Thursday, October 17, 2024


     With the 2024 'Election' winding down, the RNC chieftains are desperately trying to whip up their donor-base to grab as much cash as possible before the inevitable disaster happens in November. While both wings of the Corporate Media have been focusing on the Presidential Race and pretending that it's too close to call to keep the clickbait and ad revenue going until the last possible moment, the underlying story is that the Republicans have alienated so many of their own Conservative Base that the only thing keeping the numbers close is that many undecided voters aren't happy with Kamala. These people, though, will hold their noses and vote for her anyway; because in the so-called 'Swing States' the Democrats are trouncing Republicans in key races. Let's look at a few numbers:

   The Senate races look like this, as of today:

    Virginia: Democrats +13

    New Mexico: Democrats +12

    Maryland: Democrats +10

    Arizona: Democrats +8

    Nevada: Democrats +8

    Michigan: Democrats +5

    New Jersey: Democrats +5

    Pennsylvania: Democrats +4

    Wisconsin: Democrats +3

    Ohio: Democrats +2

    In normally 'Red States' The Nebraska Senate Race has a Democrat-turned-Independent ahead +4 and North Carolina's Neo-Nazi candidate is trailing the Democrat gubernatorial candidate by nearly 15 points. In Florida and Texas, incumbent RINOs Rick Scott and Ted Cruz have blown double-digit leads and are currently ahead by 2-3%: well within the Margin of Error. In Georgia, where there is no statewide race, the Vance/Musk ticket is tied with Kamala. These are all States that the Republicans should be dominating: the RNC has already written off hopes of New Hampshire, Maine, and Virginia. 

   Despite what the Conservative-Industrial-Complex' propaganda says, we're basically looking at a 1964-level blowout. The question we should be considering now is whether or not we can rebuild a Conservative Movement again from the ruins. After all, the Republicans followed up the debacle of 1964 with wins in 1968, 1972, 1980 and came close in 1976. It can be done again, but Conservatives are going to have to step up to the plate and become active again. As William F. Buckley said, "It is a mistake to consider everyone on the Right as an ally." Ignoring that sage advice is what has led to decades of Bush-Machine domination and the Party becoming a magnet for Dark Enlightenment and assorted Supremacist crackpots.


     Voters have no particular loyalty to the Democrats; in fact, likely all but the far-out Whacko Left Wing are disgusted by them. But the Republicans have failed---and failed spectacularly---to win over any independent voters. Their arrogant, Bush-like attitude that anyone not behind them 100% is an enemy or an inferior; their contemptuous disregard for any problems that don't immediately effect themselves; and the ruthless pursuit of power for its own sake have stamped them with definite authoritarian overtones in the minds of much of the public.

      As we noted in our previous article, it is not only Independents, but actual Conservatives who have been alienated, and many do not simply intend to hold their noses and vote Republican. They intend to stay home, something that the smart boys hadn't counted on, if the erosion of Republican leads in Red strongholds is any indication. To Conservative voters, the Democrats are terrible on social and economic issues, but the Republicans have abandoned both; and Independents who are dissatisfied with the current leadership see the extremism and accelerationism pushed by the New Right as even more of a threat.

        Buckley also famously said of the Bush policies that "hard analysis has been replaced by wishful thinking." This is more advice that those who hope to rebuild the Conservative Movement need to follow. Action for the sake of taking action may solidify one's credentials as a Manly Alpha Leader but it usually leads to disaster, as the entire record of both Bush Administrations show. 

      The American Right is going to continue to lose as long as it disregards the American citizen, the U.S. Constitution, and even its own core Conservative principles. In November---like 2022---we'll have to learn the hard way; and let us all hope that this time, the lesson is learned. 




Saturday, October 12, 2024


      A survey of likely voters conducted by Arizona Christian University was making the rounds on Friday, and the news isn't so good for the Conservative-Industrial Complex. "latest research shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November...including 41 million born-again Christians (defined by their beliefs regarding sin and salvation, not self-identification), 32 million regular Christian church attenders, and 14 million who attend an evangelical church." About the only surprising things in these numbers is that they aren't higher than they are, and that the over-confident RNC punditocracy seems not to have seen this coming.

