Friday, February 9, 2024


      In the run-up to the Big Event this Sunday (commonly known as the Super Bowl), the U.S. Supreme Court began hearing arguments in America's second-biggest spectator sport, the Presidential Elections. The case centers on Colorado's unilateral decision to remove the President-in-Exile from this November's electoral ballot. Cheering sections for each team were on hand outside the Court.

    The Controlled Opposition is excited because preliminary remarks from our black-robed friends on the bench seemed to indicate a decision favorable to the President's cause, even though this is exactly the same bunch who, in 2020, ignored hearings on voter fraud. Another interesting bit of irony is that. less than two weeks ago, the same experts and influencers on the Right were proclaiming that Texas had every justification to ignore the Supreme Court's rulings regarding Border jurisdiction. Applying the Right's own logic here, it would seem that States have a right to determine who is and isn't on their ballots (this incidentally is what Colorado's attorneys are arguing). We're not arguing here that Colorado has a valid case; but the double-standards here ought to raise a few questions.

    More interesting though is the near-universal silence from the Conservative Media about their own Party's overt complicity in bringing these disqualification suits against Trump in the first place---just like they've been silent over Neocon double-dealings on the Border issue. The Supreme Court case is no different in this respect. This week, for example, three former Republican Governors---one of whom was RNC Chair under Bush Jr.---filed an Amicus Brief with the Supreme Court in support of Colorado's case

   Marc Racicot, former Governor of Montana, said: "Trump violated his oath through actions that were elevating his own political interests over the governmental stability secured by the peaceful transition of power. Should Mr. Trump be permitted to stand again for election to the presidency, despite his past actions, neither Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment nor the oaths that undergird the bedrock premise that public officials serve to advance the welfare of the people and our common national project will ever be the same. They will have been rendered meaningless in their legal force and stripped of their moral authority and power.”

   Racicot was former RNC Chair overseeing the 2002 midterms and was involved in Bush's 2004 re-election campaign. He served two terms as Montana Governor. The other two endorsing Racicot's Brief were Bush's former Education Commissar and ex-New Jersey Governor Christine Todd-Whitman and former Massachusetts Governor and Harvard University President William Weld. Weld is also active in the Libertarian Party. 

   One would assume that such actions from the GOP leadership would draw at least a little scrutiny from the GOP's trained seals in the Punditocracy, but they've been strangely silent. Bringing these matters to attention though would undermine the Official Counter-Narrative that the Republican Party is standing as a united front against the Junta's abuses of power. It also might start causing a few of the true believers out there to start questioning whether they're being told the whole truth about the Neocons' actual objectives in 2024. 

   In spite of media-driven fantasies on the Right, Conservatives shouldn't forget that the never-Trump Bush Machine, Koch Family Foundation, and Neocon elements of the Deep State are still in actual control of what the Republican Party does. In today's system of Inverted Totalitarianism, a million dollars can cancel a million votes fairly easily. Both Parties are committed not to repeat their blunders in 2016 and allow another populist into power. 

  To underscore this point, the actual Government of the United States (and the West generally), the World Economic Forum issued an urgent message from its unofficial Party spokesxhe, Noah Harari this week. 

      Harari's warning, of course, was neatly timed with the fear-mongering whipped on about Right-Wing extremist violence should the Trump disqualification be allowed to stand. It also very coincidentally dovetails with Bush Machine asset Greg Abbott's escalation of tensions at the Southern Border. Suspicious minds might be wondering that the ruling Elite might actually desire some of the "disorder, chaos, and violence" that Harari hints at. 

    Sadly, though, many on the Right would rather cling to the illusion that there really is an opposition party; that voting really does matter; and that the threats to America all come from foreign elements instead of our own Corporate Deep State. No amount of evidence to the contrary is going to convince them: the show must go on; Super Bowl or Super Tuesday, it's all part of the same performance.


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