Thursday, May 18, 2023


    During the last three years, and the last 18 or so months especially, I have become increasingly disillusioned with what passes for a 'Conservative' movement in the United States. We're seeing less and less distinction between Right and Left every day, it seems. True, since Bush Sr.'s day, we've had to deal with Neocons and RINOs; but at least there was an actual populist Conservative faction that would stand up to them on occasion---finally this bore some fruit when President Trump was elected. 

   After Trump was overthrown in 2020, we've seen a new movement brewing on the Right. The "New Right", "Christian Nationalism" various other names are applied to it, but it's simply a more mainstreamed version of the "Alt-Right" that was around in the 2010s. The Neocon wing of the GOP has adopted this new way of thinking because they see it as a 'winning strategy.' We've always referred to the Alt-Right as Alt-RINOs, because---like the Neocons---they're simply reactionary Liberals. That is how they've been able to join forces despite their superficial differences. Take an example like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; who talks and behaves like a stereotypical Alt-Right, Red-Pilled manly Alpha leader while raking in millions in contributions from pro-Establishment jugheads connected with people like the Bush Machine and the Koch Family. 

   Starting with the 2021 Midterms, but really accelerating in 2022, we saw this new philosophy really gaining momentum. It seems like every day there's some new story about some based politician doing something as bad as---or worse than---what we've come to expect from the Whacko Left. This behavior isn't being condemned; it's being praised effusively all across the Internet. Just yesterday, the Republican Governor of Montana signed a Bill banning Tik-Tok statewide. Since when did Cancel Culture, Deplatforming, Censorship, and blatant interference with the Free Market become Conservative values? Of course, Governor Gianforte is an Alt-RINO scumbag from way back; even before he became governor we profiled his attitudes towards free speech and freedom of the press here. Note that back in 2017, we called him part of the 'fringe;' today he's a State Governor, which ought to show us all that this Party has moved in a decidedly unwholesome direction. 

   All throughout 2020/21, we heard the Whacko Left seriously suggesting that those who refuse the Loyalty Vaxx should be frozen out of society; including literally being ejected from it through mass-deportations. Not a few months later, the same targets of this Liberal venom were celebrating governors who stuffed immigrants onto buses and drove them for two days with no provisions and dumped them in snowdrifts. Victor Davis Hanson---one of those who passes on the Postmodern Right as a great intellectual---opined that it was "a teachable moment for pro-immigration Liberals" as if the displacement and maltreatment of a few hundred human beings was something incidental to the whole story. It should also be noted that in 2022, not a single Republican Governor who participated in the aforementioned Scamdemic lockdowns lost his seat as a result. 

   Hanson was back in form the other day, howling his usual jeremiads, this time over the controversy surrounding the downfall of GOP Congressman George Santos. The upshot of Hanson's wailings---which is being echoed all throughout the Controlled Opposition media---is that it's so unfair and so outrageous that the Left gets a free pass when they get caught doing scummy things. Maybe a genuine Conservative approach would be to note that Santos came from a local Party machine that previously gave us such sterling figures as Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg, and maybe our side should start vetting its candidates a little better instead of giving knee-jerk support to anybody who posts an 'R' after his name. 

   But, of course, that would be the Conservative approach: standing up like men, owning up that we made a mistake, and tossing Santos out of Congress and into jail where he belongs. But that was yesterday's Conservative approach. 


    Paul Gottfried, another product of Conservative, Inc Academia has penned a very pragmatic article warning of The Mad Delusion of Overscrupulous Republicans. According to this self-described "philosopher, historian, and columnist," we shouldn't be too hasty "piling on to their doomed foot soldier," and that "These legislators shouldn’t allow themselves to be diverted from their work by those who urge them to exhibit 'good manners.'" Gottfried argues that, in spite of Santos' "misdeeds and blunders" the Gentleman from New York "is still serving our needs, and the only reason the opposition is screaming against him in hypocritical rage is their hope of reducing the slim Republican majority in the House to the point where it becomes unworkable." 

   So, let's have a look at the 13-Count Federal Indictment to see what a few 'blunders and misdeeds' actually looks like:

  "A 13-count indictment was unsealed today in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York charging George Anthony Devolder Santos, better known as “George Santos,” a United States Congressman representing the Third District of New York, with seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of making materially false statements to the House of Representatives...

