Monday, April 1, 2024


    So I suppose that by now everyone's heard that our Glorious Leaders hijacked yet another holiday, changing Easter to Transgender Day of Visibility (whatever that means). I'm not sure why anybody is surprised: as we've been saying here for the last three years, that 2020 was a Color Revolution and revolutionists typically change traditional symbols to reflect the New Order. It isn't as though they haven't done any of this without Republican complicity, either.  Now that this is an Election Year, the Controlled Opposition is feigning outrage over these usurpations of our traditions, just like they all reinvented themselves as fierce opponents of the Scamdemic during the 2022 Elections. According to Breitbart, Bruce Jenner was deeply offended by the shocking display, and the New Right certainly can't appeal to a higher authority than that. 

      While what the Biden/Harris Junta did was certainly worthy of condemnation, the outrage rings a little hollow coming from critics who only a week ago diverted over a trillion dollars from America to support the highly anti-Christian Regimes in Kiev and Tel Aviv. Lots of Christians didn't get to celebrate Easter in those places: Ukraine because churches were closed and Palestine because there aren't any churches left to go to

     To top everything else off, Republican Congressman Tim Walberg---a former pastor and operative at the Moody Bible Institute---spread Easter Cheer by calling for deploying atomic bombs in both situations“We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick. The same should be in Ukraine. Defeat Putin quick. Instead of 80% in Ukraine being used for humanitarian purposes, it should be 80-100% to wipe out Russian forces,” Rev. Walberg pronounced

   I prefer not to live under a tyranny of any kind; however if I had to make a choice, I think that I would choose one run by incompetent blockheads to one run by highly efficient fanatics. It's much easier to wince at things like Transgender Days of Visibility and go on celebrating Easter anyway than worrying about how a bunch of Alpha thugs with no regard for human life might react to snubbing their decrees. 


1 comment:

  1. I am male feminist, here me rore!

    Looks like the Uberman protocols worked, I am no loner a fates, you jelly bro?
