Sunday, February 11, 2024


     So today in the Prozac Nation we have Super Bowl Sunday, where beginning about six hours from this writing, the entire United States of America is going to grind to a halt in collective awe and reverence to what has become an annual monument to Corporate Greed, celebrity-worship, Political Correctness, and the winner-take-all mentality currently pervading our culture. The spectacle always begins with the singing of the National Anthem, flag-waving, and fireworks to underscore how symbolic of American Culture this whole farce really is; followed by a coin-toss underscoring the American idolatry of Chance. Really all that the Super Bowl really accomplishes is reinforcing some of the most cynical philosophers' views on Human Nature, because this is it at its worst.

    For my own part, if I didn't regular newsfeeds, I probably wouldn't even have known about it. There is, every year, a lot of talk bandied about on the Internet fears of a False Flag or some other incident: but I'm going out on a limb here and predicting that won't happen. Something political and controversial will happen---it invariably does---but the Oligarchs aren't going to disrupt this major distraction that they so carefully organized. When the Roman Empire fell, the Barbarian generals ordered their troops not to disrupt the circuses or theaters (yes they were still having those with Rome under siege) because they reasoned that the people would resist more over that than the sacking of the Eternal City. Our Elites think the same way. Recall that during the Scamdemic, sports and entertainment---along with ample narcotics---were freely available while schools, social venues, churches, libraries, and hospitals were off-limits. Even weddings and funerals were restricted but the Deep State knew that even stealing an election and staging a Color Revolution could go unresisted but no way would people stand for their hedonistic pleasures to be curtailed.

    Lest this gloomy state of affairs tempts people to turn to Pessimistic philosophers or otherwise lose their faith in humanity; consider that the rest of the world is going on and positive things are happening. In Europe, a popular revolt against their Deep States is gaining traction. In the Middle East, the Freedom Fighters are liberating their homelands from the Western yoke. In Russia, people on their frontier have been saved from Neo-Nazi tyranny and President Putin is predicted to coast to re-election next month. In Africa, churchmen are defying the Woke edicts of the Vatican and governments are ejecting American NGOs and Corporate Robber-Barons. Even in China, where Chinese New Year coincides with annual Spring Break, the Government is extending the holiday another week as they did last year. Reports of a demographic decline over there has the Chinese Government extending things like Spring Break and even running PSAs encouraging falling in love and the virtues of marriage. I can't imagine our exceptional Government doing anything like that, but it would be a welcome change. 

    Hopefully, many of us Americans will find something positive and productive to do today. I know that we can't ignore it completely, but we'll all feel a lot happier to the extent that we do. 


1 comment:

  1. I do not participate in the "holy day" we call the Superbowl, but that really is no surprise. What is kind of interesting is that most of the men in my life don't either, not my husband, not my son. They love sports, but not the commercialism and celebrity worship of professional football.
