Saturday, December 3, 2016


     Two editorials recently appeared in the British news outlet The Guardian, which are interesting because they show objectively several points about the Manosphere and its Red Pill/Game Cult which we have been raising here as well. The first of these is written anonymously and is the story of how researching the so-called Alt-Right affected the author's thinking.

      The anonymous author is evidently a White Liberal, affected with the kind of false guilt common to that demographic. But if one can read past those biases, the author shows how easy it is to succumb to Red Pill thinking:

     "About a week before the US Election, I heard one of these Youtubers using the phrase 'red pilled'---a term from the film 'The Matrix'---in reference to people being awakened to the truth about the world and SJWs. Suddenly I thought: 'This is exactly like a cult. What am I doing? I'm turning into one of those a-------s.'"

      Exactly like a cult. 'Taking the Red Pill' is actually more than an awakening: it is a conversion process. It's noteworthy that the author began researching the Alt-Right in relationship to anti-Islamic movements. And note that he states: "The anti-SJW stuff also moved on to anti-feminism, Mens' Rights Activists, all that stuff. I followed them on Twitter..."

      Isn't interesting how exposure to MRA writings always seems to lead down the path of extremism? The author notes, after his awakening that: "It's clear that this terrible ideology has now gone mainstream. It hit me like a ton of bricks. The online radicalization of young white men. It's here, it's serious, and I was lucky to be able to snap out of it when I did. And if it can get somebody like me to swallow it---a lifelong Liberal---I can't imagine the damage it's doing overall."

     Not being Liberals ourselves, we can explain the practical dynamics of what the author merely felt. Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister was an expert in convincing otherwise decent people to do stupid and immoral things. Goebbels worked out the formula for effective propaganda: you mix just enough general truth with a lying message to give the lie plausibility; then you keep repeating the lie. Once the lie goes mainstream, people take it for granted and don't examine its underlying premise. That is exactly the formula that Red Pills and other cultists follow to gain and hold converts.

     The second article, written by author Matt Lees, is a more in-depth study showing how the Red Pill Cultists used the phony 2014 Gamergate controversy to insinuate themselves into political movements. Lees makes a very prescient observation: "The greatest strength of Gamergate, though, was that it actually appeared to represent many Left-leaning ideals: stamping out corruption in the press, pushing for better ethical practices, battling for openness...The strangest aspect of Gamergate was that it consistently didn't make any sense: people chose to align with it, yet refused responsibility. It was consistently demanded that we debate the issues, but explanations and facts were treated with scorn. Attempts to find common ground saw the specifics of the demands being shifted; we want you to listen to us; we want you to change your ways; we want you to close your publication down. This movement that ostensibly wanted to protect free speech from cry-bully SWJs simultaneously did what it could to endanger sites it disagreed with."

     Like the first author, Lees is addressing this from a politically Liberal perspective; hence he misses the underlying dynamic. The Red Pill Cultists were never about adopting ideals: their goals were, are, always have been to shut down and discredit those who oppose them. If we read their writings closely, the Red Pill Cult is all about reversing---not changing---corrupt social paradigms. They claim, for example, to be anti-feminist: they have nothing against gender supremacy so long as men are supreme. They claim to oppose reverse racial discrimination: but have nothing against things like Affirmative Action, so long as Whites are the only beneficiaries. So it was with Gamergate: the Red Pills never objected to the 'Narrative'---they simply wanted to change who controlled it. 

     Lees cites philosopher Umberto Eco to the effect that Fascism is built on 'frustration and machismo'---another way of saying, as the first author did, that young men are being radicalized. "The requirement of this formless Fascism would be---above all else---to remain in an endless state of conflict; a fight against a foe who must always be portrayed as impossibly strong and laughably weak. This was the methodology of Gamergate, and it now forms the basis of the contemporary Far-Right movement."

     Not exactly. Lees misses the point that the basis of the movement predated Gamergate. The Red Pill Cult has its roots in the Game/PUA Movement now controlling the MRM. They were the ones who gave Gamergate its impetus. Game/PUA taught precisely that gender relations were in an endless state of conflict; and consistently portrays women as impossibly strong and laughably weak. The Gamergate proponents learned from the Red Pills---not vice-versa. 

      Lees concludes by saying: "We have no idea where this will lead, but our continued insistence on shrugging of the problems of the internet as unreal---something we can just log out of---is increasingly misled. 2016 has presented us with a world in which our reality is being willfully manipulated."

       Very true. What these two authors are writing to Liberal audiences is just as important for Conservatives to understand. The Red Pills pose as Conservatives and Christians---while attacking both and openly expressing their goal of supplanting both. The tactic they employed in Gamergate is the same: they claim that the Republican Party and the Church has been feminized and they approach both institutions as Lees describes above. They are just as great a threat to freedom as the Far Left: and we must encourage Conservatives and Christians to oppose them at every turn. 


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