Thursday, February 8, 2018


    Vox Day, one the ringleaders of the Manosphere Alpha/Game Cult, has started a series of 'rebuttals' to a Christian blogger who evidently believes more in The Ten Commandments than Vox' grandiloquent Sixteen Principles of the Alt-Right. For those not familiar with the Red Pill Cult, their leaders are always making these absurd lists like these and giving them titles like Ironclad Rules, Commandments of Poon, and other nonsense in complete contradiction with Christianity.

      Vox' ire was raised by a blogger named Comic Hound, who wrote a point-by-point critique of Vox' loony manifesto from a Christian standpoint. Vox, though, immediately labelled him a Churchian and a Cuckservative as he does with anyone of the political Right who doesn't bow down to him. 

       Comic Hound's article itself is very good and readers are encouraged to link to it. It's very well thought-out and the author appears to be quite scholarly and reflective. This level of erudition naturally arouses the envy of the Gamers whose philosophy is based on an extremely low level of discourse. That can be seen by the fact that Vox' so-called rebuttal opens up with a torrent of buzz-words: "It is incoherent, incompetent, globalist, anti-Western, and anti-American!" he raves in the first paragraph, "It takes Christian theology and transforms it into something evil and Babylonian! He completely damns his own position with his ignorance, ineptitude, and philosophical incoherence!" Etc., etc.

        Experience with various writers has taught many of us that whenever we hear language like this, it's a good indication that somebody's been telling the truth. And it's very typical of cult leaders to dismiss objections to their dogmas this way. Now we here don't know what denomination Comic Hound belongs, but his statements are very much in line with most mainstream churches. 

         In Vox' first post he covers Comic Hound's first points by calling him a 'Churchian' four times; a 'jackass' once; and never answers a single point in between. He invents another of his many neologisms, tactobrication for the occasion. This term, he informs us, comes from being unable to differentiate between tactics, strategy, objectives, and identity. To cut through all of Vox' cultish mumbo-jumbo, he's essentially accusing of Conservatives and Christians of some kind of Defeatism because we won't adopt the dishonest tactics of the Left. In an earlier paragraph Vox complained that Comic Hound doesn't understand Socialism: neither apparently does Vox understand that his own tactics mirror theirs. 

          To clarify here: we follow a philosophy based in faith. Because we have Faith in God, we don't need to resort to the types of tactics the Left does. When Comic Hound says "we must stand for what is right, even when it means temporary loss." That is, we have Faith that what appears to be a defeat will ultimately rebound to glorify God. We've written here on several occasions of Christians in the Middle East who were martyred by Wahhabi fanatics in places like Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. Their willingness to die for their Faith, combined with the horrors inflicted by ISIS has caused a renewed respect for Christians there and many conversions. 

          Like the Cultural Marxists whom they copy, the Red Pills' faith is in an ideology. Not being of divine origin, their dogmas produce no self-evident Fruits of the Spirit. Thus they have to resort to force and fraud; and---in light of this deficiency---we can see why Vox and his followers admire people like Anders Breivik and Eliot Roger. 

         Vox also falsely accuses Christians of being hostile to Western Civilization. This is false because Western Civilization and Christianity grew out of the same source in Classical Greece. But Vox is especially exorcised by Comic Hound's assertion denying that the West is Christian because it is inherently superior. In fact all we really have to do is read the story in the Acts of the Apostles about St. Phillip's conversion of the Ethiopian chamberlain. The Abyssinian Church is among the world's oldest.

         No doubt Vox will have some further spleen-venting. In the meantime, though, read the link---it's very good. 


  1. I like how you removed any context for vox's quotes, threw in exclamation points where there are none, didn't link to his post, and left out the parts where he actually answered the points raised.

    1. I 'left out' the parts where Vox answered the points made because he didn't answer any of the points. As for taking things out of context, there wasn't much context to work with.

      I don't like linking to his blog because I don't like his click-baiting nor the Gamers' bad habit of doxxing people.

    2. he precisely and comprehensively answered the points but ok I guess you're right

  2. Thanks, Night Wind, for offering this guy some encouragement. Ordinary guys just walking out their faith in the real world, are my heroes. He also happens to be a pretty good writer.

    Vox is nothing but a small minded bully who gets off on trying to be an abusive jerk.

    1. Lately he hasn't even succeeded very well in being an abusive jerk. The whole attack on the Meadows Family blew up in his face.

  3. If you believe you are a Christian you need to repent of lying #1. All liars will have their part in the lake of fire. All. If you don't know where you lied, then read the 16 points again, read what you said about Vox Day, and see where you made your gaffs.

  4. Thank you for the encourangement. I am posting anonymously because they did quasi-doxy me, so you are 100% correct on their tactics. For the record, someone baited me with a request, "Not to burden you, but if you have time, you could go through and explain why you disagree with each of these..." and linked the 16 points. You have seen my response. Only six people had ever read my blog prior to the 7th of Feb; I can safely assume he delivered shared it with Beale's page. I keep reflecting on Matthew 5:11-12 and smiling.

    I will say, they got one piece of information correct. Nathan Hale said, "I regret I have but one life to give for my country"; Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death." I misattributed a quote. Patrick Henry's quote was much more pyrrhic; I should have used it. Since it was never my intention to ligitimize their beliefs by directly engaging them, I am not and will not be engaging them further.

    Thank you, God bless, and pray for those who hate us.

    1. You're welcome. Yes, one really has to be on guard against their slimy Saul Alinsky/Abbie Hoffmann-style tactics.

      It's very telling that so many professed Atheists are in the Red Pill and Alt-Right movements and are entirely in sympathy with them. At the same time, these 'Christian' bloggers attack other Christian bloggers and call them apostates, etc. By their fruits you shall know them.'

  5. Ugh. I don't follow those blogs. I did a Google search, and read what that lead me too. Yes, a lot of pointless bickering in these circles...

    I often wonder why.
