Thursday, August 1, 2019


    In yesterday's post, we mused that Western Culture may have hit its nadir. No sooner had that article gone up than someone sent a link illustrating that, yes, it's possible to sink even lower. 

   No: we're not talking about the Democratic Party Debates, although that was pretty bad too. It seems that on a live British TV show this morning, a woman named Elizabeth Hoad married a dog; a Golden Retriever named Humphrey. 

  Sitting here in Trump Country on a hot day, quietly sitting in front of the computer and drinking iced tea---I wondered: what could anyone say about this story seriously? One of the biggest challenges a blogger faces sometimes is trying to say something substantive about events that are really too absurd for commentary. 

  When reading through the comments after the story, however, I found both the answer and some hope. The comments prove that not everybody is insane because they still have a sense of humor. And that sometimes one just has to laugh at this stuff. So, for our readers benefit, enjoy what some real people had to say:



  1. Your solution to the almost NON-problem is just spot-on!! The only way to deal with insanity (sometimes) is with humor, which is MUCH more amusing and even effective than bemoaning the loss of civilization!!

  2. Watch it all the way through. Filmed yesterday in Dublin. An Irishman who can actually think.

    I also read today that Roosh is now Catholic??

    The world is changing.
