Tuesday, November 14, 2023


    The Controlled Opposition Media today has been raising some further ballyhoo over the specter of alleged foreign threats. Since the Republican Party today has no solutions for our domestic problems and see Social Issues as a Third Rail, they need bogeymen from outside our borders to frighten voters (as if voting actually mattered) to generate another Red Wave in 2024 (as if the previous Red Waves actually accomplished anything). 

   Yesterday, a publicity stunt to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkis failed. It had no chance of succeeding anyway, and the RNC knew that all along; but many Congressmen could vote for it safely to pose as anti-Junta candidates in next year's elections. The same Party who complains about weaponizing judicial proceedings against political opponents never has any qualms about doing it themselves. It's only wrong when the Democrats do it.

   The excuse for this stunt was Mayorkis' supposed inability or unwillingness to control the Southern Border, although nobody asks why we have a Defense Department guarding Syrian and Iraqi Oil Fields instead of actually defending American territory.  The Border issue likewise distracts from the other multitudinous crimes of the Department of Homeland Security: things like engaging in Domestic Espionage, shady contracting arrangements, infiltration with foreign operatives, funding exempt from Congressional oversight, etc. DHS was established by a Republican President, though, so abolishing the agency---as it should be---is not discussed.

   The second big story is that Chinese President Xi Jinping has steeled himself to go to San Francisco and meet with our nominal Head-of-State at the APEC Summit. Rumors that Chinese Military Engineers have installed high-tech air filters in Xi's apartment to eliminate the stench of garbage and marijuana smoke emanating from the San Francisco streets; or that said engineers have brought shovels and hoses to keep the President from wading in human excrement have not been confirmed. 

     For the past three years now, pundits working for Republican think-tanks and media outlets have been assembling all of the Democrats' Russiagate nonsense and cutting-and-pasting the terms 'Biden' and 'China' over the names 'Trump' and 'Russia.' There is a significant number of Americans on the political Right who seriously believe that the Junta and the Chinese Government are working in collusion, although spending about a half-hour reading editorials in the Chinese Media would dispel that illusion rather quickly. 

   To try and pretend that the Communist Party of China is really delighted with the Junta's military build-up on China's borders; the Junta's pressure on other countries to 'decouple' from China; fomenting separatist movements in Chinese provinces; placing embargoes, sanctions, and trade restrictions on Chinese officials and companies; whipping up anti-China hysteria over things like errant weather-balloons; scapegoating China for America's drug problem, etc---the idea of Chinese collusion is too ridiculous even for criticism. 

  Add into this scenario the utter subservience of the Biden/Harris Junta to the WEF Agenda, and the absurdity really becomes apparent. It ought to be telling that, while some Chinese companies participate in the WEF, there's not a single Chinese national involved with the WEF's agenda-making or directorate. To assume that the world's most populated country really likes being targeted for depopulation, or that CPC Commissars really want to be dictated to by Western Crony-Capitalists is laughable. 

   While it may be true that some Chinese domestic policies align with some of the US Deep State's (e.g. late-term abortion, gun control, domestic spying, media manipulation), these similarities are only superficial ones. The underlying ideologies are radically different. The Chinese Communists are utopian idealists who believe that their system will achieve human happiness and prosperity through intelligent and professional management. The American Plutocracy intends to establish itself as a Master Race with human capital to be managed in the most cost-effective manner to uphold the grandeur and power of a handful of privileged self-styled 'Elites.' 

   The Chinese Media itself is trying to put the most optimistic spin that it can on the upcoming meeting, but the general trend of recent Chinese opinion pieces and official statements indicate that expectations are not that high. The opinion of most Chinese analysts seem to imply---and this is probably closer to the truth---that the Junta, after its recent humiliating Foreign Policy failures is desperate for a Public Relations victory of some sort, while the Controlled Opposition is going to spin it as a 'sellout.' If APEC ends up like most of these recent summits have, Xi will walk away with a lot of promises that the Junta has no intention of honoring; the Republicans will howl that Biden is "soft on China," and nothing actually will change. 

   The real problem underlying Sino-US relations---and foreign policy in general---is that our political class approaches it with the same cynical cunning that they do in domestic policy. They are no more concerned with being fair to the Chinese than they are with being fair to the American people. The American political class approaches every problem from the standpoint of how they can sell a message which is crafted to serve their own interests; and deception and chicanery are considered legitimate tactics to be employed to those ends. While this approach might work on a defeated and dispirited domestic audience, employing these tactics against a major world power can have serious consequences. 

   Other major countries on the Deep State's designated Enemies List---notably Russia and Iran---have followed a policy of decoupling from the US and becoming more self-reliant. There are some officials in China who've suggested the same approach for their country. The problem that China faces in doing so is that, unlike Russia or Iran, the Chinese have a huge economic relationship with the Beltway and other Corporate-run satrapies. What our Oligarchs and their pundits don't seem to grasp is that we are just as economically connected to them, if not more so. 

  This situation is what makes the situation with China so potentially dangerous in the hands of Corporate crooks. The Oligarchy is both dependent upon and covetous of Chinese resources. This position is bound to lead to further intrigues and even eventual war. Worse still, they routinely mistake Chinese restraint in the face of their repeated insults as a sign of weakness. They made that mistake with Russia in Ukraine and haven't learned from it; not that it matters to them because human life is expendable to such people. 

  What is actually needed is a mutually-beneficial Sino-US meeting, like President Trump engineered during Xi's last APEC visit in 2017. But Orange Man Bad, and today relations between the two powers are at their lowest ebb since the 1960s and the US Economy flounders.