Friday, February 5, 2021


      Insanity Bytes has written a trio of good articles lately; one on fake Conservatism;  one on the consequences of MSM fake news; and today touched on how false guilt works works against us in relationships. She makes a point in today's article which dovetails into our article yesterday, where we spoke of the weaponizing of science; psychology in particular. I'd like to expand upon this idea a bit more. IB writes:

   "I’m still going to just say one thing, Toby says, “The fundamental thing that makes women weak is guilt.” Yes and the same is really true for men, what makes men weak is that same guilt/shame paradigm. We might wear it differently, have different expressions of it, but it is the same affliction. So repent, be forgiven, be free, and be strong in the Lord!"

  When it comes to the 'Social Sciences' many Conservatives tend to roll their eyes and think there's nothing substantive to them. But these things can be weaponized for sociopolitical ends, just like 'hard sciences' can. Psychology in particular has been converted into a tool by the Neo-Marxists; and it has been very effective in its applications. 

  The reason that many on the Right discount Psychology is because the majority of what they're exposed to today is the pop-psychology which is fed to the masses for popular consumption. This sort of junk-science is also promoted by stupid Red Pills like Vox Day and Rollo Tomassi; as well as occasionally trotted out in the MSM to explain away why people do things like believing in God or refusing to wear masks. The Elites who control both Media and Academia in the U.S. don't want the masses doing much critical thinking on the mechanics of thought and behavior. 

  Be it known in Academia, Inc. today, science---and learning in general---works like initiation into an occult secret society does. Prospective students are today routinely vetted by Admissions Departments; and those deemed to have displayed the proper Politically-Correct attitudes (or are least neutral) get admitted. After this, a weeding-out process begins. They're fed some general truths intermixed with ideological garbage. The ones most receptive to the general truths get put on a track that will enable them to work at ordinary levels in their profession. 

  The ones receptive to the ideology get advanced on a different track. They're fed with more ideology and less learning. Here they go on another screening. The 'true believers' get put on a track which enable them to become advisers, consultants, and influencers of different sorts. The remainder who show that they understand that the ideology is all bunkum and useful only for controlling the masses go on to a higher level. There they're taught the real principles of a science like Psychology, and how to turn it from healing mental disorders to proliferating them and making a populace easier to control. Those in this class become professors and administrators themselves; or are placed in executive positions with Media and other Corporations. Some become high-level political advisors, contributors to the WEF, etc. This paradigm is true of practically every subject studied in a postmodern American university today.

   The Marxist Left uses exactly the same techniques on society that abusers use in interpersonal relationships; for the same reasons. The false guilt that IB mentions is one of their most potent and effective weapons. Take for example this abominable 1619 Project that the Bolsheviks are foisting upon schoolchildren. They're instilling for life a false guilt into a generation of boys who'll grow up believing that all of the abuse that their Masters in Big Government and Big Business heap upon them is something they deserve for being born White. 

   Concurrent with this 'guilt/shame' paradigm, abusers mix in a certain amount of forbidden, or guilty pleasures that both relaxes any natural resistance in the victim and bonds them to the abuser. In public schools, an example of that is Drag Queen Story Hour, which has now been enshrined into national policy by the Junta. 

  Children at the Elementary School level have a natural curiosity about sex; which is handled in discreet ways by families and by more heavy-handed 'official' propaganda. Some innocent sexual play happens in childhood; and this is normal although officially the policy is overreaction to it. This dovetails against the Drag Queen Story Hour programs, which (intentionally) brings up perverted sexuality in a less discreet way (but in a way out of the view of parents and others). In these evil and debauched performances, children are often encouraged to express their sexual thoughts in front of a group, which includes adults. With their understanding not fully formed, they are titillated with a forbidden subject (i.e. sexuality) by a gross misrepresentation of it, which in turn often results in a love/hate attitude towards authority. Complimenting the guilt/shame paradigm with the love/hate paradigm completes the circle, and the schools have created a neurotic too afraid to stand up to authority; passive-aggressive to all whom he learns to hate and envy. This individual is on a course to an adulthood of slavish obedience and appeasement to any oppressor he sees as stronger than himself. A few boys grow up to rebel either passively and become drug addicts or petty criminals; or aggressively and become gang members or terrorists. 

    I'm sure that many women reading this recognize the same pattern played out in the cases of abusive relationships. This is why public educators are scrupulous to elevate young girls with a special sort of false 'empowerment' promoted by radical feminists to disguise what is actually happening. The ages of 7-11 years, the Latency Period, when children tend to bond with those of their own sex are the critical target age involved here. What you end up with are weak women with a false sense of entitlement and empowerment who simultaneously are sexually drawn to abusive men and socially drawn to the oppressive Government as a 'protector.'  


    Bear in mind that the methods and science behind what I've just described was originally devised by men and women whose goal was to help people escape or avoid abusive relationships; in fact, in therapy they taught abuse victims how harmful ideas implanted during childhood led to these problems as adults. Just about every institution dominated by the Left has learned variations of this same technique---and how to employ it as a weapon. Just look most pro-Regime propaganda and see the same patterns of shame, guilt, fear mixed with indulgence of the forbidden fruit. The Media, Big Government, and Big Business reinforce all of these lessons learned in childhood. Last year we saw the same pattern played out: the repressive lockdowns, the mask and shaming tactics punctuated with tacit permission to embark on violent rioting and looting sprees. 

    Along with guilt and shame is the subconscious fear of exposure which, in the old days, the therapist would try to make the patient face as a way of a cure. The Marxists instead reinforce this fear by engaging in Cancel Culture and other forms of Political Correctness. These random acts of petty tyranny keep the average person from facing his inner demons---which, by the way, aren't even real---and taking a stand lest he, too, be exposed and shamed. 

    What IB says at the end: "repent, be forgiven, be free, and be strong in the Lord!" explains the irrational hatred and genuine fear that all of these Great Reset/New World Order types hold for the Church. Religious conversion, forgiveness of sin from God Himself breaks this entire cycle of false thinking---because it doesn't matter whether the sense of sin one carries is because of actual crimes or simply perceived because of an evil education. The Cleansing and Redemptive Power of Christ's Blood breaks not only the Devil's grip, but all of those of his lesser minions as well. 

    Just prior to and during the Trump Administration, the Elites made an attempt to co-opt the Church with a new sort of Rainbow Churchianity but Christ foiled them, as He said "My sheep hear My voice." Outside of very Liberal, New-Age communities, this movement gained very little traction; and now the Elites are shifting to outright persecution and are experimenting with Artificial Intelligence schemes. Don't fall for it. They don't own your soul or your mind; and free souls and minds are what they most fear. 

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