democrats +12

    Maryland: Democrats +10

    Arizona: Democrats +8

    Nevada: Democrats +8

    Michigan: Democrats +5

    New Jersey: Democrats +5

    Pennsylvania: Democrats +4

    Wisconsin: Democrats +3

    Ohio: Democrats +2

    In normally 'Red States' The Nebraska Senate Race has a Democrat-turned-Independent ahead +4 and North Carolina's Neo-Nazi candidate is trailing the Democrat gubernatorial candidate by nearly 15 points. In Florida and Texas, incumbent RINOs Rick Scott and Ted Cruz have blown double-digit leads and are currently ahead by 2-3%: well within the Margin of Error. In Georgia, where there is no statewide race, the Vance/Musk ticket is tied with Kamala. These are all States that the Republicans should be dominating: the RNC has already written off hopes of New Hampshire, Maine, and Virginia. 

   Despite what the Conservative-Industrial-Complex' propaganda says, we're basically looking at a 1964-level blowout. The question we should be considering now is whether or not we can rebuild a Conservative Movement again from the ruins. After all, the Republicans followed up the debacle of 1964 with wins in 1968, 1972, 1980 and came close in 1976. It can be done again, but Conservatives are going to have to step up to the plate and become active again. As William F. Buckley said, "It is a mistake to consider everyone on the Right as an ally." Ignoring that sage advice is what has led to decades of Bush-Machine domination and the Party becoming a magnet for Dark Enlightenment and assorted Supremacist crackpots.


     Voters have no particular loyalty to the Democrats; in fact, likely all but the far-out Whacko Left Wing are disgusted by them. But the Republicans have failed---and failed spectacularly---to win over any independent voters. Their arrogant, Bush-like attitude that anyone not behind them 100% is an enemy or an inferior; their contemptuous disregard for any problems that don't immediately effect themselves; and the ruthless pursuit of power for its own sake have stamped them with definite authoritarian overtones in the minds of much of the public.

      As we noted in our previous article, it is not only Independents, but actual Conservatives who have been alienated, and many do not simply intend to hold their noses and vote Republican. They intend to stay home, something that the smart boys hadn't counted on, if the erosion of Republican leads in Red strongholds is any indication. To Conservative voters, the Democrats are terrible on social and economic issues, but the Republicans have abandoned both; and Independents who are dissatisfied with the current leadership see the extremism and accelerationism pushed by the New Right as even more of a threat.

        Buckley also famously said of the Bush policies that "hard analysis has been replaced by wishful thinking." This is more advice that those who hope to rebuild the Conservative Movement need to follow. Action for the sake of taking action may solidify one's credentials as a Manly Alpha Leader but it usually leads to disaster, as the entire record of both Bush Administrations show. 

      The American Right is going to continue to lose as long as it disregards the American citizen, the U.S. Constitution, and even its own core Conservative principles. In November---like 2022---we'll have to learn the hard way; and let us all hope that this time, the lesson is learned. 




Saturday, October 12, 2024


      A survey of likely voters conducted by Arizona Christian University was making the rounds on Friday, and the news isn't so good for the Conservative-Industrial Complex. "latest research shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November...including 41 million born-again Christians (defined by their beliefs regarding sin and salvation, not self-identification), 32 million regular Christian church attenders, and 14 million who attend an evangelical church." About the only surprising things in these numbers is that they aren't higher than they are, and that the over-confident RNC punditocracy seems not to have seen this coming.

     The reasons for Christians sitting out the Elections aren't hard to figure out. Consider the following facts:

    1. Both Parties hold the values that we care about in utter contempt;

    2. Both Parties support despotic regimes like Ukraine and Israel which persecute Christians;

    3. Both Parties are funded by Globalist Oligarchs with Utopian visions that largely exclude religion.

    A vote for either of them translates to approval of their crimes. It's not a matter at this point of having standards that are too high: it's that both Parties have crossed too many red-lines to be acceptable to People of Faith. The Republicans are making the same mistake that cost Hillary Clinton the Election in 2016: their arrogant beliefs that the opposition are deplorables, and that they can take their base for granted because the voters have no other option. The Clinton Machine saw vote totals down so radically in districts they thought were reliable that they lost States that they didn't even consider in contention. 