     The reasons for Christians sitting out the Elections aren't hard to figure out. Consider the following facts:

    1. Both Parties hold the values that we care about in utter contempt;

    2. Both Parties support despotic regimes like Ukraine and Israel which persecute Christians;

    3. Both Parties are funded by Globalist Oligarchs with Utopian visions that largely exclude religion.

    A vote for either of them translates to approval of their crimes. It's not a matter at this point of having standards that are too high: it's that both Parties have crossed too many red-lines to be acceptable to People of Faith. The Republicans are making the same mistake that cost Hillary Clinton the Election in 2016: their arrogant beliefs that the opposition are deplorables, and that they can take their base for granted because the voters have no other option. The Clinton Machine saw vote totals down so radically in districts they thought were reliable that they lost States that they didn't even consider in contention. 

   The same thing is going to happen to Republicans in November, as it should. The Republicans have disqualified themselves to the point where the 'winner' of this year's Election is a matter of indifference. No matter who 'wins' Christian Conservatives lose anyway. 

   If the Republicans are put back in power; they will interpret it as a popular mandate, and the Conservative Movement effectively will be dead. What the Republican Party needs desperately is a through reformation, not a blank cheque to run roughshod over Conservatives and people of faith. According to Open Secrets, about a dozen Globalist billionaires and a handful of Corporate-connected PACs account for nearly half of Republican 'campaign contributions.' In whose interests should we suppose that the Party will govern? 

   The only major voices claiming to speak for Christians in this Election are a few well-funded cultish Megachurches, who are far more concerned about power and profit than they are about Christian values. For many Christians, the use of these charlatans and hypocrites as props only adds insult to injury. Why would Christians support candidates who, in the Name of Christianity, support policies which are repugnant to the spirit of Christ's teachings

    The Christian boycott illustrates what is fundamentally wrong with the Republican Party's whole orientation. The leadership sees itself as an entitled, arrogant Elite who give lip-service to a few superficial (and often false) Christian values because they basically believe that religion is nothing more than a useful tool to keep their inferiors pacified. It's a positive sign that so many Christians are seeing through the sham; and that awareness might allow us to rebuild a real Conservative Movement again.




Tuesday, October 8, 2024


     Among the myriads of other ways that American Christian Conservatives have copied the Whacko Left Wing has been their wholesale abandonment of Family Values as a core principle. The abysmal state of physical and mental health among the young; the abominable schools, the enshrinement of abortion as a fundamental human right, homo 'equality,' the corrupt social welfare system: all of these things tell us all that we need to know about the state of American Parenthood. 

    Religious training of children is another thing that Americans have outsourced to third parties; and the latest trend among our woke Republican Party has been to shift that responsibility onto the public school system. Based and Red-Pilled State officials have been grandstanding with various political publicity stunts, pretending to fight Liberal indoctrination by replacing it with their own versions of Political Correctness, and Megachurches and their billionaire donors haven't been slow to capitalize on this growing industry.

   Ryan Walters, Oklahoma's Public School Commissar---who himself is heavily funded by Megachurches and Wall Street Oligarchs--- is currently pushing to have mandated teaching of the Bible in the public schools. 

     Since the Postmodern version of American Conservatism has thrown up the sponge on issues like School Choice and given up its opposition to Government-Mandated religious indoctrination, Walters feels quite unrestrained as to which particular doctrines he's unilaterally decided to impose upon Oklahoma schoolchildren and teenagers. He's secured a bid proposal for government contracts to put Bibles in all schools; and his criteria for the types of Bibles are quite specific.


      I'm not certain how kids who are barely capable in Modern English are going to be able to get through the Elizabethan English of the King James Version, especially without "study guides, publisher narration, or additional commentary;" or exactly how the documents included in Section 2.5 has any relationship to religious worship, but we digress. Bidding for this rather unique edition started last Monday and concludes this week: one of the first miracles might be finding a publisher who meets these exact criteria on such short notice.

    The Oklahoman reached out to Mardel Christian & Education---a company that carries 2,900 editions of the Bible---and was informed that not one fits Walters' criteria. However, a more extensive search found two which do. 


      The God Bless the USA Bible, and the We the People Bible sold by nonprofit organizations connected to the Trump Family (which has collected about $300,000 in royalties so far) appear to be the only publishers meeting the Oklahoma standards. Walters' proposals call for 55,000 such Bibles, even though Oklahoma has a total of 43,000 classrooms---not all of which teach courses upon which the Bible would have any direct bearing. Trump licenses his name, image and likeness to be used in the God Bless the USA Bible’s marketing.

