Sunday, August 4, 2019


   Last night, we posted some thoughts on the Dayton Massacre, which happened shortly after the slaughter at an El Paso Walmart. The Dayton story was still fluid at that time, today we have some more information. The killing in Dayton seems to have been a domestically-related incident, as the suspect's sister has been confirmed as one of the victims. The suspect was another nobody from the Dayton area named Connor Betts. 

   Killings of this type always lead to Feminist male-bashing, so right from the start we'd like to commend the true hero of the evening, Sgt. William C. Knight of the Dayton Police.

    Sgt. Knight led a six-member team response team to the site of the shooting in an astounding one minute. All members of his team were men, by the way. Sgt. Knight sent the shooter to Tartarus, saving countless lives and sparing the long-suffering American public another Media Circus around a killer's trial. Betts was a terrorist; Knight is a pro. In shootouts, there is a difference between the two.

    Unlike the El Paso Massacre, the Dayton event doesn't seem to have been motivated by racism, though several victims there were indeed Blacks. Interestingly enough, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard stated that he was planning to request that the United States deport the El Paso shooter to Mexico to stand trial as a terrorist. (Under Mexican Law, the shooter Patrick Crusius killed Mexican Citizens abroad, making him liable to extradition under international treaties). 

   I have to admit that I rather like Minister Ebrard's idea despite the fact that Mexico lacks a death penalty. President Trump should agree to his offer. I think that it would put a real bite on certain groups---like the Red Pill Cult---and make them think twice about their liability if standing trial in other countries was a potential consequence of their words and deeds.

   And speaking of the Red Pills, the recent spate of domestic and racial violence seems to have emboldened them. Michael Savage posted the shooter's anti-Hispanic Manifesto without commentary on his own blog---with a link to the notorious 8Chan site for "further reading." Likewise, Brett Stevens of the blog Amerika---whom we have caught before  excusing racial violence. Stevens posted the entirety of the El Paso Manifesto without commenting on it either---although he titled the article "Alleged El Paso Walmart Shooter Protests Hispanicization Of Texas." The comments which followed were rife with praise for the shooter and anti-Semitic conspiracy-kook nonsense, yet Stevens took no moves against any of these writers. 

   Vox Day, likewise, has been spinning the shootings as 'fake narratives' and events staged to discredit 'race realists' like himself. Vox claims not to advocate violence, but his posts incite it on a fairly regular basis. In the days leading up to El Paso, just note some of his rhetoric:

    "Nationalism is under attack by the globalist gatekeepers and Christian nationalism will be targeted by the Churchians. Well and good. We have the truth, the Bible, history, science, and Jesus Christ on our side. They have lies, usury, and elite pedos on theirs. I like our odds."

   "I won't blame the Germans in the slightest when they start attacking both their own traitorous politicians as well as the migrants welcomed by them. And that's definitely "when", not "if". Nor will I fault that mother if she goes after every single CDU politician with a woodchipper. Their idiotic virtue-signaling has led directly to unthinkable horrors for the German nation. Multiculturalism will never, ever, work. Diversity is a curse and a prelude to war. English and Spanish settlers never became American Indians. After centuries of "integration" African-Americans remain a nation apart. After 120 years of immigration to the Middle East, Jews have not become Arabs. There is no Magic Dirt anywhere to be found on the planet."

   "Evil is aggressively attempting to erect the Tower of Babel 2.0, the Synagogue of Satan is shamelessly attempting to subvert language, nations, religions, and history itself, and yet various retards from every church and denomination prefer to engage in theological disputation rather than stand united against the god of this world under the banner of Jesus Christ. Shut up and get thee to the battlefront."

   "Whether you obediently cuck or whether you try to hide in your basement and brew your beer in solitude, Diversity will hunt you down and try to inclusivate you. So, you'd better learn how to stand up and fight for your interests before they are demolished through diversification."

    "Since most Republicans are, by nature, cowards, and since literally nothing terrifies them more than the possibility that someone, somewhere, will accuse them of being racist, I assume that they will not hesitate to obediently jettison Reagan from the Republican pantheon, as well as Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington. At this point, there really isn't any more room for anyone but Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, the Melting Pot, and, of course, the Holocaust."

    "Self-destruction is always and ever the aim of Satandom. This is because the god of this world hates humanity, and he hates all that is Good, that is Beautiful, and that is True. Whether you prefer to call his servitors the Left, SJWs, the Chantry Guild, or the Synagogue of Satan, the single most important thing to understand is that their actions are never coincidental or ironic or mistaken, they are always purposefulTheir entire purpose, their only objective, is to destroy. That is why no amount of appeals to reason, to capitalism, or to profit motive will ever prevail. That is why creators and builders must always remain awake and on guard against their blandishments, their appeals, and their offers." 

    This was all written by Vox during the days between the Gilroy and El Paso mass-shootings alone. The reader can see from this quite clearly that what Vox and other Red Pills are doing is assuming a position of moral leadership to otherwise lost and alienated men; filling them with their poisonous ideas and then pointing them in the direction of those they hate and saying "Go sicc 'em!" Then, afterwards, when the damage is done they pretend that the whole thing was a 'false flag', which in turn confirms their followers' paranoia. 

    And this is another thing that Conservatives must start doing: exposing these fake 'Rightists' for what they really are and showing that we have no part in their evil doings. 

    Finally for any readers in and around Dayton, a Family Assistance Center has been set up at the Dayton Convention Center. Those outside of Dayton with family in the area can contact them at  937-333-8430. The Dayton Foundation has also set up a special fund for those willing to contribute financially.


  1. I really appreciate your coverage of these tragedies and your thoughts on various matters, like disenfranchised men, red pill exploiters, and gun control.

    President Trump spoke of the internet radicalizing people and of making the big techies identify these guys before they act out. 8chan also made some statements. I'm a big free speech advocate, I don't know how you do that without driving people farther underground or acting like Big Brother with a pre-emptive crime unit. If I had a magic wand, I'd put a whole bunch of actual Christians and mental health advocates all over the internet and on the ground in the path of these guys. Ultimately what we have is a cultural problem, a lack of community problem, and troubled people become isolated and eventually either dangerous to themselves or to others.

    #feralhogs is trending on twitter right now, a meme mocking gun rights advocates, but it reminded me of something Vox once wrote about making people feral that revealed to me his understanding of exactly how this game is played. It was so evil, it made me feel a bit sick.

    1. Thank you. More and more Conservatives are waking up to the problem. I'm going to be posting about this later today, but meanwhile check out:

      These guys offer some solutions too.