   The same thing is going to happen to Republicans in November, as it should. The Republicans have disqualified themselves to the point where the 'winner' of this year's Election is a matter of indifference. No matter who 'wins' Christian Conservatives lose anyway. 

   If the Republicans are put back in power; they will interpret it as a popular mandate, and the Conservative Movement effectively will be dead. What the Republican Party needs desperately is a through reformation, not a blank cheque to run roughshod over Conservatives and people of faith. According to Open Secrets, about a dozen Globalist billionaires and a handful of Corporate-connected PACs account for nearly half of Republican 'campaign contributions.' In whose interests should we suppose that the Party will govern? 

   The only major voices claiming to speak for Christians in this Election are a few well-funded cultish Megachurches, who are far more concerned about power and profit than they are about Christian values. For many Christians, the use of these charlatans and hypocrites as props only adds insult to injury. Why would Christians support candidates who, in the Name of Christianity, support policies which are repugnant to the spirit of Christ's teachings

    The Christian boycott illustrates what is fundamentally wrong with the Republican Party's whole orientation. The leadership sees itself as an entitled, arrogant Elite who give lip-service to a few superficial (and often false) Christian values because they basically believe that religion is nothing more than a useful tool to keep their inferiors pacified. It's a positive sign that so many Christians are seeing through the sham; and that awareness might allow us to rebuild a real Conservative Movement again.




Tuesday, October 8, 2024


     Among the myriads of other ways that American Christian Conservatives have copied the Whacko Left Wing has been their wholesale abandonment of Family Values as a core principle. The abysmal state of physical and mental health among the young; the abominable schools, the enshrinement of abortion as a fundamental human right, homo 'equality,' the corrupt social welfare system: all of these things tell us all that we need to know about the state of American Parenthood. 

    Religious training of children is another thing that Americans have outsourced to third parties; and the latest trend among our woke Republican Party has been to shift that responsibility onto the public school system. Based and Red-Pilled State officials have been grandstanding with various political publicity stunts, pretending to fight Liberal indoctrination by replacing it with their own versions of Political Correctness, and Megachurches and their billionaire donors haven't been slow to capitalize on this growing industry.

   Ryan Walters, Oklahoma's Public School Commissar---who himself is heavily funded by Megachurches and Wall Street Oligarchs--- is currently pushing to have mandated teaching of the Bible in the public schools. 

     Since the Postmodern version of American Conservatism has thrown up the sponge on issues like School Choice and given up its opposition to Government-Mandated religious indoctrination, Walters feels quite unrestrained as to which particular doctrines he's unilaterally decided to impose upon Oklahoma schoolchildren and teenagers. He's secured a bid proposal for government contracts to put Bibles in all schools; and his criteria for the types of Bibles are quite specific.


      I'm not certain how kids who are barely capable in Modern English are going to be able to get through the Elizabethan English of the King James Version, especially without "study guides, publisher narration, or additional commentary;" or exactly how the documents included in Section 2.5 has any relationship to religious worship, but we digress. Bidding for this rather unique edition started last Monday and concludes this week: one of the first miracles might be finding a publisher who meets these exact criteria on such short notice.

    The Oklahoman reached out to Mardel Christian & Education---a company that carries 2,900 editions of the Bible---and was informed that not one fits Walters' criteria. However, a more extensive search found two which do. 


      The God Bless the USA Bible, and the We the People Bible sold by nonprofit organizations connected to the Trump Family (which has collected about $300,000 in royalties so far) appear to be the only publishers meeting the Oklahoma standards. Walters' proposals call for 55,000 such Bibles, even though Oklahoma has a total of 43,000 classrooms---not all of which teach courses upon which the Bible would have any direct bearing. Trump licenses his name, image and likeness to be used in the God Bless the USA Bible’s marketing.

