Saturday, March 30, 2019


    Despite massive pressure from the entire Left-Wing Establishment, the Georgia Legislature passed, by a vote of 92-78, one of the most comprehensive abortion-law reforms in the nation. The law bans abortion after the foetus' heartbeat is medically detectable: typically around six weeks. 

    Granted, the kind of 'recreational abortion' that too many postmodern women engage in  should be banned altogether. But the Georgia law is a step in the right direction and doubtless will save many lives. 

     The Whacko Left Wing is infuriated to say the least; their worst fear---that other states will follow Georgia's example---is already coming to pass. Iowa, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Ohio have similar Bills on the legislative agenda. Hollywood celebrities and others are demanding boycotts. This isn't surprising since Big Pharma and the Abortion Industry are heavily invested in the Corporate Media and vice-verse. 

    Abortion is not a natural act. Probably most women who support the so-called 'Right to Choose' have never had an abortion and likely never would. They support it for other women whom they've been told will benefit from the procedure. They've never thought about it beyond what pro-abortion propagandists have told them. The women who actually want abortion are the defectives---both physically and mentally. Envy of those capable of reproducing drives the first group and gender hatred drives the second. One look at the protesters outside the Georgia Legislature speaks volumes on that subject:

    And let us not forget that the entire movement to legalize abortion was driven originally by Liberal men; who largely support and promote it today. And mainly for the same reasons. During the years preceding Roe vs. Wade, the 'free-love' advocates promoted abortion as a means for men to have sex without responsibility. And today. the Legal Establishment and Big Pharma have reaped billions in profit; as has organized crime trafficking in foetal tissue and organ harvesting operations. If abortion were outlawed in the US tomorrow, it wouldn't effect most women at all; the only losses incurred would be among activist lawyers, Wall Street freebooters, and Corporate Media neurotics who rake in the cash off the sufferings of damaged and traumatized women.

     Let's hope that during the Trump Administration we'll see the ultimate end of this evil practice. We're on the way to that point, let's support courageous legislators like our friends in Georgia who are striving to make that happen.   




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