Wednesday, October 25, 2017


        On Monday, President Trump righted a decades-long oversight by awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor to Captain Gary Rose for his heroic services during the Vietnam War. Captain Rose himself was in attendance. A presidential aide gave this statement to the Corporate Media, which promptly buried the story:

         "From September 11th to September 14th, 1970; while his unit was engaged against a much larger force deep in enemy territory, then-Sergeant Rose ran repeatedly into the enemy line of fire to provide critical medical aid to his wounded comrades, using his own body on occasion to shield a wounded American soldier from harm." (As a side note here: the North Vietnamese routinely used to shoot wounded Americans to draw other soldiers like Sgt. Rose out into the open where they could also be shot.) "On the final day of the mission, Sgt. Rose---although wounded himself---voluntarily exposed himself to enemy fire while moving wounded men to the extraction point, loading them onto helicopters, and helping to repel an enemy assault on the American position. As he boarded the final extraction helicopter, intense enemy fire hit the helicopter causing it to crash. Again, ignoring his own injuries, Sgt. Rose pulled the helicopter crew and members of his unit from the burning wreckage and provided medical aid under fire until another helicopter arrived."

          Therein is quite a contrast both to today's military personnel and to what passes for masculinity today. Rose didn't need to read Red Pill blogs to tell him how to be a man---he simply was one. Rose is a hero to be sure and thoroughly deserved this long-delayed recognition. But this what defines a man---not the number of his sexual conquests; but how he behaves when the chips are down. Surrounded by a gang of Communist savages, Rose's only thought was for his fellowmen. He didn't run for a safe space as Generation Snowflake would do; nor he decide to save his own skin and leave the chumps and suckers to their fate as most Manosphere writers would advise. 

           In a recent post, we discussed how our contemporary culture is failing men. As recently as 1970, we were producing men who rescued people from burning helicopters under fire; today we produce males who beat up girls at White Power rallies. Let us just say for now that the latter's behavior is more reminiscent of the Viet Cong's than of American forces' during that conflict. 

          How did our culture's attitudes shift so radically in one generation? Cultural Marxism, which is rooted in the same kind of envy and narcissism that prevailed in North Vietnam, is largely to blame. The draft-dodgers and drug-addicts who evaded military service during the 1960s and 1970s hid out in universities and later graduated into Academia, the Media, and Government. The Left-Wing domination of our Cultural Elites and the political divisiveness of our society can be traced straight back to the Vietnam War Era. 

          We don't have to go many years back to the root of the decline, and thus the problem is not insolvable. But we do as a culture need to be made aware of the impact that our social decline has had on men. As President Trump said to Captain Rose during the ceremony: "Your will to endure, your love for your fellowman, your devotion to your country inspires us all. Nations are forged out of the strength and patriotism that lives in the hearts of our heroes." That is the attitude that we need to build in men again today. 


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