     “We have talked about ensuring that our history courses include the role the Bible played throughout American history,” Walters hypocritically snorted at a recent interview. “We’ve talked about the efforts of left-wing groups and the teachers’ unions to drive the Bible out of school. I believe it’s important for historical context for our kids to understand the role the Bible played...Democrats plan to teach kids to hate their country as well as Christianity and Judaism and this Bible initiative is an antidote to that."  Walters added that in the future "every state in the country would be doing this."

    It probably shouldn't surprise anybody, but I've yet to see any criticism of Walters' policy---or the shady manner in which these Bibles are being procured---from anyone on the Conservative Christian Right. In fact, the Trump Campaign and the RNC has fully backed Walters and his schemes.

   Bibles should be in every school library, along with other religious literature, but libraries are not especially high priorities these days. Nor, apparently is our traditions of keeping religious indoctrination out of classrooms; nor, apparently, is subsidizing political fronts with taxpayer dollars considered an anti-Conservative position. 



Sunday, October 6, 2024


      There's nothing like Compassionate Conservatism answering the call of people in need. In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Republican Party CEO Elon Musk took to his private social media network to criticize, and later network with, his fellow WEF Young Global Leader Pete Buttigieg over the lack of Federal response to the victims of the disaster. Musk cited a story that went viral last week about FEMA diverting Disaster Relief Funds to care for immigrants---all of these stories discreetly ignored the fact that the Republican-controlled Congress approves and funds FEMA's budgets, as did Musk.

     Musk, who himself is an immigrant and who has received millions in Government subsidies and contracts, didn't offer, as far as I know, to dig into his 9-figure net worth to help any of the victims; but oh well, I got mine...Such should be the motto of the New Right.

    Never letting a good crisis go to waste, the RNC dispatched President Trump to the scene for a photo-op and an opportunity to shore up the other impending disaster of North Carolina going over to the Democrats. The Nazi Candidate for Governor is down now by nearly 20 points in most polls. At least in the early 1930s, their German counterparts were shrewd enough to organize relief efforts during the Great Depression, but today's more evolved version insists that the hoi polloi should lift themselves up by their bootstraps, and nobody, it seems, campaigned for disaster relief here in America.

    Likely sensing that efforts in North Carolina are politically a labor-lost, the Campaign Team jetted off to the 'swing-state' of Pennsylvania. President Trump was joined by his woke wife, his probable replacement closeted homo JD Vance, and his boss, the aforementioned Elon Musk, who couldn't resist and had a Hulk Hogan Moment of his own.


      In a State facing a long-term economic decline and high crime rates, the GOP extravaganza focused on the Party's commitment to pro-Abortion causes, the immigration crisis (without mentioning, of course, that Pennsylvania is a common destination for immigrants bussed in and dumped by Republican Governors); while Musk grabbed the microphone to complain that billionaires like himself are too heavily regulated by the Federal Government

    Now, Musk's words no doubt carried weight in the current Pennsylvania Senate Race. The 2022 race was ignominiously blown, with the Republicans losing to a Democrat candidate who took the job because no one else wanted it and voters were concerned whether his health would enable him to survive until Election Day. The GOP's current candidate is Dave McCormick, who has trailed incumbent Democrat Bob Casey Jr. consistently. McCormick is another Wall Street hedge-fund manager, CEO of WEF Strategic Partner, Bridgewater Associates. The Deputy Executive at Bridgewater, Porter Diehl, is one of last year's WEF Young Global Leaders

     Prior to his term at Bridgewater, McCormick served as a 'consultant' for WEF Strategic Partner, McKinsey & Co., one of the most ruthless and unscrupulous Corporations invested in the Deep State, as well as serving in the Bush Administration's Security-State apparatus. McCormick's donor base is about what one would expect; as if we don't have enough of these types in the Senate already

    Candidates like these are what comes from people on the American Right complacently outsourcing their thinking, evading responsibility for their country and community, and passively assuming that anybody has to be better than a Democrat. Pennsylvania likely will be a Republican loss (again) and deservedly so, with or without voter fraud. 



