Saturday, April 27, 2024


     It's amazing how in our Postmodern dystopia the narrative changes as quickly the weather does. (Amazingly, too, most Ameroboobs think that humans control the weather, but dismiss as a conspiracy kook anyone who suggests that humans control the narrative, but we digress). Our Woke Conservatives now have abandoned their opposition to campus speech-codes and enforced ideology. Of course, for decades, the Right was content to look the other way while American scholars faced reverse discrimination, black-listing, ideological purges, but when certain interest groups start throwing cash around, the Party of Principle conveniently forgets where it put its moral compass. 

    Likewise, the supposedly 'Liberal' Academic Mafia which only recently was virtue-signalling about divesting in Israel and supporting the Palestinians has jumped on board has jumped on board with the anti-Palestinian hysteria and conducted some of the most suppression of campus protests since the Vietnam War. Of course, the whole 'divestment' scheme was a fake to begin with. Israeli companies simply 'divested' by outsourcing Israeli jobs to Palestine where they had a de facto slave-labor market and reaped huge profits, laughing up their sleeves at the simpletons who thought that they were making a statement against the Zionist apartheid regime.

    Randi Weingarten, a self-proclaimed Zionist and gauleiter of the American Federation of Teachers, took to Elon Musk's site to throw the Academic Mafia's full weight behind the Uniparty's moves to quell the 1st Amendment. Not a peep though or any concern over the fact that 85% of Gaza's schools have been destroyed and 261 teachers and 95 college professors have been murdered by the Israeli Regime since October 7th; but who cares? At least American Academia's positions are safe. 

    Not to be outdone, the Israeli Secret Police reminded American citizens that the recent bipartisan legislation signed into law by the Biden/Harris Junta expanding domestic espionage will be put to good use and that Americans who have nothing to hide will have nothing to fear:

This is no issue for our Woke Republicans who now embrace Affirmative Action; nor does it bother the Liberal Democrats too much, who never pass up an opportunity to rage against 'Christian influence' in government or accuse candidates of 'Russian Collusion,' but look the other way when foreign agents working for a cultish regime commit outright against outright acts of bribery against members of their own party

    Never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, Republican Congressmen are blaming the anti-genocide protests on China. The House Ways and Means Committee passed a resolution demanding that the IRS investigate possible ties of some of the protesters to Chinese-linked organizations. Yes: this is the same GOP which only a few years ago punished the IRS for targeting groups based on their ideology, saying then that: "It is improper for the IRS to single out groups for different treatment based upon their names or their ideological positions. An entitlement to a tax exemption should be based upon the activities of an organization and whether or not they fulfill the requirements of the law---not the policy positions adopted by the members of the group nor the name they choose to reflect those views. There is no excuse for this conduct." 

    That was then, this is now. It is indeed interesting how all of these Republicans who were always howling about 'Cancel Culture' and speech codes on campuses are suddenly in favor of it, just like these University Administrators who practiced reverse discrimination for decades in the name of 'celebrating diversity' are willing to suppress protests against a genocidal, apartheid regime. 

  Also interesting is how all of those mobs who protested over the death of a fentanyl addict in Minneapolis a few years ago have been so quiet, and no demands from the MSM about police brutality or celebrations of Summers of Love. Police aren't taking a knee with the protesters any more, which shouldn't be surprising considering that the same interests who funded the Floyd Riots are the same ones funding the pro-Zionist 'narrative.'  Of course, the Republicans did nothing in response then either, except to  clutch their bowties and never have said anything while innocent police officers were judicially railroaded and thrown into dungeons and left to rot by a kangaroo-court. 

   All of this proves again that neither the American people nor their own government is really in control, but that moneyed interests dictate policy. This is why elections are a complete farce: nothing but a show other than to maintain the illusion that people really are in control of their Government, and that politicians really do have any power to make or enforce independent decisions. For that matter, it also shows us that the beliefs that academia fosters freedom and independent thought, and that the legal system pursues justice, are illusions too. 

1 comment:

  1. oh hai nightsoils,,

    us liberal womyns luv killing innocent babies with an abortion clinic right next tooo every macdonalds!!!!

    but you cuntservative womyn like killing innocent animals!!!!

    someone should throw acid in her face like they do in progressive m muzzy countries butt hear, it would be free botox, hahahahahaha
