Tuesday, May 28, 2024


      So Memorial Day sort of happened. It's supposed to be the unofficial start of Summer, but here on the West Coast, weather conditions seemed closer to mid-March. As for the Veterans, they seem to be getting much older and much fewer in numbers. There's nobody left from WW1, a handful from WW2 and Korea, and all of the Vietnam Vets are collecting Social Security and VA Pensions. There are some veterans of the endless wars that the Pentagon has fought since Bush announced the New World Order in 1990; but they don't seem quite as proud of their 'service' as the older guys. 

    Surprisingly, the annual celebrations commemorating Whacko Left martyr George Floyd seemed unusually quiet; but Clown World was high gear nonetheless. The holiday coincided with the Jewish festival Lag B'Omer which typically includes celebrations with bonfires. The Israeli Government celebrated by firebombing a Palestinian refugee camp, burning alive an unknown number of civilians. The New York Times promptly echoed the sentiments of Neocon pundits that people calling such actions genocide are a bunch of anti-Semitic meanies. Pope Francis apologized to the Gay Mafia for the Church being 'homophobic' meanies too

   Strange alliances happened at home too. The President-in-Exile addressed the Libertarian Party Convention, and despite considerable pandering to the crowd failed badly to get their endorsement. Independent Candidate Robert Kennedy fared even worse; and the LP nominated a homo activist who formerly campaigned for Obama and supported mask mandates

   Meanwhile, following the Pentagon's ignominious defeat in Yemen, Head-of-State Biden addressed our brave xhes in uniform in Arlington to the effect that, despite our Pentagon's problems with attrition rates, gender dysphoria, obesity, crime, addictions, and suicide; our Military is still the toughest on the block. Not to be outdone, the Controlled Opposition dispatched shady Congressman Mike McCaul to Taiwan to throw some more gasoline on the smoldering coals, assuring our Deep State's puppet-leader that he can rely on the manly Alpha leaders in Congress to have his back.

    In the midst of all of this chaos, Jeff Bezos' propaganda organ The Washington Post took time to lament that a growing number of Chinese citizens no longer have positive opinions about the United States. Bezos blamed the Chinese Media for this situation, complaining that the Chinese Press doesn't promote American Exceptionalism to the degree that ours does. "Chinese individuals are now favoring the Chinese brand Luckin Coffee over Starbucks, opting for Huawei phones instead of Apple, and no one says the moon is any different when seen from the US now," the Post complains, "extensive coverage of American political polarization and public safety issues by Chinese media has led to the US losing its soft power advantage in China."

    Lue Xiang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences explained the obvious to the Chinese Media in response: "The US has always claimed to be the 'beacon of democracy,' but Americans are finding it increasingly difficult to achieve their own interests through exercising democratic rights. Issues such as identity politics, social division, and wealth disparity are becoming more serious, and drug abuse has become an almost incurable problem in the US. The political polarization and poor social governance in the US have left Americans feeling hopeless, and the overall decline in social governance has made the beautifully packaged 'American Dream' appear pale and powerless." 

   America's sociopolitical leadership should be saying that in this Election Year and coming up with solutions to these problems---which seem obvious to everyone else. This is probably a reason why, for example, the Chinese Media could have headlines today about opening a new high-speed rail line while ours could only focus on sleazy political sex-scandals

    The events of the 2020s in the United States increasingly suggestive, in fact, of some kind of collective nervous breakdown. In 1935, Dead White Male W. Beran Wolfe wrote an article about the situation in Germany which has some unsettling parallels to the United States today.

    "A defeat of the striving for superiority, a loss of face, subordination and subjugation in an individual lead to the condition usually known as a Nervous Breakdown. Germany is having a nervous breakdown at present...The pattern of a nervous breakdown is simple. One fails in a critical situation because one's 'private logic' has been knocked out by the superior forces of Common Sense, the force of Reality. One goes through a brief panic, and as one recovers from the immediate sting of defeat, one builds up an alibi. If you can, you can save face by hanging the blame on a convenient scapegoat. The mechanism of a nervous breakdown typically crystallizes in some simple device whose neurotic nature is apparent to everyone but the neurotic...Once this pattern has crystallized, nothing else matters. Reason is thrown to the winds, reality is excluded from consideration. The neurotic believes that by protesting loudly enough, he will communicate his own self-deception to the rest of the world." 

    We certainly can see this pattern in operation in the contemporary United States. The illusion of a Silent Majority of dyed-in-the-wool American patriots was shattered by the Color Revolution in 2020. Denying the Reality that the so-called Conservative Leadership largely was responsible for the collapse of our Republic, Americans clung to the illusion of an impending Red Wave. As this never materialized, scapegoats (e.g. immigrants, the Chinese, 'anti-Semites,' etc.) were promoted. The crystallization is apparent in the utter disconnection from Reality in most political antics, as described above, and which have been noted here on a regular basis; and the fact that this neurotic behavior has been broadcast with considerable hysterical hyperbole from the Punditocracy is proof the dynamic going on here. 

   Wolfe also points out that sexual perversion and obsession is symptomatic of these tendencies: "Himself a homosexual, one of Hitler's first acts was to burn the works of Magnus Hirschfeld {a psychologist of the last century who studied homosexuality in-depth} who may have known too much and exiled him from the country. Freud, too, whose teachings would point uncomfortably to the  psychosexual infantilism of the men who govern German destinies was also treated to a literary auto-de-fe." We see this symptom leeching out into the public discourse as well; holding up the likes of Bruce Jenner and the latent-homosexual Red Pill types like Andrew Tate and Doug Wilson as spokesxhes for the cause. 

   This again points to the fact that there is no political solution here. America's problems are spiritual in nature: we need to come to grips with Reality---not seek escape and evasion---and take responsibility for self-government again.


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