Saturday, February 17, 2024


     Mercifully for the United States, the US Congress adjourned on Friday for a two-week recess, forestalling any further damage that these idiots can do to the country until March. Presumably, they're going back to their districts to rev up support for the Red Wave they think is happening in November: although what accomplishments they actually can cite will take considerable imagination. Most of them, though, realize that they're talking to people who'll vote for anybody with an 'R' after his name and who really believe that there is some essential difference between them and the Democrats. 

    In reality, the Republican leadership---such little as has existed---has been more active in the interests of Israel than of the United States. Anyone who points out that inconvenient truth is labelled an anti-Semite, which has become the Right's version of systemic racism. 

    It really would behoove American Conservatives to stop and think a little bit about this. The Zionist onslaught in Gaza is now four-and-a-half months long with over 40,000 civilians dead. Recall that this is over 120 days that the Palestinian people have had no water, electricity, food, medical supplies, or sanitation. The Regime yesterday attacked one of the few remaining hospitals, such as still 'functions.' A doctor's account of what services this hospital provides is:

   "We stand helpless, unable to provide any form of medical assistance to the patients inside the hospital or the victims flooding into the hospital every single minute. Staff were forced to transfer all the patients and the wounded to the hospital’s old building. Israeli forces were rounding up patients and civilians taking shelter in the hospital. Electric power was cut off from the entire medical complex. Many patients in ICUs and those on oxygen supply and also those on dialysis are left fighting for their lives since 3 am.There is no electricity, oxygen, food or heating in the hospital. We are looking at another health facility being pushed out of service by Israeli forces. It is a continuation of the psychological warfare emphasizing to Palestinians there is no safe place across the Gaza Strip."

   From the Red Crescent, whose members have been targeted by Zionist goon squads:

   "People who were so desperate that they were resorting to grinding up animal feed to use as flour are now finding that even this poor substitute is completely running out. As grim as the picture is, things will get substantially worse if Israel proceeds with its plans for a full military operation in Rafah, which is the main centre of aid distribution for the entire strip. Aid operations will grind to a complete halt, denying a lifeline to hundreds of thousands of people. he consequences are unimaginable."

   Then we have this from one of the leaders of the Israeli Secret Police:

   That the punditocracy and political class on the so-called American Right can look upon this with serenity ought to make us consider: if they are supportive of this, what do you suppose they would do to Americans who stood in the way of the Great Reset? Because make no mistake about it: the Great Reset is what this conflict in the Middle East is all about. The Deep State's support for Israel’s genocide is bound up with its geopolitical ambitions.  The US ruling class aims, with the assistance of Zionist fanaticism, to consolidate its dominance over the energy-rich and strategically important region against its rivals, China and Russia.

   The blather about 'Islamic Extremism' is a smokescreen. The real threat to Civilization is the collection of neo-Fascist Corporate Oligarchs who are actually here; undermining our freedoms in real time. The hired scumbags in the Controlled Opposition---e.g. Ben Shapiro, Mark Levine, Victor Davis Hanson, Dennis Prager and their flying monkeys all over the American Right---willfully and deliberately give a free pass to the gangsters in Davos and sell their constituencies on xenophobia and paranoia. There are no 'principles' involved in any of this: these are amoral blackguards who would sell out to anybody. 

   These same charlatans talk ad nauseum about our 'shared Judeo-Christian traditions' as though this trope was a self-evident fact. In the first place, Judaism and Christianity are entirely separate religions: the Jews rejected Christ and arranged for His Crucifixion after a show-trial. Secondly, the Jews had no input whatsoever in America's founding. 

  Historically speaking, Jewish Culture has never been friendly to human liberty or human rights. It is authoritarian at its core, as reading the Old Testament or the histories of Flavius Josephus show. After the conquest of Palestine, the disciples of Moses established a republican form of government where every man was answerable only to God for his actions. The Jewish people rejected this, and demanded a king over the objections of the prophet Samuel. Their slavishness to despotism was so pronounced that they believed (as many Zionists today do) that God punishes citizens of a nation for the sins of their leaders. It is not difficult to imagine how such a belief can excuse the horrors of genocide and ethnic cleansing currently being carried out by the so-called Chosen People.

  Their prophets routinely denounced this policy as Ezekiel did, who stated: "It shall no longer be said that 'the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge.'Everyone shall die for his own iniquity...the soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of his father; neither shall the father bear the iniquity of his son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."

   Nonetheless, the Jews continued in their ways, and by the time of Christ were run by a leadership of self-appointed 'elites' made up of the educated and moneyed classes who despised the common people as inferiors. This form of leadership continued into the communities formed after the Jewish Diaspora and has continued on into the modern State of Israel which is top-down authoritarian to its very core. In fact, many of the Jews who did immigrate to the United States did so to flee the tyranny of their local overlords just as much as official persecution, if not more so. It was the Jewish leadership again, who took a wholly different approach and historically supported the British Monarchy both in the War of Independence and the War of 1812; as well as supporting the Confederacy in the Rebellion of 1861. 

   Now, Orthodox Jews reject Zionism as contrary to the original teachings of Moses, as do several of the Reformed Community. However, their republican ideals are suppressed by the money and political power of the Zionists, whom the rightly regard as one of the most powerful cults in the world today.

   It is not surprising that the Zionists would be attracted to a concept like the New World Order, and support it to the point where many believe that they actually run it. But the Zionists are only a faction within a larger superstructure with whom they share common goals. 

  The Christian Right needs to reflect upon how much of what they're supporting reflects Christian teaching and how much of it reflects the heresies of the Zionist Cult. A Zionist triumph in the Middle East would open the floodgates for the Corporate Oligarchs behind the Great Reset access to immense resources and so-called 'human capital' which they---by their own admission and the many examples of their actions---intend to depopulate and subjugate. The barbarism that the Zionists are executing in Gaza will be repeated anywhere else in the world, including the West. If anybody doubts this, think back to the repressive measures during the Scamdemic and the even more brutal policies which were being proposed. During the Scamdemic, recall, there were camps being set up and calls for those who didn't submit to the scam to be rounded up and herded into them; along with calls to deny them any kind of services or supplies. Sounds a lot like Gaza, doesn't it?

    Unfortunately, this kind of reasoning likely will have little effect on the postmodern Right, where being an Alpha throwback to the old days of despots and dictators is seen as enlightened leadership. Their go-along-to get-along position on Scamdemic tyranny and their I-got-mine-sux-to be-you position on social issues bodes ill for the Freedom Fighters in Palestine and elsewhere. Our real enemies ultimately are within ourselves; and no amount of authoritarianism is going to save us from that; the worst tyranny of all.





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