Friday, October 4, 2024


       With the New Right descending further into Woke Ideology, the New Left rushing headlong towards Techno-Fascist tyranny, and the average Ameroboob blissfully sinking into effete oblivion, along comes Hurricane Helene to remind us all of two important things about actual Reality:

      1. The Globalist Elites don't care one whit about anybody outside of their clique; and

     2. Ultimately we are dependent upon a Power higher than them and dependent upon our God-given Reason and responsibility for our own lives and well-being. 

    Self-righteous Churchians and smug Atheists of today really don't understand the second point. Both are fixated on the idea of God as a capricious Tyrant who 'judges' humankind by outbursts of Divine Wrath. This is a notion that is a holdover from the days of corrupted religious institutions which melded Religion and Government---a curse that we've never fully escaped. 

   In prehistoric times, religious leaders taught to the people through metaphors and similes, these ancient people never having developed the art of writing (or if they had, it has been lost to us). The similes and parables that they drew upon were natural symbols of Divine Eternity and Majesty, such as the life-giving Sun, the powerful and mysterious mountains, ancient forests, etc. Over time, some learned that the Sun and other stars moved according to natural principles and that mountains and forests held significant natural resources. Instead of sharing this knowledge with the people as further proof of God's Providence, they shared it with powerful warlords (later to become kings and monarchs) and pretended that they themselves had power over these natural phenomenon. People were taught to worship the objects rather than the Creator and that the occasional aberrations in Nature were signs of disobedience to king and priest; whereas before their more enlightened ancestors simply took them as part of Nature. 

    There was some pushback in the Ancient World; in our hemisphere there were the Greek and Roman philosophers as well as the Hebrew prophets. (In the East, the pushback took the different form of religious reformation: i.e. Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, etc: these movements however were aimed at modifying the church-state relationship rather than emancipating the individual to realizing his God-given potentials). Jesus, and to some extent, Mohammed taught the individual relation was to God alone, but the institutions which arose after them solidified the old systems and the Divine Right of Kings held sway in the Christian world for over a millennium and in the Islamic world largely still does. 

    The idea of collective punishment comes from the church-state ideology; as does its secular concomitant, that the State is responsible for solving everyone's problems. However, natural disasters---and certainly man-made ones--- are not Judgements from God. God may work through disasters to bring good, but He doesn't cause them.

    It's noteworthy that both the Old Testament prophets and Christian teachers would confront wrongdoers and the latter would pronounce judgement upon themselves. This gave them the opportunity to repent. In this way, God doesn't 'judge' us as the term is commonly understood, like a legal inquisitor in a modern courtroom drama. We judge ourselves ultimately, because the spirit cannot hide what it truly is.

    Traditionally, Christian doctrine taught that the consequences of sin in the Afterlife was eternal separation from God. Metaphorically, these are described as the physical torments of Hell; but what these metaphors convey is the torment of a soul confronted with its own evil. Jesus' simile of sinners being cast out into outer darkness is closer to the real concept. Think of evil as something like a whirlpool, where continuance in evil deeds turns downward in an ever-tightening spiral until the soul reaches the point of a completely godless self. Despite its glamorization from Hollywood deviants, this what actually comprises the Kingdom of Satan and about the only thing that the media producers get right in the whole scheme is that those members of Satan's Kingdom freely chose to take up residence there. 

   I'm not going to attempt here to explain the Mystery of Evil, far greater minds than mine have tried and come to no conclusion. However, it is obvious that we live in a world where the confluences of Nature and the evil actions of men can and do occur for whatever reason. The question that we should be asking ourselves is how God would have us respond to others in need rather than pointing fingers or pontificating on the reasons why. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2024


     While the rest of humanity was watching events in the Middle East---a major power finally stepping up to curb Zionist aggression---we in Exceptional America were focused on yet another Big Debate, this time between two Deep State shills vying for the Vice-Presidency.  Mercifully, Tuesday night's event probably will be the last theatrics before November when we conclude what has to have been the most ridiculous farce of an Election yet.

    We weren't expecting too much here to begin with; just the usual gutter-level finger-pointing followed by both sides' paid media analysts claiming victory on one side and biased moderation on the other. The expansion of the war in the Middle East obliged the CBS production team to pretend as though it was an issue that they cared about and lead off with questions on the subject. Not surprisingly, both Vance and Walz slavishly bowed to the Pro-Israel Lobby with the CBS fact-checkers nodding approvingly. 