  "Beginning in September 2022, during his successful campaign for Congress, Santos operated a limited liability company (Company #1) through which he allegedly defrauded prospective political supporters.  Santos enlisted a Queens-based political consultant (Person #1) to communicate with prospective donors on Santos’s behalf.  Santos allegedly directed Person #1 to falsely tell donors that, among other things, their money would be used to help elect Santos to the House, including by purchasing television advertisements. In reliance on these false statements, two donors (Contributor #1 and Contributor #2) each transferred $25,000 to Company #1’s bank account, which Santos controlled. As alleged in the indictment, shortly after the funds were received into Company #1’s bank account, the money was transferred into Santos’s personal bank accounts—in one instance laundered through two of Santos’s personal accounts.  Santos allegedly then used much of that money for personal expenses.  Among other things, Santos allegedly used the funds to make personal purchases (including of designer clothing), to withdraw cash, to discharge personal debts, and to transfer money to his associates...

   "In mid-June 2020, although he was employed and was not eligible for unemployment benefits, Santos applied for government assistance through the New York State Department of Labor, allegedly claiming falsely to have been unemployed since March 2020.  From that point until April 2021—when Santos was working and receiving a salary on a near-continuous basis and during his unsuccessful run for Congress—he falsely affirmed each week that he was eligible for unemployment benefits when he was not.  As a result, Santos allegedly fraudulently received more than $24,000 in unemployment insurance benefits."

   This gives a whole new meaning to the term 'cheap politician.' Santos is facing 20 years in the Pen for swiping about $80,000...still a lot of money, but it averages out to $4,000 a year: about a third of what an SSI recipient gets. And he'll have to pay it all back on top of it. 

   Nevertheless, Gottfried's brilliant solution to all of this is offering the Democrats an exchange: swapping one of their corrupt members for Santos' resignation. (Like that's really going to happen). His hands are thrown up in pious horror that, in case of impeachment, Santos' Seat "would most certainly fall to a very left-leaning Democrat," and rhetorically asks "Do our GOP moralists, including pecksniffian critics in the GOP, believe Santos should resign in favor of this likely successor?"

   The answer is no: Santos should resign and the dunderheads in the RNC should do some productive work for a change and replace him with a better candidate. It's not 'a certainty' that a woke Democrat would win; Santos won it himself after all. It hardly gains the Conservative Movement any credibility to spout off about their commitment to 'The Rule of Law' then start circling the wagons around crooks and playing the Victim Card about how "Democrats do it too!" 

  Doesn't right or wrong mean anything to this Party any more? Or have we become like the Left to the point where political correctness is the lens through which everything is examined? I probably agree with Bruce Jenner politically on most issues: that certainly doesn't mean we should support troons as our representatives and spokesmen. 

    Arguments and evasions like those proposed by Hanson and Gottfried aren't fooling anybody; they make us hypocrites and buffoons. Worse still, politicians like Santos, Gianforte, and DeSantis make us dangerous hypocrites and buffoons. As Vox Day, one of the godfathers of the Alt-RINOs said, "We are the Alt-Right and both the Left and the Cucks are terrified of us, because unlike the Cucks and Cons, we are trash that not only punches back, but punches back twice as hard." It may be so; but very few of us oppose Postmodern Neo-Liberalism because we're not getting hit hard enough. 

    We've got to be better than this. We need to win people with Faith and Reason; offering workable solutions to real problems that will benefit everyone instead of mimeographing Democrat extremism and overreach. We need to drop this ridiculous 'Alpha' posturing and start acting like men instead of a bunch of elementary school boys arguing about whose dad can beat up the other kid's dad. That's not how you run a Government. 


  1. Well said. Speaking of neocons, this post reminds me of President Bush saying of the Iraqi war, "we're going to win over hearts and minds." A valid objection was that you don't win over hearts and minds at the end of a gun! Sometimes it feels as if the Right is still stuck in that place, convinced that "might makes right," and the way you convince people to agree with you is simply by showing force.

    Maybe there is a place for force when someone is breaking into your home or something, but for the most part we govern by faith and reason, by engendering empathy and cooperation. Even the alleged "alpha" chimps of the animal kingdom spend a lot of time kissing babies and wooing females because they know that without the support of their tribe, they are just one step away from becoming chimp nuggets themselves.

    1. Right after I wrote this, the news was talking about Sam Brinton---one of the freaks in the Junta--- getting thrown in jail. The Conservative Press was carrying on about that: the thing is though that Biden fired Brinton when he first got caught and hasn't defended him or blamed the Right for what he did. That's why we end up looking like hypocrites.
