Saturday, May 27, 2023


       Once upon a time here in the Prozac Nation, Memorial Day weekend was the unofficial start of the Summer Season which we all looked forward to with fun activities. These days of course Summers are best known for urban riots over whatever the Outrage of the Week happens to be. Since Memorial Day 2020, the holiday has been altered to the glorious memory of St. George Fentanyl Floyd, the martyrdom of whom to this date have left innocent men rotting in prison and property owners who've never been compensated for the riots which were orchestrated spontaneously broke out. Floyd, it might be recalled, performed the miraculous event of dying three times---according to the Coroner of a Fentanyl overdose and according to the Kangaroo Court trying Derrick Chauvin of both 2nd and 3rd Degree homicide. And some say that postmodern Scientism doesn't perform miracles...

     This Summer is shaping up to be a hot one too: with the Election Cycle farce getting underway; the Media egging on homo violence; and a fake 'Budget Impasse' over how many more trillions of National Debt is going to sell to the Global Financial Elite. June---formerly the month of weddings---is now Pride Month; and Independence Day has been moved to Juneteenth in honor of Critical Race Theory.  Any one of these is a potential flash-point for another False Flag. 

   Some Americans, however, still want to get out in Nature this Summer. To that end, the brilliant staff of Science Editors at the Huffington Post have informed those of us who might venture out onto the seas the most shocking and ground-breaking revelation in Biology since we all learned that gender doesn't really exist. Yes, believe it or not, Orcas are actually dangerous animals which overturn boats and eat people. Apparently, there is a major difference between the actual Ocean and SeaWorld. 

    The problem of Orcas doing these things apparently has Academia, Incorporated stumped, although one might be tempted to attribute it to the high levels of narcotics in the water within their natural habitats. After all, some salmon fisheries in the Pacific Northwest had to be closed a few years ago because of that very problem. And, in the North Atlantic, where the attacks have been increasing, we have seagulls apparently imitating American city-dwellers and assaulting innocent people to get their fix. There are many of us who also believe in a correlation between mass-violence in the United States and narcotic use; but these same scientists dismiss such notions as conspiracy theories. 

    Be that as it may, in 1965 G.L. Herter, now a Dead White Male and CEO of a now-defunct sporting-goods company, published a manual for professional hunters and guides. The following article appeared under the title The Most Dangerous Big Game Animal in the World:

     "The Killer Whale, or Orca, is considered by those who know not only the hardest big game trophy to get but by far is the most dangerous. The trophy on this animal is the lower jawbone with teeth in it. To take out a small boat from 14-16 feet long and go kill an Orca with a rifle really separates men from boys. The Killer Whale just naturally has a bad disposition and is afraid of nothing. He will attack much larger whales with no fear at all and will literally tear them to pieces. They attack sharks, swordfish, and walruses whenever they feel like it. They will attack a small boat, tip out its occupants and eat them with relish. Harpooners in small boats keep away from them entirely."

     In the latter part of the 20th Century, that category of activists whom the late Rush Limbaugh accurately described as environmentalist whackos undertook a campaign to polish the Orca's image. God only knows how many people's deaths they've been responsible for by luring them out into the midst of such dangerous creatures. 

    The City of Seattle adopted the Orca as an unofficial mascot. For those familiar with the kinds of people inhabiting Seattle, the choice of totem that "naturally has a bad disposition," randomly attacks others for no reason at all, and is avoided by productive working people actually seems appropriate. Orcas and Seattlites seem in many ways to be kindred spirits---down to, and including, playing the victim card for PR firms. 

    When it comes to understanding how Nature actually works, it is truly a wonder that more Americans don't become casualties when coming in contact with it. Our postmodern schools and media manufactures morons. Back in the time when organizations like the Boy Scouts meant something different than scouting for boys, young men were exposed to the forces of Nature and learned some respect for it. Over the years, I've seen videos on Youtube---invariably produced by someone of the Millennial or Zoomer age-range--- that contain some of the most stupidly suicidal activities in the environment imaginable. 

   I've seen videos of people getting out of their cars---with their kids no less---because they spotted a family of bears off in the distance. There they are swooning and taking snapchats: blissfully ignorant of the fact that bears are completely unpredictable and that they automatically go into 'flight or fight' mode if even slightly spooked. In the case of mother bears with cubs, 99% of the time, fight-mode comes up and she can cover the length of a football field in about 5-6 seconds when really pressed. 

  I watched another with two dorks who were going to search an abandoned building at night. This place was in bayou country and the area around it had recently flooded. These two dorks waded over a mile in the dark, totally oblivious to the sinkholes and fallen objects underwater which they couldn't see. That, and the fact that alligators often visit these flooded areas to feed at night, as do poisonous snakes. 

  Another pair of geniuses decided to go into a cave which someone had posted a warning sign near. They first thing they saw upon entering was a pile of animal bones: which is a sure sign that one should make a beeline in the opposite direction. The inhabitant of such a cave is highly unlikely to be friendly-disposed to intruders. Nonetheless, Millennial-Man and Zoomer-Boy were undeterred. As they went deeper inside, they heard 'rustling' and 'what sounded like growls'. Their cameras picked up a shadow moving further back and they decided to leave. The shadow looked to me like that of a very large bobcat---if they'd pressed on and cornered that with its back to the wall, they would have gotten a serious reality-check. 

   On a more humorous note, I did watch one video where these campers at night kept finding these mysterious brown pellets around and were picking them up and showing them to the camera. Apparently, they'd never seen deer manure before. 

      It's wise to be prepared when out in Nature, but when ignorance and hubris are brought into the picture, such people are a danger to themselves and others. It never bothered me to take an inexperienced girlfriend or young boy outdoors; they had a natural and healthy fear of the unknown. The know-it-alls, the show-offs, the types who've had 'green' ideology stuffed into their heads: these types should be avoided because they're disasters looking for a place to happen. 

    In other words, Nature is for those who have some elementary connection with Reality. Being out in Nature is a rewarding experience; but don't go swimming with Orcas or wading through swamps at night. Such things might make for viral Youtube videos, but the last in the series is likely to feature some creature's bared teeth before everything goes blank. In this world, lions don't lie down with lambs just yet. 



  1. LOL! Well said. Where I live we are now over run with deer, likely drug addled deer, but it could be related to inbreeding, too. Recently the City Council was forced to hear a myriad of complaints and reports of deer assaults. I could not attend on account of the fact that I would probably start laughing. It is kind of amusing how so many rabid environmentalist seem to have no actual experience with their environment at all.

    1. I hadn't thought about the deer. Local vets, though, have said that they've been getting high numbers of dogs and cats (and even horses) with narcosis. Given that these retards are throwing pot in everything from pizza to barbecue sauce---even sodas, ice cream, and candies---I wonder about the wildlife, especially ones that forage garbage cans. I suppose that a possum would probably just crawl into a tree and hang by its tail swinging in the breeze; but a stoned raccoon or a rat might be a problem.
      Yes, these environmental whackos here know nothing. I remember King County banned traps in the 90s, saying that 'Green Technology' would work and now Seattle is overrun with rats. The geese have gotten so bad around the lakes in Seattle that they've polluted the water with their droppings. You can't convince these pinheads of anything because they think they're smarter than Nature.