   Beyond the Middle East, the rest of Tuesday Night Raw noticeably avoided topics that might shake Americans' complacent equilibrium: topics like runaway inflation, deteriorating national health, living standards, and workplace safety; our corrupt educational system, corporate interference in elections, growing censorship, the expansion of the Surveillance State, etc. 

     The two candidates basically agreed on the 'Abortion Issue;' which for the perverts running Big Media and the Abortion Mills run by Big Pharma is a national priority. The Democrat position is that infanticide is a Natural Right which ought to be enshrined in the Constitution, while the Republican position is that infanticide is fine as long as the Federal Government doesn't mandate it---which amounts to the same thing, although both wings of the Uniparty apparently believe otherwise.

    The next clickbait issue that CBS brought up was gun-violence in schools; which the Media ownership has turned into a small-scale version of the Scamdemic. Vance jumped on this opportunity to advocate turning the public school system into bigger prison camps than they already are, saying: "We have to increase security in our schools! We have to make the doors lock better! We have to make the doors stronger! We’ve got to make the windows stronger! And of course, we’ve got to increase the school resource officers!”

    Walz actually called out Vance on this point, although nobody thought it prudent to mention that during the Scamdemic Walz wasn't the least bit squeamish about employing brutal police repression against anybody (except for BLM rioters when it was expedient to do so). Given the Scamdemic-level of police repression that the Republicans are proposing to deal with immigration, the moderators decided to let both issues float. 

    The CBS crew did float over to the topic of immigration, however, mostly because Vance had made a spectacle of the issue in September. During the 'debate,' Vance doubled-down on the Immigrant Invasion myth and turned his ire upon one of the moderators for bringing it up. As an interesting side-note, to lend even more of a Reality TV atmosphere to the whole proceeding, viewers apparently had some kind of app that they could scan when they wanted an interjection from the so-called Fact-Checkers. 

     Overall, there wasn't too much else worthy of comment. As to who 'won;' clearly Walz' Hollywood script-writers and Madison Avenue promotion teams did make him look like less of a Nazi than Vance. Vance's repeated appeals to blood and soil, peace though strength, open disdain for qualified opinions, exuberance for the police state, and obvious offense at having his positions questioned didn't help much in projecting a salable image---which is what these clown-shows are all about in the first place. 

    That truly is the sad reality of the situation. In Europe and Asia, people are pushing back against the Globalists and their New World Order while here we try to pretend an ex-Hollwood/Silicon Valley trial lawyer and the former head of various shady NGOs suspected of being CIA fronts are really going to do anything in the interests of the American people or Civilization in general. 


Sunday, September 29, 2024


      The Globalist financial and commercial cartels have been waging a proxy war in the Middle East now throughout the entire 21st Century. It began in 2001 with the Bush Family's phony War on Terror which pursued a policy of direct military conquest and subsequent colonization of subjugated territories. That proved to be too expensive in terms of supporting private armies and fighting resistance forces on their own ground. The Clinton/Obama Administration shifted to a policy of fomenting Color Revolutions and giving covert aid to organizations like ISIS. That policy likewise proved ineffective because the Regimes they installed were too unpopular and unstable. 

    Today, the Oligarchs have settled on the more cost-effective approach of subsidizing the Left-Wing religious cult running the State of Israel and allowing them free rein to carry out their policies. As our ill-informed populace reflexively is trained to react to criticisms of Israel as anti-Semitism and equally reflexively conditioned to hate Arabs, this narrative seems to have gained traction. It doesn't cost as much as Bush's nation-building or Obama's regime-changes and we exceptional Americans can virtue-signal at the same time.

    The actual purpose of all of these policies, however, hasn't changed although the methods have. The purpose is---and has always been---to prevent the growth of an independent Middle Class in that region and to secure their vast economic resources for the Globalist Elite. The millions dead in the region from Iraq to Libya also serves the depopulation agenda of these same globalists who wish to counter the high birthrates in the region.

   Following the outbreak of the Civil War in Palestine nearly a year ago, the Zionist Regime has slaughtered anywhere from 25-50% of the indigenous Arab population in Palestine: men, women, and children indiscriminately. The remainder of the Palestinian population---racked by rampant disease and displacement---is effectively broken and with little to no international support is doomed to extinction. The Final Solution to the Palestinian Question is now only a matter of time.

