Thursday, February 8, 2018


     So we heard today two unpleasant news stories from the Middle East. One involved an unprovoked air strike upon Allied forces in Syria---supposedly to defend the terrorist Syrian Democratic Forces. This was apparently done under the pretext of "countering Iranian influence" despite the fact that Iran has been one of the staunchest opponents of ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Then there was another speech---this time from the White House---warning of "serious consequences" if Iran refuses to release Americans who are imprisoned in that country for breaking Iranian laws.

       'Rainbow Rex' Tillerson---the man who sabotaged the Boy Scouts and is more loyal to the perverts and drug-addicts ruling Saudi Arabia than to America---is of course the motive force behind these moves. He and his fellow-RINO James Mattis always unilaterally create some foreign crisis every time their friends in the DNC get caught in a scandal. Like the Nunes Memo, for example. 

         Trump made a serious mistake early in his administration by deferring foreign and military policy to so-called experts, so that he could concentrate on rebuilding America. This would have been a smart policy if Trump had removed the Obama-Clinton shills and replaced them with actual patriots. As it is, Obama-appointed commanders like Mattis and Votel are creating the same kinds of Foreign Policy disasters for Trump that they did for Obama. 

          In the first place the notion that Iran is the greatest threat to Middle East peace is Saudi propaganda---which their paid lobbyists in the Beltway and the Corporate Media repeat without challenge. Saudi Arabia and its confederates literally own huge shares of US media conglomerates and are one of Congress' largest lobbyists. Iran has zero financial interests in the US and therefore, no allies. The same is true of the Administration's misguided decision to brand Hezbollah and the IRGC as 'terrorist groups.'. These groups are in fact fighting Saudi-backed Wahhabi terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, and Lebanon. 

          Here is another detail that the US Media kept from public view. In 2016, the UN Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported that: "Drug trafficking remains a major challenge for the Islamic Republic of Iran. The geographical location of the country---especially its 1923-kilometer border with Afghanistan (the world's largest opium producer) and with Pakistan has turned it into a major transit country for illegal drugs. In response to this challenge, Iran has built one of the strongest counter-narcotics enforcement capability in the region. According to the 2014 UNODC World Drug Report, Iran accounted for 74% of the world's illegal opium seizures and 25% of  world seizures of Morphine and Heroin in 2012."

        So while we're fighting the Opioid Epidemic, Iran has prevented Opioids from ever reaching US shores! This while the US Navy challenges Iranian ships out hunting these smugglers on a regular basis. The report notes: "Iran reportedly spends millions of dollars annually on border control, including the construction of expensive barriers on its border with Afghanistan and Pakistan. More than 3,700 Iranian law enforcement officials have been killed and over 12,000 maimed in counter-narcotics operations over the last three decades." 

        As for the American prisoners Iran is holding---all of whom knowingly violated Iranian Law---Iran has offered to exchange them for Iranians held in American prisons. But Rainbow Rex will hear none of it---despite his pretenses of caring for the Americans there. 

        It's time for Trump to rid his Administration of the Neocons, RINOs, and DNC stalking-horses who are gumming up his foreign policy and stabbing him in the back domestically besides. And Tillerson needs to be the first drained with the rest of the swamp. 

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