     “We have talked about ensuring that our history courses include the role the Bible played throughout American history,” Walters hypocritically snorted at a recent interview. “We’ve talked about the efforts of left-wing groups and the teachers’ unions to drive the Bible out of school. I believe it’s important for historical context for our kids to understand the role the Bible played...Democrats plan to teach kids to hate their country as well as Christianity and Judaism and this Bible initiative is an antidote to that."  Walters added that in the future "every state in the country would be doing this."

    It probably shouldn't surprise anybody, but I've yet to see any criticism of Walters' policy---or the shady manner in which these Bibles are being procured---from anyone on the Conservative Christian Right. In fact, the Trump Campaign and the RNC has fully backed Walters and his schemes.

   Bibles should be in every school library, along with other religious literature, but libraries are not especially high priorities these days. Nor, apparently is our traditions of keeping religious indoctrination out of classrooms; nor, apparently, is subsidizing political fronts with taxpayer dollars considered an anti-Conservative position. 



Sunday, October 6, 2024


      There's nothing like Compassionate Conservatism answering the call of people in need. In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Republican Party CEO Elon Musk took to his private social media network to criticize, and later network with, his fellow WEF Young Global Leader Pete Buttigieg over the lack of Federal response to the victims of the disaster. Musk cited a story that went viral last week about FEMA diverting Disaster Relief Funds to care for immigrants---all of these stories discreetly ignored the fact that the Republican-controlled Congress approves and funds FEMA's budgets, as did Musk.

     Musk, who himself is an immigrant and who has received millions in Government subsidies and contracts, didn't offer, as far as I know, to dig into his 9-figure net worth to help any of the victims; but oh well, I got mine...Such should be the motto of the New Right.

    Never letting a good crisis go to waste, the RNC dispatched President Trump to the scene for a photo-op and an opportunity to shore up the other impending disaster of North Carolina going over to the Democrats. The Nazi Candidate for Governor is down now by nearly 20 points in most polls. At least in the early 1930s, their German counterparts were shrewd enough to organize relief efforts during the Great Depression, but today's more evolved version insists that the hoi polloi should lift themselves up by their bootstraps, and nobody, it seems, campaigned for disaster relief here in America.

    Likely sensing that efforts in North Carolina are politically a labor-lost, the Campaign Team jetted off to the 'swing-state' of Pennsylvania. President Trump was joined by his woke wife, his probable replacement closeted homo JD Vance, and his boss, the aforementioned Elon Musk, who couldn't resist and had a Hulk Hogan Moment of his own.


      In a State facing a long-term economic decline and high crime rates, the GOP extravaganza focused on the Party's commitment to pro-Abortion causes, the immigration crisis (without mentioning, of course, that Pennsylvania is a common destination for immigrants bussed in and dumped by Republican Governors); while Musk grabbed the microphone to complain that billionaires like himself are too heavily regulated by the Federal Government

    Now, Musk's words no doubt carried weight in the current Pennsylvania Senate Race. The 2022 race was ignominiously blown, with the Republicans losing to a Democrat candidate who took the job because no one else wanted it and voters were concerned whether his health would enable him to survive until Election Day. The GOP's current candidate is Dave McCormick, who has trailed incumbent Democrat Bob Casey Jr. consistently. McCormick is another Wall Street hedge-fund manager, CEO of WEF Strategic Partner, Bridgewater Associates. The Deputy Executive at Bridgewater, Porter Diehl, is one of last year's WEF Young Global Leaders

     Prior to his term at Bridgewater, McCormick served as a 'consultant' for WEF Strategic Partner, McKinsey & Co., one of the most ruthless and unscrupulous Corporations invested in the Deep State, as well as serving in the Bush Administration's Security-State apparatus. McCormick's donor base is about what one would expect; as if we don't have enough of these types in the Senate already

    Candidates like these are what comes from people on the American Right complacently outsourcing their thinking, evading responsibility for their country and community, and passively assuming that anybody has to be better than a Democrat. Pennsylvania likely will be a Republican loss (again) and deservedly so, with or without voter fraud.