   In the last two weeks, the Zionist Regime has launched a systematic campaign of Terrorism and military operations against the Republic of Lebanon, assassinating most of Lebanon's leadership, killing and wounding over 10,000 civilians, and displacing nearly a million others---dropping US-made heavy ordinance into densely populated areas. Despite some more finger-wagging from the impotent UN, the Lebanese people have found themselves just about as abandoned to their fate as the Palestinian people have.


      The Zionists, like the Globalist Oligarchs with whom they work in tandem, believe themselves a Master Race destined by the Natural Order to keep us subhumans under their heel for all time. It's totally understandable that the New Age mystics and the Atheistic Materialists supporting the Great Reset would find a natural ally in Zionism (there are several Zionists on the WEF Board of Trustees, for example). Zionism is a philosophy which combines secular Left-Wing materialism with an underpinning of religious traditionalism. Of course, their 'traditionalism'---as is true of the pro-Zionist American megachurches---is very selective about how it interprets Jewish and Christian traditions. It's rather doubtful that either Moses or Jesus would approve of the New World Order; but a corrupt clergy and powerful interests with money tend to drown out the voices of religious leaders. After all, in our own Western History, the same combination upheld the Divine Right of Kings and kept our forefathers in subjection and poverty over 1,000 years. 

     Now, the Christian and Conservative leadership in the West should be the ones mostly strenuously opposing these atrocities, but sadly our woke leadership has manged to exceed even the squalid American Left in its rapacity (not to mention its eagerness to cash in) egging on some of the most egregious Crimes Against Humanity since the despotism of Pol Pot in Cambodia. I well remember scenes of Liberal Whackos high-fivving and cheering videos of ISIS massacring Christians and burning down churches in Syria; today the Woke Right applauds loudly when Zionist thugs do the same thing.

    Jared Kushner, who has been cutting real-estate development deals with the Zionist Regime to build palaces and commercial enterprises atop the mass-graves in Gaza, praised this new economic opportunity for the Oligarchs in the Ethnic Cleansing of Lebanon. Kushner wrote on Elon Musk's social media site:

   "Israel now finds itself with the threat from Gaza mostly neutralized and the opportunity to neutralize Hezbollah in the north. It's unfortunate how we got here but maybe there can be a silver lining in the end. Anyone who has been calling for a ceasefire in the North is wrong. There is no going back for Israel. They cannot afford now to not finish the job and completely dismantle the arsenal that has been aimed at them. They will never get another chance."

   Which echoes Kushner's words from only a few months ago relative to the butchery in Palestine: "The thing that I would try to do if I was Israel right now is I would just bulldoze something in the Negev. I would try to move people in there. I know that won’t be the popular thing to do, but I think that’s a better option to do so you can go in and finish the job… Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable." 


       Lest anyone assume that the Neocons don't entertain similar thoughts to following the Zionist example in our own country, consider the words of Neo-Nazi Congressman Clay Higgins, who also spouted on Musk's site that: "These Haitians are wild. Eating pets, voodoo, nastiest country in the western hemisphere, cults, slapstick gangsters ... but damned if they don’t feel all sophisticated now, filing charges against our President and VP. All these thugs better get their mind right and their ass out of our country before January 20th!” 

     Higgins' boss, Elon Musk, had the post removed because it was bad optics, but Higgins went on to say on CNN that: 
“It’s all true. I can put up another controversial post tomorrow if you want me to. I mean, we do have freedom of speech....It’s not a big deal to me. It’s like something stuck to the bottom of my boot. Just scrape it off and move on with my life.”

    Higgins' talk of scraping his inferiors off the bottom of his shoe is not too radically different the sentiments of NC gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson, who praised Hitler's Mein Kampf as an ideal ideology of how those inferiors should be treated. Both of their words reflect the actions of sitting governors like Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis who've made public spectacles of ethnically cleansing immigrants from their own jurisdictions---when not pushing them back off of some of Kushner's valuable waterfront properties to let them drown

    The leaders of the Globalist Oligarchy---Left or Right---live in a world surrounded by those considered variously as enemies or inferiors. There is no shortage of paranoid and/or opportunistic people willing to become their useful tools in keeping such Elites in their positions of pomp and power. Everyone outside of this narrow Oligarchy is considered expendable. Conservatives need to expose this Master Race ideology regardless of the outward trappings. We were founded on ideals of Equality before our Creator, our Rights as humans are not dependent upon self-appointed Chosen People or anybody else.